Monday, December 30, 2019
Definition Of Marketing Marketing Essay - 3142 Words
Definition of marketing: Marketing is based on the thinking about the business in terms of the needs of customers and satisfaction. Marketing is different from selling because Selling concerns itself with the tricks and techniques of getting people to exchange their cash for your product. It is not concerned with the values that the exchange is all about. The main purpose of the marketing is to increase the sales of the products and getting more profit for the company. 4P’s of marketing: Product Products area unit product and services that your company offers to sell to your audience. Once developing a product you ought to contemplate the standard, design, features, packaging, client service and any ulterior after-sales service. Place Place is with relation to the distribution, the situation and therefore the ways to induce the merchandise to the client. This includes the situation of your business, shop front, distributors, supply and therefore the potential use of the web to sell product on to customers. Price Price issues the number of cash customers that has to pay so as to get your product. There area unit variety of concerns in relevancy value together with value setting, discounting, credit and money Purchases likewise as credit assortment. Promotion Promotion refers to the act of human action the advantages and worth of your product to the patron. This involves convincing the final client to customers of your business exploitation ways like advertising,Show MoreRelatedDefinition Of Marketing : Marketing Essay3135 Words  | 13 Pages Unit Standard – 7455 Name – Gurpreet Bhatia Student Id – ND14414 Email Id – Task 1 1.1 Definition of Marketing – Marketing can be defined as the process of converting wants into needs. In other words it can be defined as the process of selling products or services to the customers by an organisation. 4 P’S of Marketing 1. Product – Product can be defined as the goods or services which is made to fulfil customer’s demands and needs. While making the product companyRead MoreDefinition Of Marketing : Marketing Essay9454 Words  | 38 PagesContents TASK 1 1 Task 2 5 Task 3 7 TASK 1 1.1 Definition of marketing: - marketing is defined as action of company any promotion and selling their product, service including research and advertising is called marketing. Company can buy and selling their product all that is marketing. (, 2015) 4 p’s of marketing. 1. Product: - Customer can buy something that they want for full fill their need. Customer should satisfyRead MoreDefinition Of Marketing : Marketing Essay3900 Words  | 16 PagesQuestion: 1.1 a) Definition of Marketing: Marketing is defined as an action, promotion and selling product and service including research and advertising is called marketing. And it’s converting wants into needs; it’s communicating the value of a product, service or brand to customers for the purpose of promoting selling the product, service or brand. The main purpose of marketing is increasing the number of sales. (Wikipedia, 2015) 4Ps’: Product: In marketing area, what are the customer wantsRead MoreDefinition Of Marketing : Marketing Essay3148 Words  | 13 Pages Unit Standard – 7455 Name – Gurpreet Bhatia Student Id – ND14414 Email Id – Task 1 1.1 Definition of Marketing – Marketing can be defined as the process of converting wants into needs. In other words it can be defined as the process of selling products or services to the customers by an organisation. 4 P’S of Marketing 1. Product – Product can be defined as the goods or services which is made to fulfil customer’s demands and needs. While making the productRead MoreDefinition Of Marketing : Marketing Essay4186 Words  | 17 PagesDefinition of marketing: Marketing is something which every organization does to place their product or service in the hands of potential customers. It includes diverse disciplines, public relations, pricing, packaging and distribution. 4 p’s of marketing: Products: The products play a vital role in marketing. They analyze the wants of the customers and offering them a product. They are also set the size of the product color of the product and other things. They are also considering about theRead MoreMarketing : Definition Of Marketing Essay2139 Words  | 9 Pages Name Gursimran deep Singh Student ID- ND15164 Define marketing Marketing is the activity, set of organisations, and processes for producing, communicating, delivering, and exchanging contributions that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. And this is management process through which goods and services move from concept to the customers. The 4Ps are: Price: Its mentions to the value that is put for a productRead MoreDefinition Of Definitions Of Marketing1471 Words  | 6 Pagesny definitions of marketing. Marketing can be summarised as a process by which a product or service is presented and promoted to potential customers. Customer value also has many definitions. The simplest form of customer value is defined as being what customers get from buying the product and the functional use of the product versus what they pay, resulting in an attitude toward, or an emotional connection with the product. There are four types of customer value which are functional/instrumentalRead MoreMarketing Definition1002 Words  | 5 PagesMarketing definition Every company depends on an efficient marketing program to fulfill customers needs. Marketing is a process of finding out what the customer wants and meeting those requirements. Within the company, the marketing group has to consider customer values and customer satisfaction before considering offering a product. Marketing is part of our everyday world, and can be perceived everywhere and every time. At any time, everyone has been exposed to different kinds of marketing orRead MoreDefinition Of Marketing And Marketing Strategy Essay3526 Words  | 15 PagesDefinition of marketing? It s is a process in which wants changes into needs. The activities of an organization connected with purchasing and offering an items or administration. The marketing process is having direct connection with communication and requirements and the actual goal of marketing is to expand the sales of the company’s product as well as the Company’s profit. In the terms of marketing, there are some of key points which are connected with the marketing such as target market, marketRead MoreMarketing Definition and Importance1431 Words  | 6 PagesMarketing Definition and Importance Marketing Definition and Importance The world of marketing is very diverse and can be defined and applied in many different ways. One person might be asked to give a definition of marketing and give a totally different definition than another person. Marketing importance to an organization can be different from one to the other depending on product line and ways in which the organization markets the product. In today’s paper one will look at two different definitions
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Censorship And Its Impact On Society Essay - 1658 Words
Modern culture and all throughout time books have majorly impacted civilizations across the world with their influential and thought- provoking words and content known in schools. Opinions have spur the intellect of the young creating many of the revolutionaries we have come to love and praise. Literature has been an important aspect of human life. It is the way we keep records of past events and it is the process in which we convey our feelings through pen and paper. The practice of burning books has long stopped but everyday there are new paperbacks being challenged and taken off shelves in schools or public libraries deemed too inappropriate to showcase to children decided by a group of people. A multitudinous of men and women have come to regard government as some sort of liberator for censoring what they consider incorrect, while others view it as a corrupt system that supports the idea of keeping the eyes of the world shut to the truth and blinded to mankind’s past and p resent mistakes. Censorship has always been prevalent, it has let a small crowd of people dictate what the masses can or can’t see as well as what they can and can’t read in schools. It is the suppression of speech: the careful evaluation of each and every book and the censoring of unacceptable parts. Censorship has been one of the world’s most controversial topics. It has been around since before 399 BCE and has affected societies in one way or another. There are different forms of implementingShow MoreRelatedThe Censorship of Pornography1581 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿ Censorship of Pornography: Censorship is vital and takes place on a daily basis in the modern society even in nations that state their respect and maintenance of the freedom of speech. For instance, there are several regulations that restrict broadcasters in the kind of programmes to be transmitted as specific times of the day. The other ways with which censorship happens every day is through the laws that forbid people from expressing themselves publicly toward particular political or ethnicRead MorePositive And Negative Effects Of Censorship In Society798 Words  | 4 PagesCensorship is the suppression, alteration, or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, music, etc. that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security. Censorship is an action that has been performed for many years on several subjects of the world, and it is still happening today. Although censorship is an action occurred on many subjects, music is one of the biggest censorship problems in todayâ€⠄¢s world. Music can have both positive and negative effects on a personRead MoreStudies in Contemporary Literature: Free Speech1622 Words  | 7 Pages Censorship is the suppression of speech or other public communication which may be considered objectable, harmful, sensitive, politically incorrect or inconvenient as determined as determined by the government, media outlet, or other controlling bodies (Wikipedia, 1). This can be done by governments and private organizations or by individuals who engage in self-censorship which is the act of censoring or classifying one’s own work like blog, books, films, or other means of expression, out of theRead MorePros And Cons Of Censorship1590 Words  | 7 PagesCensorship can be beneficial in some aspects but if used improperly it can also be harmful. Censorship is the control of what people may say or hear, write or read, or see or do. Censorship can affect all forms of art, music, speech, and expression. It can be seen as a m eans of suppressing free speech, especially in the case of musical lyrics and the impact music has on behaviors. According to Richard Taruskin, â€Å"It is all but irresistible kinesthetic response that music evokes that makes it suchRead MoreThe Sun Starts To Set As Your Making A Rather Difficult1242 Words  | 5 Pagesmultiple beeps and conquers your fun sadly.Censorship has a negative impact on society because it refuses to exploit the harsh reality, and rather cover it up with harsh snippets of beeps and silence. Every human across the nation posses some sort of artistic value, whether its freedom of speech, or the freedom to express themselves. Yet, the government tends to have an authoritive hold to limit these freedoms using censorship to confine the rights we take for granted. The most important facet ofRead MoreTheme Of Censorship In Fahrenheit 4511341 Words  | 6 PagesCensorship is defined as the suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, etc., which are considered obscene, politically unacceptable or a threat to security. Ray Bradbury’s ideals for the novel, Fahrenheit 451, have shown a different light on how a society can function. The theme of censorship is displayed in the novel by the firemen and how they are uneducated about the values of knowledge and happiness, the secret understanding the people don’t have about books, and the standardsRead MorePros And Cons Of Censorship On Society1325 Words  | 6 PagesCensorship and its Caveats on Society From books to the internet, it is very easy to get any information quickly. Although this may be true you can’t find everything you may be looking for, there are things out there that are censored. Censorship is the restriction of certain information to one or a group of people, from others who think it’s dangerous. Censorship can be used in beneficial ways to protect people, but it is often misused to harm people long-term. Here is some information about someRead MoreAnalytical Essay On Fahrenheit 4511044 Words  | 5 Pagesdestructive. Censorship leads the society to an unpleasant conclusion. Censorship amounts prohibition of expression of someone’s ideas, thoughts which may be detrimental and prejudicial to a particular class of people. The book Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury, revolves around the idea of censorship as a bane to the society and culture. The book touches on various consequences of censorship like social isolation and infringement of thoughts. Bradbury has given an accurate representation of the society leadingRead MoreTheme Of Censorship In Fahrenheit 4511285 Words  | 6 PagesThis idea or theme called censorship, is the suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, etc. that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security.Bradbury’s ideals for this novel have shown a different light on what a society can function like and how the people are so unaware of such as knowledge and happiness. The theme of censorship is proven in the novel by the firemen and how they are so uneducated about the ideas of knowledge and happiness, theRead MoreCensorship of Electronic Communication Systems1158 Words  | 5 PagesCENSORSHIP OF ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION SYSTEM Introduction. Communication system of society is changing rapidly with the time. In ancient ages people use to communicate with shouting. If people are much more apart from one another the letter writing was the only means of communication just before 500 years. Due to rapid development of science, now a days a message can be passed to millions of people who all are scattered in whole world by a simple electronic communication system. Due to electronic
Friday, December 13, 2019
International Brand Strategy Free Essays
string(21) " eyes of the public\." 4. Identify the factors that need to be considered when developing a brand strategy within the service-based industries and explain why the development a clear and consistent corporate brand image and reputation is a fundamental part of international brand strategy. Corporate brand image: Branding is the art and science of identifying and fulfilling human physical and emotional needs by capturing their attention, imagination and emotion. We will write a custom essay sample on International Brand Strategy or any similar topic only for you Order Now Your corporate brand is, more than anything else, the most significant thing that will define you in the public eye, and therefore the one that will help to ensure your success – or your demise. A strong brand image and name will boost confidence throughout the business, and create a strong, successful impression in the market. Keller (2003a) says, â€Å"technically speaking, then, whenever a marketer creates a new name, logo, or symbol for a new product, he or she has created a brand†A brand serves to identify a product and to distinguish it from competition. The challenge today is to create a distinctive image†(Kohli and Thakor 1997) The resource-based view within the strategy literature has argued that sustainable competitive advantage is created primarily from intangible capabilities, including brands and reputations (Omar et al. , 2009) The relative importance placed by the firm on its corporate identity also influences brand structure. Companies such as IB M and Apple place considerable emphasis on corporate identity (Schmitt and Simenson 1997). In the case of IBM, â€Å"Big Blue†is associated with a solid corporate reputation and reflects the company’s, desire to project an image of a large reliable computer company that provides products and services worldwide. The IBM logo is featured on products and advertising worldwide to convey this image. Equally, Apple used its neon apple logo to project the image of a vibrant challenger in the personal computer market. Why does it matter? †¢Identification of sources of product †¢Assignment of responsibility to product maker. †¢Risk reducer †¢Search cost reducer †¢Symbolic device Signal of quality †¢Promise or bond with product or maker Advantage: Awareness The harder a company works on its branding and identity, in most cases, the more awareness it creates. For example, Coca-Cola is known worldwide for its product. A consumer can see it in a foreign county, with labelling in a foreign language and know it is a Coca-Cola product. The red colour and shape of the bottle is an immediate trigger in many minds as to the fact that the drink is a Coca-Cola product. This is branding and identity at its best. Advantage: Consistency in the Marketplace The more often a customer sees your brand in the marketplace, the more often he will consider it for purchase. If the brand and identity are truly kept consistent, the customer is more likely to feel that the quality is consistent and to become a loyal follower of the brand. However, this means that the product must maintain a consistency that reflects the image as well. Attract stakeholders, which can aid the development of strong business relationships. Focuses on long term growth Disadvantage: Can Become Commonplace Many brands strive to be No. 1 in the minds of consumers. For example, in many parts of the U. S. , people request a Coke when they go to a restaurant, not necessarily meaning a Coca-Cola product, but any soda. While it is the goal of branding to become the standard, it is not the goal to become the generic term of a line of products. Disadvantage: Negative Attributes If a product or service experiences a negative event, that will become attached to the brand. For example, a massive recall or unintentionally offensive ad campaign can tarnish a company’s brand and image, causing the company to need to build a whole new brand and identity to recapture its place in the market. An important element of a firm’s overall brand strategy is its branding policy. Strong brands help the firm establish an identity in the marketplace and develop a solid customer franchise (Aaker 1996; Kapferer 1997; Keller 1998), as well as provide a weapon to counter growing retailer power (Barwise and Robertson 1992). They can also provide the basis for brand extensions, which further strengthens the firm’s position and enhance value (Aaker and Keller 1990). In international markets, the firm’s branding strategy plays an important role in integrating the firm’s activities worldwide. A firm can, for example, develop global brands (using the same brand name for a product or service worldwide) or endorse local country brands with the corporate brand or logo, thus establishing acommon image and identity across country markets. The top three strategic goals for brand strategy nowadays are increasing customer loyalty, differentiating from the competition, and establishing market leadership (Davis and Dunn 2002). A company with a well-executed branding strategy gains important competitive advantages over its rivals. An effective branding strategy creates a clear and consistent identity for your products, based on qualities that are important to the market. Your branding strategy positions your products clearly in the minds of customers and prospects, and differentiates your products from competitive offerings. A well-executed branding strategy builds on the strengths of your brand by communicating brand values clearly and consistently. The measure of a well-executed branding strategy is immediate recognition by your target audience with consequent impact on your sales success. The key questions that companies need to ask themselves when developing a brand include: * What is the need we need to satisfy? * What are our core competencies? * What is the reason for this brand to exist in the world? * What is the role of branding in the context of the business strategy? Is it a functional or emotional brand? And then there are the internal and external focuses. To maintain a positive brand reputation, there are 3 things that are required: Good leaderships skills from managers that can drive the company towards their aims and objectives * Dedicated staff that possesses the same values reflected from the brand even in the workplace. * A good clean image in the eyes of the public. You read "International Brand Strategy" in category "Papers" No controversies The key factors that need to be considered when developing a brand strategy include: * Purchasing * Distribution * New products * Value Purchasing A well-executed branding strategy makes it easier for your custo mers to make purchasing decisions about your products. They have a clear perception of the performance, benefits and quality of your products. The confidence that the brand will continue to meet their expectations minimizes customers’ risk in purchasing your product. A strong brand helps you build long-term relationships with your customers. Customers continue to buy from companies they trust, so it is important to continually reinforce the brand values that are important. Distribution You can also strengthen your presence in retail outlets and distributors through a well-executed branding strategy. Retailers feel confident in stocking a product with a strong brand, because they know there is strong consumer demand for that product. Your brand strategy can help you sell into retailers and build retail sales by stimulating demand. Encouraging distributors to use your branding material in their communications can also help to build business by giving customers confidence in the service they receive from the distributor. New Products A strong brand makes it easy to introduce new products that carry the same branding. The new product could be a range extension  a different size, color or version of an existing product. In the minds of customers, the new product will have the same qualities as the existing range because of its association with the existing brand. Value A well-executed branding strategy ensures that your brand makes an effective contribution to profitability through increased revenue, improved distribution and growth through new products. This, in turn, creates greater value for shareholders, making it easier for your company to attract investment and fund future growth There are a few risks that could come up when creating an international brand strategy: Assuming the brand communicates the same meaning market-to- market, resulting in message confusion Over-standardizing or over-simplifying the brand and its management, ie: discouraged innovation at the local level Use of the wrong communications channels, resulting in inappropriate spending and ineffective impact Underestimating the investment, time for a market to become aware of the brand, try it, and adopt it . Not investing in internal brand alignment to ensure that regional employees understand the brand values and benefits and are able and willing to communicate and deliver consistently. The brand image of an organisation represents the current and immediate reflection that the stakeholders have towards an organisation (Bick et al. , 2003). It is related to the various physical and behavioural attributes of the organisation, such as business name, architecture, variety of products and services, tradition, ideology, and to the quality cues communicated by the organisation’s products, services and people (Nguyen and Leblanc, 2001). Brand image must be consistent in order to have a positive image in the eyes of the public. For example, Clairol introduced a mist stick curling iron in Germany, only to later find out that the word mist was slang for manure. Pepsi translated the slogan ‘The choice of a new generation’ in Taiwan but came out as, Pepsi, it will bring your ancestors back from the dead. These small hiccups may not be enough for major brands that are already established around the Globe, but for smaller brands trying to break into international territory, it could turn into a serious disaster, as it could have been the first impression of that brand for a lot of people. Reputation is an outcome of interactions between stakeholders and the organisation over time (Argenti and Druckenmiller, 2004). An organisation does not have a single reputation at any point in time. It has a number of reputations depending on the stakeholders concerned. Interactions with brand-associated stimuli (including mass communication, employees, agents or other individuals and groups that are linked to the brand), enables stakeholders to form their perceptions of an organisation. These perceptions consolidate to become a single impression at a point in time – the brand image. Over time these fragmentary images evolve to become the stakeholder’s perception of the reputation of the organisation. The corporate brand comprises two aspects: corporate expression and stakeholder images of the organisation’s identity. The former includes all mechanisms employed by the organisation to express its corporate identity to all stakeholder groups. Corporate expression links the organisation’s corporate identity with its corporate brand and accordingly is classified as part of both constructs. The strategic choices that organisational leaders must make to determine the corporate expression include the conceptualisation and communication of the visual identity, the brand promise and the brand personality. The second aspect of corporate branding encompasses stakeholders’ perspectives of an organisation’s brand. A stakeholder can never interact with an organisation’s corporate identity in its entirety – they interact with aspects of the organisation’s identity and in so doing build their perception of the corporate brand. As stakeholders experience the brand, they develop brand images. Corporate reputation is the sum of all the views and beliefs held about the company based on its history and future prospects, in comparison to close competitors. Corporate reputation: According to Firestein (2006), reputation is the strongest determinant of any organisation’s sustainability. While strategies can always be changed, when reputation is gravely injured, it is difficult for an organisation to recover. The key people who assess reputation are: your customers, your employees, your shareholders, competitors, trade bodies and other businesses and influential people in your sector. The key things that you do which drive your reputation are simply: your company values, the products or services you offer, the people you employ and how well they work as a team, and the processes that help you run the business. Fombrun and van Riel (2003) suggest that organisations with good reputations attract positive stakeholder engagement. A favourable corporate reputation results in business survival and profitability (Roberts and Dowling, 2002), is an effective mechanism to maintain competitive advantage, and can aid in building customer retention and satisfaction (Caminiti, 1992) While the definition of corporate reputation is debatable, the one proposed by Gotsi and Wilson (2001, p. 29) is instructive: â€Å"A corporate reputation is a stakeholder’s overall evaluation of a company over time. This evaluation is based on the stakeholder’s direct experiences with the company, any form of communication and symbolism that provides information about the firm’s actions and/or a comparison with the actions of other leading rivals. Organisational culture and business processes are also important levers that ust be aligned with the brand promise. Development of a positive brand image will only occur when the brand promise expected by stakeholders is delivered. If this occurs consistently over time, a strong positive corporate reputation will result. Services currently represent a large and steadily increasing share of the global economy (Lovelock et al. , 2004). In Australia, the top 20 brands ranking by Interbrand, reported in BRW, shows that 17 of the top 20 brands are from the services sector (Lloyd, 2001). In the next decade 90-95% of jobs created in the developed economy are expected to be in the services sector. The increasing dominance of the services economy world-wide has led some researchers to pay greater attention to unique aspects of branding services versus goods. For example, de Chernatony and Dall’ Olmo Riley (1999) conducted in-depth interviews with brand consultants and concluded that managers of services brands should not simply rely on FMCG branding techniques, and that adjustments were needed at the operational level to reflect the unique characteristics of services. Emphasising the heterogeneity and inseparability characteristics of services, Berry (2000) conceptualized a service branding model based on 14 high performance service companies, and proposed that creating an emotional connection with customers was the key to success O’Cass and Grace (2003) found that services brands differed from manufactured goods brands and that services brand managers were faced with challenges that were distinct from those faced by goods brand managers because of the inherent risks associated with services purchases Businesses in the service industry are intangible so therefore are very hard to keep control of and measure quality. Kotler (1986) states that the disadvantage that it has over business selling tangible goods is that the service has to be ready whenever the customer wants it. For example, if he wanted to stay in a hotel, then there should be a room ready for him to sleep in. They are perishable, which means that the night that a room was not sold cannot be sold after the day, or an aeroplane ticket cannot be sold off after the flight has taken off. The service industry looks How to cite International Brand Strategy, Papers
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Poor Mobility Due To Leg Ulcers Endless †Myassignmenhrlp.Com
Question: How to Poor Mobility Due To Leg Ulcers Endless? Answer: Introducation Endless venous infection is regularly connected with the disappointment of the calf muscle pump instrument influencing the deep leg vein (Qiao et al., 2005). Sick people with foot ulcers have fundamentally poorer calf muscle pump work than those with no history of the venous disease (Dixy et al., 2003). Because those suffering from leg ulcers often have disabled calf muscle pump work, leg ulcer patients are encouraged to perform leg and foot work out, which will hypothetically enhance calf muscle withdrawal, decrease venous hypertension and quicken the rate of ulcer recuperating. Physical exercises can profit venous leg ulcer recovery times, social associations, however, might be hampered by torment (Meagher et al., 2012). Patients who encounter drawn out endless ulceration regularly question the adequacy of physical action (Van Hecke et al., 2010), while those with poor portability because of a dread of falling may keep away from it. A connection has been set up between poor versati lity, torment, weakness, sadness and in the decreased quality of life (Edwards et al., 2014), guaranteeing that social disengagement may take after. About the case situation, Mrs. Mei is having hard in completing everyday living exercises. Poor portability is the principal purpose behind her misfortunes since it is moderating mending and detaching her from the group. It is in this way the initial concentration of any therapeutic services orderly to help Mrs. Mei in recuperating. The torment expert believes that we've all the leg ulcer is controlling her from the simplicity of connecting with even in the treatment procedure by doing some activity. She is in this manner separated from whatever is left of the group. Her mending process is taking long because of decreased exercise thus of the torment went with her developments. Moreover, the western sort of nourishment she is conveyed may likewise be another component to stopped recuperation, since it prompts weight increment and can presumably be overweight. It is prudent that she frequently does some necessary activities and dependably keeps her leg in a lifted position to encourag e recuperating. It additionally fits for to adhere to her Chinese sustenance as opposed to western nourishments. Every one of these elements joined with the utilization anti-infection agents can rush the healing procedure. Mrs. Mei ought to experience an entire restorative appraisal, counting full therapeutic history and examination. Particular elements evoked from this past incorporate the accompanying; ulcer span, local indications (torment, paresthesia/anesthesia, and swelling), history of injury, previous leg/stomach surgery, previous profound vein thrombosis and other therapeutic conditions. For her case it essential to discover fitting guides for improved standing. The Occupational Therapist will require to surveys her requirements for assistive hardware or home alterations. Comprehensively, following the above assessment will guide the occupational therapist in finding the appropriate movement aid to help Mrs. Mei, for example, a wheelchair or hand crutches. In any case, unless the fundamental reason for the ulcer is tended to, there's a high danger of a venous leg ulcer repeating after treatment. Underlying causes could incorporate stability, heftiness, past deep vein thrombosis, or varicose veins. Nursing administrations are to be focused on decreasing agony and expanding exercise for the patient. References Dixy, F. P., Brooke, R., McCollum, C. N. (2003). Venous disease is associated with an impaired range of ankle movement. European journal of vascular and endovascular surgery, 25(6), 556-561. Edwards, H., Finlayson, K., Skerman, H., Alexander, K., Miaskowski, C., Aouizerat, B., Gibb, M. (2014). Identification of symptom clusters in patients with chronic venous leg ulcers. Journal of pain and symptom management, 47(5), 867-875. Meagher, H., Ryan, D., Clarke-Moloney, M., O'laighin, G., Grace, P. A. (2012). An experimental study of prescribed walking in the management of venous leg ulcers. Journal of wound care, 21(9). Qiao, T., Liu, C., Ran, F. (2005). The impact of gastrocnemius muscle cell changes in chronic venous insufficiency. European journal of vascular and endovascular surgery, 30(4), 430-436. Van Hecke, A., Verhaeghe, S., Grypdonck, M., Beele, H., Flour, M., Defloor, T. (2011). Systematic development and validation of a nursing intervention: the case of lifestyle adherence promotion in patients with leg ulcers. Journal of advanced nursing, 67(3), 662-676.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Monday, November 25, 2019
Free Essays on Nerver Ending Story Vs Glass Menagerie
The Glass Menagerie By Tennessee Williams is centered on a dream of escape, much like the song, Never Ending Story by New Found Glory. The song most relates to Tom in the play. Tom is, by far, the biggest dreamer. The song is all about dreaming, with lyrics like â€Å"Reach the stars and fly a fantasy.†Tom dreams of leaving and ‘flying his fantasy.’ In the play, Tom says, as he is dreaming, of leaving the â€Å"†¦over crowded urban centers of lower class population.†Tom really dreams of leaving someday much like his father had. Tom expresses this when he tells Amanda, â€Å"†¦Mother, I’d be where [the father] is!†Tom dreams of leaving so desperately that he â€Å"†¦paid his [Merchant Marine] dues, this month instead of the light bill.†Tom wants to get away so desperately that he is willing to hurt the rest of his family, by taking money that they had earned, not done with it what he was supposed to, and using it just to fulfill his dreams of escaping. Tom is ready to get out, be his own person, hence the fact that he took the money to pay the bills and paid for himself to go to the merchant Marines. Also the fact that he â€Å"goes to the movies,†and is gone for almost the whole day shows he is not happy at home. In the play Tom says he is â€Å"†¦tired of the movies,†meaning that he is ready for his own adventures. Tom is sick and tired of living with his mother and sister and having to deal with all of there stuff and confrontations. In the song it says â€Å"hidden in the lines, written on the pages is the answer†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Tom has looked at everything in his life trying to escape and find the answer, even in his poetry he tries to find the escape. For example in the play he â€Å"†¦retires to a cabinet of the wash room to work on poems when business is slack in the warehouse.†Tom also loathes his mother in some way. This is most evident when Tom calls Amanda an â€Å"ugly-babbling old-witch†¦Ã¢â‚¬ When Tom d... Free Essays on Nerver Ending Story Vs Glass Menagerie Free Essays on Nerver Ending Story Vs Glass Menagerie The Glass Menagerie By Tennessee Williams is centered on a dream of escape, much like the song, Never Ending Story by New Found Glory. The song most relates to Tom in the play. Tom is, by far, the biggest dreamer. The song is all about dreaming, with lyrics like â€Å"Reach the stars and fly a fantasy.†Tom dreams of leaving and ‘flying his fantasy.’ In the play, Tom says, as he is dreaming, of leaving the â€Å"†¦over crowded urban centers of lower class population.†Tom really dreams of leaving someday much like his father had. Tom expresses this when he tells Amanda, â€Å"†¦Mother, I’d be where [the father] is!†Tom dreams of leaving so desperately that he â€Å"†¦paid his [Merchant Marine] dues, this month instead of the light bill.†Tom wants to get away so desperately that he is willing to hurt the rest of his family, by taking money that they had earned, not done with it what he was supposed to, and using it just to fulfill his dreams of escaping. Tom is ready to get out, be his own person, hence the fact that he took the money to pay the bills and paid for himself to go to the merchant Marines. Also the fact that he â€Å"goes to the movies,†and is gone for almost the whole day shows he is not happy at home. In the play Tom says he is â€Å"†¦tired of the movies,†meaning that he is ready for his own adventures. Tom is sick and tired of living with his mother and sister and having to deal with all of there stuff and confrontations. In the song it says â€Å"hidden in the lines, written on the pages is the answer†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Tom has looked at everything in his life trying to escape and find the answer, even in his poetry he tries to find the escape. For example in the play he â€Å"†¦retires to a cabinet of the wash room to work on poems when business is slack in the warehouse.†Tom also loathes his mother in some way. This is most evident when Tom calls Amanda an â€Å"ugly-babbling old-witch†¦Ã¢â‚¬ When Tom d...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Introducing an Innovative Product to the UK Market Case Study
Introducing an Innovative Product to the UK Market - Case Study Example The Smarttrainer is a shoe also known as 'intelligent' shoes. They are sports shoes that have permanently built-in drip in each shoe. The chips measure a variety of aspects of the user's measurement and upload this in real time to a display/controller worn on the wrist. The chip runs on a built-in battery that is kept charged by the movement of the shoe. The use of the chip is each shoe enables great accuracy in measurement as the movement of the shoes, for instance, stride distance and speed are measured by the chips comparing their location against one another. It is a specially designed shoe which is accompanied by a wrist controller. The shoe adds the wrist controller are sold as one product. Data from the shoe is transmitted wirelessly to the wrist unit. The wrist acts as a display, data store and also a timing device. With this unit, the user can read data and programme the chips to give the information required. The product will come in three types all containing the same chips. These are a track running shoe, a general cross-trainer and a walking shoe. These will be one type of wrist for all types of shoes. It will help the consumer to get vital information on health and other areas especially when exercising. It will help show the progress the consumer is making when exercising. It is important for Goldsport to understand how the product will be classified in the UK market. The Smarttrainer is considered to be a durable product. This is because the product will not be consumed relatively quickly as it last as for a long period of time. () considering this, the company can be aware of how to position the Smarttrainer in the UK market. 4. The Environment To reach the set objectives, it is obligatory to understand the current situation of the firm. It is therefore essential for the company to be aware of the environmental factors that may affect its product in the UK. According to Masterson and Pickton (2004), the environment of a firm can be divided into two parts; internal and external environments using the pestle method of analysis.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
MEDICATION ERRORS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
MEDICATION ERRORS - Essay Example The aim of medication is to alleviate a patient from his/her illness and improve his quality of life. Many risks are associated with providing drug therapy as mistakes can result in the lose life or adverse effects on the patient’s health. Hospitals should organize their systems for producing, dispensing and administering medications to reduce the probability of medication errors. Errors can occur at different stages of the system, either in the pharmaceutical company, the hospital, the practitioner, the nurse or even the patient. The hospital can implement formulary systems, whereby the doctors, nurses, patients and pharmacists form societies that evaluate previous medication errors and formulate principles to annihilate the reoccurrence of such mistakes. Charting systems can be used to reduce the amount of medication errors. These systems can be combined with a decision support feature which will helps detect any inconsistencies in the diagnosis. These systems should also be in the form of real time entry; this allows the next nurse to be up to date with the treatment. Independent double checks can also be carried out before a drug is administered to the patient. This process involves two nurses verifying the drug diagnosed to a patient by ensuring it coincides with his medical condition (Whitehead, 2012). This method detects and helps avoid errors at the point of care. However, when the nurses are under stressful working conditions, the double check method has a failure rate of 20% and some errors are undetected. Drugs which have serious adverse effects when administered incorrectly should be placed on high alert. More caution should be taken when prescribing these drugs and they should be double checked with higher caution. Information technology can also be used to try and prevent the number of medication errors. Bar medication administration has also been introduced to reduce the amount of medication errors
Monday, November 18, 2019
MOHG3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
MOHG3 - Essay Example The Group, integrated in Bermuda, has its headquarters in Hong Kong. The mission of the Group lies in facilitating customers through the services provided to them. The Group is dedicated towards delivering excellent services through involvement of employees in the process of development of the hotel organisation. The Group emphasises on creating a congenial climate for the employees to facilitate them to perform their activities in an orderly manner. The Group is responsible in focusing their routine works through group activities, inculcating a strong believe amid one another along with contributing towards ensuring effective productivity which would enable the Group to gain reputed success in the competitive market (Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group, 2011). VRIN Model Analysis The VRIN Model Analysis is the framework which is adopted on the basis of Resource-based View (RBV). RBV emphasises on theories related to determining competitive advantages of an organisation as well as formulat ing a connection between internal features and competitive advantages of an organisation. The VRIN framework comprises four elements such as valuable, rare, imperfectly imitable along with non-substitutable. These are the resources which are comprehensively used by an organisation in ascertaining their position in a competitive scenario (Talaja, 2012). In this regard, it can be observed that ’valuable’ stands for resources that are used by an organisation for designing strategies which would enable it to develop its effectiveness and efficiency. In this context, it can be stated that the valuable resources are to be taken into account for implementation of strategies in the organisational culture as well in the environment where the organisation eventually functions. Similarly, rare signifies uniqueness. Contextually, it can be stated that resources are required to be unique enough for enabling an organisation to gain greater competitive advantages as compared to the c ompetitors in the market. In reference to the competitors, it can also be stated the competitors generally do not maintain a particular strategy to compete in the market for its sustainability. Thus, it does provide a vivid picture regarding whether or not the valuable and rare resources possessed by an organisation are strong enough to maintain its sustainability in the competitive market. The success of the organisation lies in exploiting the valuable resources effectively in order to sustain competitiveness in the global context (O'Fallon & Rutherford, 2010). Inimitable implies the resources which cannot be simply replicated by the competitors in the market. An organisation and the employees should have the capabilities of preserving the resources so that the competitors are unable to replicate them, which would cause serious harm to the reputation of the organisation. Non-substitutable signifies that the services and the goods supplied by the organisation are exclusive and no ot her organisation can match up to the offered value or quality. An organisation is required to be aware of the situation and look for keeping their competitive position intact by supplying quality products to customers for ensuring its sustainability (Mitchell, 2010). Strategic Strengths and Weaknesses of Madarin Oriental Hotel Group Organisation In Relation To VRIN Analysis From the concept demarcated in the VRIN
Friday, November 15, 2019
A company operating
A company operating A multinational sometimes known as transnational, is a company operating out of its origin country which involves one or more countries. Multinational corporations growth in alliances, joint ventures and mergers and acquisitions, but this will cause consumers to recognize the brand, rather the parent company. Shell, Caltex, ExxonMobil, Nokia, McDonalds, Toyota, Nestle, Sony, Microsoft corporations are a few example of multinational corporations. It is important as many large corporations tend to increase sales and gain brand recognition at the same time providing jobs opportunities as in the case study of James Dyson and Waterford Wedgwood. International marketing is the multinational process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives[1]. Today, many multinational corporations are surviving and competing against their competitors brand to achieve higher market profits. The companies apply strategic measures to expand their business as well as improving management in order to increase profit income. The basis of a company running its business is to have a good human resource management, quality control on product or services, maintaining loyal customers and at the same time boosting sales and implementing marketing strategy in their founding region country. For examples the most popular product in the United States are Microsoft Corporation, Apple, and McDonald, where they gain most of their profits from its own founding country. However, if the same company runs the same system they use in their founding country, it might not be successful if they were to expand their business market onto the international market. This is because different countries have different culture, religion, tradition, mind set, environment and lifestyle and it plays a vital factor that caused the marketing plans to fail if international marketing mix concepts are not brought into consideration. CEO of Coca-Cola, Mr Daft mentioned, it was that the next big evolutionary step of going global now has to be going local. Most worrying for the global brand-owners, consumers in the newly opened markets started expressing a desire for local products, protection for its local sovereignty and cultural identities[2]. In order for an organization or business to achieve a successful rate in widening their product services internationally, the management team needs to apply the international marketing mix in planning and strategies marketing conce pt that cater for international market consumers. In this assignment the multinational company that Ill examine its international marketing mix operation will be Kentucky Fried Chicken as Ill investigate and study the strategies of its international marketing mix of the companys success. Kentucky Fried Chicken, or famously known as KFC is a very well known fast-food chain restaurant having thousands of franchises throughout the world, serving its famous Colonel Harland Sanders trademark chicken, in both Original Recipe and Extra Tasty Crispy varieties, along with chicken sandwiches, chicken pot pies, crispy chicken strips, mashed potatoes and gravy, and potato wedges. KFC Corp. is wholly owned by Yum! Brands, Inc., which also operates the Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, Long John Silvers, and AW restaurant chains. The headquarters is located in Kentucky, where the brand originated and half of the profits made by this company is through international marketing and sales or via franchising. The two marketing approach which adapted by KFC in their marketing campaign which I will elaborate more, are standardized, and adaptation marketing approach. In standardized method, it described as a common market program, where a company uses a standard, fixed marketing plan to run its business in their founding country. One can notice that all the outlets are very identical and the management is really concern on the standard operating procedure (SOP), to ensure highest standard quality of food and services being offered to the customer. Take Shiseido, a beauty brand as example, where there are employing standardized method, where all their products marketing are the same all over the international market in terms of the product, price, promotion and placement of the product. Same goes to Coca-cola, Pepsi, and Marlboro where standardization strategies are used. Consumer can purchase the same Vanilla Coke, Coke Light and the red tab Coke is sold all around the globe. However, adaptation strategies is total opposite of standardized where it recommends for product and marketing modification for a certain international market in order to suit the needs of the foreign market in terms of cultural, environment, product knowledge et cetera in order bring success to its marketing plan and to help boost its sales. Therefore by analyzing Kentucky Fried Chicken international adaptation marketing strategies with Malaysia, which are managed by QSR Brands Berhad[3], there are significant differences of marketing strategies used compare to common standardization marketing uses in their founding country. We can notice the difference by comparing the both countries 4Ps of marketing mix. I shall start with the first marketing mix, which is product. Product Product marketing is the first element that deals with the specifications of the goods or services and how it is related to satisfaction of the customers. Products are usually developed to meet up the wishes of the customers. It is sorted according to the five characteristics, quality, features, styling, brand name, and packaging. [4] Based on the KFC product marketing plans in the US markets, their products are packed using their brand symbolic color of red and white together with the image of Colonel Sanders which is the core of the companys advertising and branding strategies. It uses standardized approach method to market their product, and also to neighboring countries of Canada, New Zealand and some part of Europe. Other than fried chicken, many KFC restaurants serve side dishes like coleslaw, potato wedges, french fries and mashed potatoes. But for their international product to Malaysia, it used the same brand name, image, packaging, and preserving its quality of the fried chicken as it is the companys Unit Selling Proposition. Also, its finger lickin good famous catchy slogan are maintained too. However, there are adaptations done to its products feature and styling of products such as Extra Tasty Crispy in the US, are being replaced by naming it Hot Spicy in Malaysia, but both products are similar just the features name is different. The culture of Malaysia and the US are different that is why certain products of name are different in one and other. The title Hot and spicy is more suitable in Malaysia rather than Extra Tasty Crispy because of the word spicy as it brings the meaning of hot,. KFC Malaysias new product, the X meal Hotrods with smoking hot sauce is somehow similar to Malaysian favorite traditional food Satay. Same goes to local product of Nasi Lemak Enak where Malaysians can find it in one of the KFC a.m meal, not to mention as well the Colonel Chicken Rice Combo, which are Malaysian local food it is because Malaysian more like to eat rice than American who like to eat mashed potatoes. As majority of Malaysia consume rice as their main carbohydrate source in their daily diet. KFC seems to acknowledge the important of rice in their serving, and therefore offering rice and chicken porridge as an alternate adds-on in their menu. KFC also provide Milo as a drink of breakfast due to Malaysian use to drink Milo as their hot chocolate drink. KFC in Malaysia also provide Thirst Quenchers with a fun float of scoops of ice-cream with any carbonated drink in these hot seasons in Malaysia. Desserts are ice-cream because of the hot weather of Asia, Malaysian prefer ice-cream rather than parfait in the US to feel cool. Another distinctive product differences are KFC in the US sells pork ribs in their market but its different in Malaysia whereby this is a Muslim country and the restaurant need to follow regulations for Halal food certification in order to attract Muslim customer. Pork and beef are not permitted and other products are needed to be replaced with alternatives favorites. Apart from the certificate for operational premises, internal controls over raw materials procurement, manufacturing, packaging, storage, transportation and utensils need to be controlled as well. KFC need to understand the cultures and religions of Malaysia where Halal food is food that complies with Islamic Law stipulates that food consumed to be hygienic, not harmful to health, free from any forbidden parts of animal origin, free from anything regarded as filth under Islamic law. In addition, meat products must be derived from animals that are permissible and slaughtered according to Islamic Law for example pork which are forbidden for Muslims. This is because they need to fulfill the requirement of international marketing mix of Malaysias custom, tradition, religion and other factors that need to be concern and also the consumer demographics and psychographics of Malaysians. Despite Malaysians customs and culture traditions, KFCs marketing in Malaysia is gaining its ground with unequivocal success by implementing the international marketing mix. Price For Price marketing, it refers to the process of setting a price to the product. Price is the only element in the marketing mix that brings revenue to the firm. Pricing strategies are linked with factors of standard of living, population size, age profile, and purchasing pattern of its consumer market. It also deals with ones country economy status. The prices of all of the items offered by KFC Malaysia are reasonable and suitable with the target market segments. Pricing of KFC chicken is Strength for KFC in the SWOT analysis as the meals are comparably cheaper than its competitor of Popeyes and AW. Figure below tells that KFC snack plate are more value for money comparing with AW set. KFC also introduce JomJimat, which attracts consumers to save more for individual set. Not to forget the affordable yet convenient way of having breakfast, this is called KFC a.m meal that offers local foods. Family feast of mini bucket combo and variety bucket also comes with discounted price. By having suitable pricing and campaign will help ease the burden of consumer financially as they make KFC their choices when it comes to eating quality yet delicious fried chicken Place Place refers to where and how the product gets to the customers. Two basic issues involved in getting the products are channel management and logistics management. Most of the KFC restaurants around the world are in commercial areas. In the US, it can also be found operating as free-standing units and kiosks in high-traffic crowded areas. Such methods can capture both the consumer market of family and friends gatherings area, and also the busy working class, so that they could grab a bite of KFC anytime, anywhere. Nontraditional service, often stemming from successful innovations instituted in the companys international operations, was seen as a way for KFC to enter new markets. Delivery, drive-through, carryout, and supermarket kiosks were up and running. Other outlets in testing were mall and office-building snack shops, mobile trailer units, satellite units, and self-contained kiosks designed for universities, stadiums, airports, and amusement parks. However in Malaysia, KFC placed its restaurants in most commercial shopping malls, and also in every township. This will be easy for KFC as shoppers roaming around for the purpose of shopping can actually be expected to step in and make a purchase. KFC Malaysia builds a strong affinity with a new generation of young customers by rolling out various strategies such as collaborating with the national zoo of having the restaurant to be placed in its compound. Im sure every school children are excited to have KFC during their visit to the Zoo. Oh how it reminds me back of my childhood days eating KFC in zoo with its Chicky Mascot. Besides that, by offering 24-hour restaurant service to its consumer, it will surely satisfy the late hungers of KFC fans. Drive through are also another way of providing fast serving of food to rushing busy Malaysians who without the need of getting down from their vehicle to make orders. With over 350 KFC outlets situated in Malaysia, It is by far the most popular restaurant chain in the Malaysia Promotion Promotion refers to the various methods of promoting the product. The four promotional tools available to the marketing managers are advertising, sales promotion, publicity, and personal selling. At KFC, Promotion is the main tool to bring all chicken lovers attention towards its delicious one-of-a-kind. Advertising KFCs advertisements can be seen throughout local media in Malaysia via billboard and banners in public transportations of LRT and bus, including major highway. Leaflets and page spreads can be seen advertised in newspaper, magazine, commercials can be seen and heard in radios and television as well as the internet. KFC aired their Variety Bucket commercials during dinner time in ASTRO Wah Loi Toi, to attract its target consumer of Chinese adult family where they spend time watching Chinese drama. For its KFC Hot Rods, its commercial can mostly be seen in 8tv and ntv7 channel where its younger targeted consumer watched youth programs. And for those consumer who browse internet searching for KFC information. KFC also provide website to visit. KFC Malaysia also stimulates repeat purchases of its products Using Reminder advertisements. The company anthem finger linkin good is a wakeup call to the consumer to remind them how good they felt the last time they ate KFC chicken The website of KFC Malaysia tends to have more multimedia graphical elements comparing with the dull yet boring US website. By using video, animation, colors and images, it will draws consumers attention towards the product and stay on longer in browsing the website and this will make a good marketing approach towards Malaysians. KFC uses the theme good things come together with KFC as their promotion campaign which focus on family ties, friendships, and togetherness and at the same time, also focusing unity of 3 races of Malaysia which works well with the 1Malaysia unity concept. KFC uses family sentimental approach in targeting their target market. This is because family value comes first for most Asians. Totally different from US, where its advertisement are focusing on low fat and healthy diet campaign, 0 Gram Transfat nutrition. Another commercial for the fish burger in Malaysia TV channels, where it shows two Malay boys eating fish burger and it attracts many cats to surrounding them both. By applying and understanding Malaysian Malay culture where first, Malays are only fond to cats and not other animals especially dogs, and at the same time, showing that cats loves fish and the smell of the burger able to tempts the cats. Sales Promotion KFC Malaysia offers its customers with various forms of incentives to buy its Chicken. Using coupons that are inserted in local newspaper print ads, customers can enjoy the benefits of discounted price or free add-ons, which the customer must cut and bring along, serves as a pull factor to attract consumer to dine in its restaurant. Publicity As KFC it grew in popularity, KFC turned to the psychological appeal wherein customers also contributed to the various community services via their purchases. Widely adopted by renowned global brands, this unique marketing approach termed cause-related involves donation of a certain percentage of the purchase price to a specific charity project focusing on corporate social responsibility. This was how KFC Care Fund [5]was introduced, this being one of the most memorable corporate social responsibility projects initiated to help underprivileged children from 68 homes throughout Malaysia. PR effectively conveyed the feel good factor to customers that a certain percentage of their KFC Kids Meal purchases were being pooled for these charitable causes. All the more giving they became in helping out a good cause. As globalization has creates a unique yet sophisticated demanding consumer market, creative measures must be implemented in order to reach its target market. KFC need to foresee and follow with the pace of consumers purchasing and eating behavior in constantly changing its marketing strategies. For example setting up small stalls or express kiosk in major busy streets of Kuala Lumpur would be a good approach to meet consumers demand. Another suggestion, KFC Malaysia only provides drive thru placement in certain busy areas, but still a lot of branches in Malaysia dont have drive thru benefits to their customers. KFC must take action about this matter so that can keep more loyal customer even in their busy time they still willing to drive thru to buy KFC rather than McDonalds. Other than that, KFC Malaysia didnt provide delivery services to consumers home or office. They really need to take this as serious way to improve their sales and branding. Product wise, KFC may applies diffusion of innovations strategies and come out with special sets for vegetarian as well as introduce more chicken flavor other than Original Recipe and Hot Spicy. This can attract difference types of market segmentation consumer and with new product introductions it will keep pace with its competitors and gain market standings.KFC can also promote healthy eating campaign that targets the healthy conscious consumers to curb the perception of fast food equivalent to bad health and obesity. These would be the changes I would like to see in the future marketing mix of KFC Malaysia. In conclusion, international marketing mix strategies played an important factor in the role of multinational corporation dealings its business via the international level as local needs of a certain country needed to be accountability for in order to drive the sales and demand for its product internationally. The combinations of 4ps marketing mix are an essential tool to breakthrough the consumer market and serves their needs and at the same time, maintaining and respecting their cultural traditional heritage. KFC has certainly reached its goal in the marketing plan, by creating standardized and adapted products that suits all market segmentation in all its international franchises and become a successful brand and position KFC as a multinational fast-food company. F. Robert Dwyer and John F. Tanner, 2006 Business Marketing. 3rd ed, international, McGraw-Hill Stuart wall and Bronwen rees. 2004 International Business. 2nd ed Essex, Pearson Education limited pg.30 Stuart wall and Bronwen rees. 2004 International Business. 2nd ed Essex, Pearson Education limited
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
War poetry :: English Literature
War poetry I come from Wooburn common. Somebody had to. When we first moved here it seemed an alright place. There are plenty of fields for sport and stunning views. But these mild advantages are swamped by a thousand and one disadvantages. For example, I still, after four years of living here, am coming to terms with the fact that I'm the only sane person in this village. Even my family seem to be a little on the insane side after living here, but I can't say I blame them. The only entertainment there is: dodging the many vicious animals when you go on walks and trying not to get lost in the uncountable number of trees and wooded areas. It's enough to drive anyone mad! One of the inhabitants of Wooburn Common is "crazy dog man". He has somewhere in the region of 15 dogs which he talks to, not to mention himself, regularly. He is a tall, lanky man, with grey greased back hair and always wears, rain or shine, his dark green rain Mac and Wellington boots. One day, one of his beloved dogs decided to "leave a package" for us, on our lawn for my dad to find. We were unaware at first whose dog did the deed but we treated it as a one off. As we were about to find out this was not the case. Everyday a fresh one was laid; we even put a sign up saying "please do not allow your dog to foul on our verge, or we may have to return the favor". It was no good, the poo just kept coming (by now mostly on the sign itself!) until operation pooper scoop was initiated. A whole day I spent in my sister's car at the end of drive with a pair of binoculars waiting for the now named "phantom pooper" to arrive. Time dragged on, but as I was about to call it a day, "crazy dog man" decided to show his face, dogs and all. It was horrific! One or two of the dogs had diarrhea, but I consoled myself by knowing that I had caught the culprit. It wasn't long before I told my dad. He went, besides a bright scarlet colour, mad, but managed to coolly and calmly place one of the many excretory products in to an envelope and posted through the recipients letter box! A punishment well deserved; but events like this one happen regularly in wooburn common and although reasonably funny, the routine of them happening again and again every week is definitely not. If you live in Wooburn common you have to accept that the main bulk of
Sunday, November 10, 2019
8thScience Fall Midterm Review Sheet
Understand the structure of atoms, including masses, electrical charges, and locations of protons, neutrons, and electrons.9790588235297">To find the number of neutrons in an atom, subtract the atomic mass (rounded to the nearest whole number) minus the atomic number (number of protons). Atomic mass= atomic number (protons) + neutronsKnow that protons determine an element’s identity and valence electrons determine its chemical properties, including reactivity.Know the difference between and be able to identify elements and compounds.Be able to compare metals, nonmetals and metalloids. Identify that all organic compounds contain carbon. Interpret the arrangement of the Periodic Table.GROUPeriodKnow that elements within the same group (family) have similar properties.Know the number of valence electrons for groups 1, 2, and 13 – 18.Be able to determine the number of atoms of each element in chemical formulas containing subscripts.Know the evidences of a chem ical reaction . Ex.- color change, bubbles or fizzing, precipitate is formed, new substance is formed, smoke or fire, and unexpected temperature change. The only sure way to know if a chemical change occurred is if a new substance was formed. Recognize whether a chemical equation containing coefficients is balanced or not and how that relates to the law of conservation of mass.The law of conservation of mass states that during a chemical reaction, matter is not created or destroyed.
Friday, November 8, 2019
buy custom Criminal Justice System and Racial Discrimination
buy custom Criminal Justice System and Racial Discrimination Crime and Racism Abstract Criminal justice should be based on moral and ethical values and norms. One cannot build a perfect criminal justice system without respect of police officers to each other and to people who surround them no matter of what race they are. At the present time, there exists such problem as racism when police officers accuse African Americans of crimes even if they are not guilty. This research paper reveals the issue of racism and inequality in the criminal justice system. This paper shows two approaches to this problem. The first one states that there is no racism in criminal justice system; and the second approach supports the presence of racism in criminal justice system. This research paper shows the imperfectness of the criminal justice system and the main causes of racism in criminal justice. This paper is devoted to the description of the moral, ethical social, political and economic factors that influence the existence of racism in criminal justice system. Key Words: the criminal justice system, racism, police officers, race.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
The History of the Louisiana Purchase
The History of the Louisiana Purchase On April 30, 1803 the nation of France sold 828,000 square miles (2,144,510 square km) of land west of the Mississippi River to the young United States of America in a treaty commonly known as the Louisiana Purchase. President Thomas Jefferson, in one of his greatest achievements, more than doubled the size of the United States at a time when the young nations population growth was beginning to quicken. The Louisiana Purchase was an incredible deal for the United States, the final cost totaling less than five cents per acre at $15 million (about $283 million in todays dollars). Frances land was mainly unexplored wilderness, and so the fertile soils and other valuable natural resources we know are present today might not have been factored in the relatively low cost at the time. The Louisiana Purchase stretched from the Mississippi River to the beginning of the Rocky Mountains. Official boundaries were not determined, except that the eastern border ran from the source of the Mississippi River north to the 31 degrees north. Present states that were included in part or whole of the Louisiana Purchase were: Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming. Historical Context of the Louisiana Purchase France controlled the vast stretches of land west of the Mississippi, known as Louisiana, from 1699 until 1762, the year it gave the land to its Spanish ally. The great French general Napoleon Bonaparte took back the land in 1800 and had every intention of asserting his presence in the region. Unfortunately for him, there were several reasons why selling the land was all but necessary: A prominent French commander recently lost a fierce battle in Saint-Domingue (present-day Haiti) that took up much needed resources and cut off the connection to the ports of North America’s southern coast.French officials in the United States reported to Napoleon on the countrys quickly increasing population. This highlighted the difficulty France might have in holding back the western frontier of American pioneers.France did not have a strong enough navy to maintain control of lands so far away from home, separated by the Atlantic ocean. Napoleon wanted to consolidate his resources so that he could focus on conquering England. Believing he lacked the troops and materials to wage an effective war, the French general wished to sell Frances land to raise funds. The Lewis and Clark Expedition to the Louisiana Purchase Traveling 8,000 miles (12,800 km), the expedition gathered huge amounts of information about the landscapes, flora (plants), fauna (animals), resources, and people (mostly Native Americans) it encountered across the vast territory of the Louisiana Purchase. The team first traveled northwest up the Missouri River, and traveled west from its end, all the way to the Pacific Ocean. Bison, grizzly bears, prairie dogs, bighorn sheep, and antelope were just a few of the animals that Lewis and Clark encountered. The pair even had a couple of birds named after them: Clark’s nutcracker and Lewis’s woodpecker. In total, the journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition described 180 plants and 125 animals that were unknown to scientists at the time. The expedition also led to the acquisition of the Oregon Territory, making the west further accessible to the pioneers coming from the east. Perhaps the biggest benefit to the trip, though, was that the United States government finally had a grasp on what exactly it had purchased. The Louisiana Purchase offered America what the Native Americans had known about for years: a variety of natural formations (waterfalls, mountains, plains, wetlands, among many others) covered by a wide array of wildlife and natural resources.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Values and Goals Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Values and Goals Assignment - Essay Example 2. A Comfortable Life-- personal, relative Example: The significance of working towards independent and more convenient lifestyle is still a valuable concept for me and my family. Not exactly deprived of material things and basic necessities, my parents taught me the importance of being prepared prior to establishing my own family. With personal regard, I agreed with them, at the same time, I made personal pledge to always include my family in my subsequent success in career, providing for them financially and ensuring that they are comfortable in life--as I plan to be in my own life. 3. Social Recognition -- extrinsic, relative Example: Like anybody, the need to be recognized has a strong appeal for a young person such as me. I remembered one event wherein I joined a dancing club, more to be accepted as part of a circle of friend that are popular in school rather than to enhance my dancing skills. As such, being socially accepted secures higher self-esteem and confidence in dealing with other people in social settings. If the value of social acceptability conflict with family conditions, the latter relatively hold elevated import compared to the former. B. Instrumental Values: 1. Intellectual -- absolute Example: In the performance of any activities, the value of intellectual process is consistently utilized. Intelligence constitutes objective and practical decision-making and practicality, serving as effective means in arriving at sound decisions and actions, as such when dealing with familial problems. I have to be objective in examining which actions constitute worse consequences and which may be better for all. Intellectual capacities, then, help resolve problems and reinforce actions for betterment of personal and familial status. 2. Hardworking -- intrinsic, professional Example: Hard work constitutes an internal sense of satisfaction. During a low-paying summer job, I did not deter from my hard working practices, as I derived a certain kind of fulfillme nt knowing that I had accomplished more than I expected, at reasonable times. For me, this demonstrated how efficient I am if I put my mind into it. On the professional side, such value can be an asset to the company, enhancing the degree of worth I experienced for my own accomplishments. 3. Affectionate -- relative, personal Example: Aside from my family, I pour my affectionate nature on my friends and some of my neighbors. One concrete example is the grocery store where I frequently visited, where the value of affection is translated to the staff, and most of the time, they save me one of their best goods as proof of the affectionate camaraderie we shared in such commercial setting. Affectionate value, can be reciprocated if expressed sincerely and prudently. Reflection: I used to be quite hard working when it comes to my studies, studying earlier for examinations and passing projects and assignments ahead of deadlines. However, this seemed to minimize with the participation of so cial activities and gatherings, shortening time spent on academic pursuits. My need for social recognition eclipses the desire for intrinsic fulfillment with hard work, as such that I nurture the value of the former rather than the latter. In another aspect, affectionate gestures seemed quite disconnecting in competitive world of academics. If being demonstrative in one’s kind affections may give other students the impression of emotional weakness that can easily be bullied
Friday, November 1, 2019
Outline the important features of utilitarianism and explain and asses Essay
Outline the important features of utilitarianism and explain and asses one criticism of the theory. Do you think utilitarianism - Essay Example In addition, I will justify that in essence communism is utilitarianism. Finding therefore at least one problematic issue with communism, as a socio-economic means of organizing society will then lead us to discover at least a significant drawback against utilitarianism. I will build up my case by introducing important features of utilitarianism, the association between communism and utilitarianism and the actual state of communism in Cuba. Important features of utilitarianism Based on the readings, I was able to sort some important attractive features of utilitarianism. The following are some of its considerable characteristics. One promising mark of utilitarianism is its emphasis placed on the welfare of each person. It strongly adheres to a moral act of doing the right thing that could substantially address individual welfare. It places no other significant value to anything other than this by trying to recognize individuals could feel pain and pleasure. Maximizing this pleasure i s the good thing to do, and alleviating or eliminating pain is of the same paramount importance. This substantially fits into the general point of utilitarian theory to maximize happiness. The utilitarian principle also emphasizes the idea that it is a good thing to do if individuals could maximize their ability for making the best they can for the world. This means everyone has the opportunity to use maximum ability to make the world a better place to live in. This is pretty attractive as humans certainly do want to live in a world where there is no conflict, but everything around is for the best of sustaining their interests and preserving their lives. Thus, this would promote maximum happiness for everyone. By trying to maximize happiness for the greatest number of people, utilitarianism tries to promote the idea that impartiality is the right thing to do. Utilitarianism seeks not to focus on minimum needs, but rather the common good of the greatest number of people for maximum p leasures. It always looks forward to the welfare of the majority so it tries to promote impartiality in all circumstances or situations so as to be consistent with its goal to maximize happiness. For instance, advancing the lower classes as integral components of the majority in the case of communism is for the common good and it seeks to essentially maximize happiness. Thus, this makes communism as the philosophy of utilitarianism in a way that its existence can be viewed as a socio-economic means of organizing society, for the common good, and would therefore maximize happiness. Finally, another important feature of utilitarianism is its ability to address moral dilemmas. Some would try to emphasize that what is right could be subjective at some point. Everybody could claim their basic rights. It is here were conflicts and even moral dilemmas would arise. Utilitarian theory tries not to make this as a problem by being consistent with the idea that if the majority is happy then a c ertain action is good, but if a certain move does not create maximum pleasure for most of the people then it is not the right thing. So there is no moral dilemma considered in the utilitarian principle making it less problematic in understanding morality. It does not further ask what right does the majority has over the minority for as long as the majority is h
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Writer's choice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4
Writer's choice - Essay Example Toyota is an example of a company that uses operations management in order to have an edge over its competitors. This paper will examine how Toyota has, over the years, implemented exceptional management skills to increase their competitive advantage, and how this has helped them expand their global reach. Toyota is a brand recognized worldwide by most individuals. This advantage is brought on by the fact that their products are cheaper as compared to others, and at the same time, the company provides products that everyone is comfortable with in terms of desires and needs. At the outset, Toyota and its success can be attributed to the fact that they continuously improve on their products and services. This is while also catering to the aspect of time. These two highly crucial aspects of operations can only be possible if there is involvement on the part of employees and consumers. There is a high level of employee participation in the company, which allows all parties to get involved in the creation of new and improved products and services for their consumers (Williams, 2011). Through their production and just-in-time production systems, Toyota places emphasis on high quality products at all possible low costs. For effective management operations, Toyota incorporates consumer services, which allow Toyota to start projects that their consumers want or desire. These services aid Toyota in solving some of its problems. Feedback from their consumers creates an avenue for Toyota to evaluate any and all issues that come up with regards to their automobiles, hence; addressing any future problems based on past experience. In the highly competitive automobile industry, it is vital for companies to improve customer relations, which endears most of their consumers to their brands. Toyota’s approach to effective operations management has
Monday, October 28, 2019
Effects of technology Essay Example for Free
Effects of technology Essay Technology is the specific scope of idea in which it reflects the overall application of knowledge towards the development of society (Bilton, 2007). In this aspect, greater improvements in the people’s way of life are the considerations involved in order to measure the effect of technology. Today, computers are among the most influential products of technology that have already changed the way people do their tasks. To evaluate the scale of such change, the realization that almost everything on this planet runs with the help of computers is a good aspect to consider. The most essential goal in fabricating computers was to help in the data process techniques to simplify the task of using them for everyday life. Since its inception in the middle of the 20th century, the social structures of the world population has already changed. The integration of computers to almost every type of tasks has made it much easier for people to complete responsibilities that would otherwise require enormous effort and time resources. An example on how computers have changed the society may be seen in the aspect of communications. Previously, the terms like internet, chat and video conferencing have no meaning. However, today’s computer technology has provided the essential convenience of communicating with another person from across any parts of the globe. A simple click on a web browser and sending an electronic letter is very much possible. It has provided greater channels for communications in a way that ease of use is not compromised. One more feature of computers, which modified the way society does things, is their capability of integrating with almost any other pre-existing devices. Today, television sets, cameras, bank machines, grocery scanners and vehicles are using devices that were primarily fabricated with the use of computers. Because of its capability to run tests for data management, it has been very easy for product manufacturers to see opportunities for technical improvements. Computers are now considered the basic platform that enables newer devices to run. Integrated circuits in all electronic devices are utilizing he same scope of computer based technology (Wikipedia, 2007). Lastly, computers are becoming the â€Å"multiplier†devices in which other patterned ideas will be introduced. Because of the scale of presence computers has in today’s society, a simple modification procedure to improve a product or service can cause greater developments for other segments of the public. Just like what happened in the business sector wherein almost all financial transactions are now done electronically. From a simple idea of using computers as a mean to collect money figures, it has developed into aspects no one has ever imagined before; internet banking, fund transfer-monitoring, calculations of stocks and online purchasing are no all possible with computer technology. Realizing the effect of technology in the lives of the people permits the society to consider developing more opportunities. With the significant social changes brought about by computer technology, people have been equipped to face the challenges of the future.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Early American Colonies Essay -- American History
The Massachusetts colony, otherwise known as the ‘Massachusetts Bay colony’ was originally settled by Puritans in 1630. They were plagued by the religious persecutions of King Charles I and the Church of England. Weary from this dogged torment, they left England under the leadership of John Winthrop. These original colonists quickly established many small towns in the name of high religious ideals and strict societal rules. They also planted churches, spread Puritanism and religiously educated the masses, as these were some of their goals. A utopian society that other colonies looked upon with high regards was the ultimate goal. The charter that gave the Puritans freedom to leave the England had a significant loophole-the colony did not have to have a leader that represented them in England. This new government was placed in the seemingly capable hands of a governor, deputy governor and eighteen assistants, all of which were considered to be ‘freemen’. They then established a representative democratic government by which only property owning freemen who were members of the church could have a vote. The formulation of this kind of government was an early indicator of the colonists desires to be free of Britain. Winthrop was elected the first governor of the colony and he further enabled the colony to be virtually independent of Britain by laying a framework legislature that included a simple system of checks and balances along with representation. Boundaries, taxes and strict rules were also established, further severing the ties that bound the colony to England. Even though it was tragically flawed and did not last, it was a clear break from Britain’s monarchy. The flaw in the system was the element of human greed and K... ...tober 29, 2010, from Massachusetts Colony. (n.d.). Colonial Ancestors - Colonial Genealogy Records and History Information to Find Colonial Ancestors for Your Family Tree. Retrieved November 2, 2010, from Massachusetts Colony. (n.d.). Colonial Ancestors - Colonial Genealogy Records and History Information to Find Colonial Ancestors for Your Family Tree. Retrieved November 2, 2010, from THE QUAKER PROVINCE: 1681-1776. (n.d.). The Pennsylvania General Assembly. Retrieved November 9, 2010, from Untitled Document. (n.d.). the Quaqua Society -Financial and Career Assistance for Home Educators. Retrieved November 1, 2010, from
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Addiction: A Desease Or A Choice? :: Drugs Alcohol
People argue whether drug addiction is a disease or a choice. Today, I will be discussing this argument in hopes to have a better understanding as to why this topic is so controversial. Throughout my research, I easily found information on this topic and I am still not sure I have found any answers. The biggest argument is that addiction is a choice not a disease. For those on the other side of the argument they claim just the opposite. According to a source on the Internet entitled Alcohol and Drug Treatment: The Disease Concept Of Substance Abuse and Addiction, the idea of drugs and alcohol being a disease is a â€Å"very controversial and debated topic.†For the purposes of this essay, I am forced to agree that drug addiction is a choice. People get high and drink because they want to and if they are not careful they can become an addict. The research I found on this particular topic seemed to have the most support and facts to dismiss the idea that addiction is a disease. I also beeivle if there was enough evidence to support the idea of addiction being a disease it would not be such a controversial topic. According to a Website entitled â€Å"Saint Jude Retreat House,†alcoholism and drug addiction are not diseases because those types of behaviors can be avoided and there is help available to change these behaviors. Although it has been found true that drug and alcohol dependency can be passed down through hereditary there is no concrete evidence I have found that proves that this is a disease. In a book entitled Treating Substance Abuse, Theory and Technique 2nd edition, says â€Å"This first and probably least controversial of the disease models can be termed the â€Å"medical consequences model.†(Page 11). This statement seems to be saying that because this topic is so controversial and not enough medical proof is available it has been given a generic name. It is true that drugs and alcohol can cause diseases, but does that make the addiction problem a disease? Perhaps this topic is so controversial because of the lack of knowledge or understanding of drug addiction. On a Website entitled â€Å"Addiction is a Chronic Disease,†the source was comparing diabetes and cancer to support their idea that drug addiction to is a chronic disease. The Website did not give any additional support and provided no examples. Addiction: A Desease Or A Choice? :: Drugs Alcohol People argue whether drug addiction is a disease or a choice. Today, I will be discussing this argument in hopes to have a better understanding as to why this topic is so controversial. Throughout my research, I easily found information on this topic and I am still not sure I have found any answers. The biggest argument is that addiction is a choice not a disease. For those on the other side of the argument they claim just the opposite. According to a source on the Internet entitled Alcohol and Drug Treatment: The Disease Concept Of Substance Abuse and Addiction, the idea of drugs and alcohol being a disease is a â€Å"very controversial and debated topic.†For the purposes of this essay, I am forced to agree that drug addiction is a choice. People get high and drink because they want to and if they are not careful they can become an addict. The research I found on this particular topic seemed to have the most support and facts to dismiss the idea that addiction is a disease. I also beeivle if there was enough evidence to support the idea of addiction being a disease it would not be such a controversial topic. According to a Website entitled â€Å"Saint Jude Retreat House,†alcoholism and drug addiction are not diseases because those types of behaviors can be avoided and there is help available to change these behaviors. Although it has been found true that drug and alcohol dependency can be passed down through hereditary there is no concrete evidence I have found that proves that this is a disease. In a book entitled Treating Substance Abuse, Theory and Technique 2nd edition, says â€Å"This first and probably least controversial of the disease models can be termed the â€Å"medical consequences model.†(Page 11). This statement seems to be saying that because this topic is so controversial and not enough medical proof is available it has been given a generic name. It is true that drugs and alcohol can cause diseases, but does that make the addiction problem a disease? Perhaps this topic is so controversial because of the lack of knowledge or understanding of drug addiction. On a Website entitled â€Å"Addiction is a Chronic Disease,†the source was comparing diabetes and cancer to support their idea that drug addiction to is a chronic disease. The Website did not give any additional support and provided no examples.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Meteors Case Study Essay
Meteorites are rocks from space, which land on Earth, attracted by her gravity. The shooting stars that you see at night, are actually burning meteors that fall on Earth from outer space! This is the first of many interesting facts that are going to follow. Why do meteorites fall? For the same reason why anything falls on Earth – ‘Gravity’. Very few can escape it! Meteorites have their origin in outer space. They are relatively small pieces of dust and debris, usually left behind in the wake of a comet. Meteorites, that are huge in size, have their origin in space, as asteroids. They are left over pieces of matter from formation of the solar system, which could not clump together to form a planet like our Earth. There is a dense belt of such asteroids outside the orbit of the planet Mars, called the ‘Asteroid Belt’. Asteroids are huge in size and their lengths can number to kilometers! Once in a while, small pieces of rock or dust, come into range of Earth’s gravitational pull and fall on Earth as shooting stars. An asteroid dislodged from its trajectory and falling on Earth is also called a meteorite. However, an asteroid being huge in size, causes a cataclysmic explosion on Earth on impact. Origin ‘Meteor’ and ‘Meteorite’ facts are interchangeable terms and we shall see why they are so. When these rocks and pieces of dust are floating in space, they are called ‘Meteoroids’. When they make a blazing entry into Earth’s atmosphere, they are called ‘Meteors’. Finally, if they survive the burning entry into Earth’s atmosphere and fall on Earth, they are called ‘Meteorites’. So a meteorite could originate from comet debris called meteoroids or larger objects called asteroids! Here are some basic facts about meteorites, meteors and meteoroids. Comets leave tons of dust and debris in their trail as they travel along long orbits round the Sun. When Earth, while revolving around the Sun, passes through some patches of this comet debris, it enters the Earth’s atmosphere causing meteor showers. Meteor showers are periodic events. One can see thousands of meteors or shooting stars, as they are called, during such a shower. The most popular meteor showers are ‘Perseids’ (which peak around August 12) and Leonids (which peak around 17 November). During these showers, you can observe a shooting star at the rate of 1 meteor per minute on an average. A falling meteor can travel at speed of as much as 44 miles per second ! One of the facts is that they have some of the oldest rocks in the solar system among them. They could be older than the Earth and date from the period when Sun was forming! Every day, about 4 billion meteoroids fall on Earth! Majority of them are very tiny and therefore do not cause much harm. If a meteorite is observed while falling and recovered from the place of fall, it’s called a ‘fall’ meteorite. If a meteorite is not observed while falling, but found from any location, it’s called a ‘find.’ Till 2006, there have been roughly 1,050 witnessed falls while there are about 30,000 documented ‘Finds’. Falling meteors which are large in size, can create an intense electromagnetic pulse, which temporarily disrupt radio communication in the region of fall! With a properly designed radio antenna, you can actually ‘hear’ meteorites falling as radio noise. Types and Composition Here are some facts about their types and composition, that you should know about. Recovered meteorites are classified into three main categories which are ‘Chondrites’ (Make about 86% of all recovered meteorites), ‘Achondrites’ (8%) and ‘Iron’ meteorites (6 %). The name ‘Chondrites’ comes from features called ‘Chrondules’, which are melted silicate materials from their past. Chondrites are about 4.55 billion years old and are the types of rocks from which our own planet formed! Certain chondrite meteorites fallen from outer space contain traces of amino acids and organic matter, bolstering the theory that life may have been planted on Earth! This is one of the most astounding facts. Achronidtes are relatively younger meteorites of the igneous rock type and are pieces of asteroids, the Moon and Mars! Iron meteorites are composed of iron-nickel alloys and silicate materials. They are also thought to be pieces of asteroid s! Every one of these meteor facts are intriguing. Earth has been pounded by the impact of many meteorites, ranging from the very tiny to gigantic meteorites. The meteorites impact craters that are found on earth are testimony to this. It is time for the last of our facts. One gigantic meteorite impact occurred millions of years ago on Earth which brought on the extinction of dinosaurs! One question that may come to your mind is, ‘Where do meteorites fall?’. They could fall anywhere on Earth. Meteors have been found all over the world. The recent findings have been mostly in Africa and accessible parts of Antarctica. If you could find one, you are bound to be rich as private collectors and museums pay millions of dollars for them! The reason is that they are very rare and are made up of minerals, which are never found on Earth! So keep looking! You may never know, when one might pop out of the sky, making you rich. So it’s actually profitable to know some meteor fact s. Originating in the outer space, an object reaches Earth and gets a place in the list of meteorites. There have been many instances of extraterrestrial bodies impacting the Earth’s surface while some have only passed through the Earth’s atmosphere before they were destroyed. Meteorites have been arousing interest of the masses as there is an element of mystery that surrounds them. Where do they originate? What makes some of them enter the Earth’s atmosphere? How dangerous can they get? Space research and astronomy have revealed some interesting information about some of these questions and researched thoroughly on the different types of meteorites. Most of the meteorites disintegrate before reaching Earth while some reach the planet’s surface. Huge meteorites form craters on Earth while the smaller ones involve less danger. Meteorites containing small round particles are known as chondrites and form about 86% of those falling on Earth. Those similar in appearance to small igneous rocks are called achondrites and believed as being the crustal material of a steroids. Meteorites originating from the core of asteroids are known as iron meteorites and form about 5% of the meteorites, which fall. History has recorded a number of instances of meteorites impacting the Earth. ALH 84001: It was found in the Allan Hills, Antarctica in December 1984. Meteorite hunters of the United States working on ASMNET project discovered this meteorite. When discovered, its mass was 1.93 kilograms and its rock was reportedly one of the oldest forms. This meteorite was supposed to have come from Mars. Later it was believed to consist of some traces of the life on Mars and this made ALH 84001 more famous than ever. Hoba: This meteorite lies on the farm Hoba West in Namibia and has never been moved elsewhere because of its exceptionally greater mass. With a mass of about 60 tons, it is the largest meteorite known to mankind. It is tabloid in shape and composed of metal. It is believed to have landed on Earth about 80,000 years ago. In 1955, it was declared as a national monument and has since then been attracting visitors from different parts of the world. Tunguska Event: The Tunguska explosion took place in June 1908 near Tunguska River, now a part of Russia. Most probably, the air burst of a large meteorite caused this explosion. The energy emitted from this explosion was about 1000 times greater than that of the bomb blast of Hiroshima. According to the eyewitnesses of this explosion, the event started with a flash of bright blue light and a sound originating from east and moving northward. Later the sound was accompanied by shock waves that broke windows miles away. This was one of the famous disintegrating meteorites that remain in the list of world’s most famous meteorites. Willamette Meteorite: This is an iron-nickel meteorite that was discovered in the United States near Oregon. It is the largest of the meteorites found in the United Sates as also the sixth largest in the world. Probably the meteorite had landed in the region, which is now known as Canada. This meteorite weighing about 15.5 tons is one of the very large meteorites of the world. Orgueil: This meteorite fell in France in 1864 and is a relatively older meteorite. The fall of this meteorite consisted of small stones that covered a massive area. This is one of those eight meteorites that belong to the CL chondrite group. A striking feature of this type of meteorite it that its composition is similar to that of the Sun. This meteorite is one of the most researched ones. For purposes of deeper study of the composition of this meteorite, it was split into pieces. Currently, it exists in the form of pieces kept in different museums in Europe and the United States. These were some of the famous meteorites of the world. They have always been a subject of interest for researchers around the world. Meteor showers A meteor shower is a celestial event wherein it is observed that a group of meteors radiate from anyone point in the sky. This phenomenon is also known as ‘Meteor Storm’ or ‘Meteor Outburst’. The meteors that are present in the showers are actually cosmic debris that enter the Earth atmosphere at very high speed and vaporize very quickly due to friction leaving behind a streak of light which is known as the meteor shower. An identified meteor shower is usually an annual affair as the Earth will encounter the same meteors at approximately the same time and same speed every year. Causes Meteor showers are a result of interaction that takes place between the planet Earth and a comet. Comets consist of ice and rocks (often termed dirty ice balls) that orbit around the sun like planets. Every time the comet gets close to the sun, some of the ice present in the comet melts which produces a large amount of debris. This debris moves away from the comet and becomes a part of its tail which is visible part of the comet. The solid parts of the tail are the meteoroids and they spread along the entire orbit of the comet which is termed as a meteoroid stream. As the Earth orbits around the sun, its path may cross the meteoroid stream and a meteor shower follows. When the meteoroid stream is particularly dense, then we get to witness the meteor storm and having witnessed one myself, I can guarantee that the sight is truly spectacular. People Behind the Concept It is believed that Irish astronomer George Johnstone Clooney collaborating with the British astronomer Arthur Matthew Weld Downing and Adolf Berberich belonging to the Royal Astronomical Computation Institute in Berlin, Germany offered the very first idea of the meteoroid stream in the 1890. They were able to calculate as to how the meteoroids once freed from the comet would travel at low speeds when compared to the comet itself would start drifting after completing one orbit. This effect was attributed to simple orbital wherein the materials drift laterally away from the comet as some particles make a wider orbit when compared to other particles. The gravitational pull of the Earth’s atmosphere would decide where the dust trails would pass the Earth’s atmosphere. It is a fair possibility that some years, the dust particles can completely miss the Earth’s orbit. Major Meteor Showers If you want to watch meteor showers then the best time of the year is the night of January 3. The shower has been named Quadrantids and this particular shower can produce over a close to 140 meteors per hour. The source of this shower is not a comet but a minor planet, 2003 EH1 which suffered a catastrophic breakup in 1490. However, the showers are very faint and the peak hours last only for a few hours. Hence, you will have to be in a good spot and at an ideal point to watch the shower in all its glory and the best place to watch this particular shower is from the Northern Hemisphere. But people in Southern Hemisphere need not be disappointed. As a matter of fact, they get to witness a meteor shower termed Eta Aquarids which consists of debris from the famous Halley’s Comet. This shower peaks on the night of May 5 and the rate of meteors is about 30 per hour. The meteor shower ‘Geminids’ is considered to be the best annual shower. It peaks around the night of December 13 and the rate of meteor is around 70 per hour. The source of this shower is also a minor planet, 3200 Phaethon. It is best visible from the Northern Hemisphere and it is believed that due to the extreme cold conditions, the air tends to be more transparent and this is the reason as to why this particular shower is spectacular. Sporadic Meteor Showers When the meteoroids collide with each other and can become a part of the sporadic meteors background. They form isolated meteors and are not a part of any shower. Asteroids Asteroids are considered to be remnants of an early broken planet of the solar system. Asteroids have no fixed shape and are too small to be spherical in shape. They are ellipsoids (two dimensional figure), dumbbell or irregularly shaped. As they have different shapes, they also vary in their size. The first asteroid Ceres, discovered in January 1801 by Italian astronomer Giuseppe Piazzi, is the largest known asteroid and is 940 km in diameter. Some of the smallest asteroids are just 6 meters in diameter. The mass of all the asteroids added together, is believed to lesser than the mass of the Moon. Only 200,000 asteroids have been discovered so far, but billion more undiscovered asteroids still exit in our solar system. Asteroid Belt Most asteroids lie in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, however there are more belts in the solar system, namely the ones beyond Neptune’s orbit. The belt itself has interesting origination theories. Most astronomers believe that the belt is a broken planet, while some say that the belt is primordial material that never coalesced into a planet because of Jupiter’s gravitational pull. The asteroid belt lies between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter and contains more than 200 asteroids larger than 100 km in diameter, and more than 750,000 asteroids with diameters larger than 1 km. Most asteroids are found in this belt because of the gravitational interaction between the solar system and the celestial bodies in it. As opposed to the fiction made popular by various depictions of the asteroid belt, it is not at all dense. The region is so vast that asteroids are hundreds of thousands of kilometers away from their closest neighbor. The asteroids are so small and far away from each other that they appear as faint stars, and except for Ceres, are not bright enough to be seen without some telescopic aid. Only the asteroid Vesta, on rare occasions of an extremely clear dark sky can become visible to the naked eye. What are Asteroids Composed Of? Asteroids are made of different minerals and substances. This depends on the planet they broke away from in a collision, as well as the chemical reactions they might have experienced while orbiting in the solar system. The asteroids closest to the Sun are mostly carbonaceous and the ones further away are composed of silicate rock. The metallic asteroids are made of 70-80% iron and the remaining is nickel with many other metals such as iridium mixed in. Some are also made of half silicate and half metallic. The asteroid Ceres is composed of a rocky core covered by an icy mantle, whereas Vesta has a nickel-iron core, basaltic crust and a covering of magnesium iron silicate (olivine mantle). Asteroids composition has been classified as the following: C class asteroids: They are found in the Earth’s outer belt and are darker and more carbonaceous than the ones found in the S class. D class asteroids: They are also known as Trojan asteroids of Jupiter and are dark and carbonaceous in composition. S class asteroids: They are found in the Earth’s inner belt, closer to Mars and are composed of mostly stone and iron. V class asteroids: They are a far-out group of asteroids that follow a path between the orbits of Jupiter and Uranus, and are made of igneous, eruptive materials. A near-Earth asteroid collided with the Earth about 65 million years ago, which triggered environmental changes, leading to the extinction of the dinosaurs. This asteroid created a huge circular depression called the Chicxulub Basin and is centered in Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula, a major tourist attraction. Though the chances of asteroid collision with the Earth is very rare, they do come very close to our planet due to collisions and gravitational tugs on the highly elliptical Sun’s orbit. Most asteroids burn up in the atmosphere and never reach the Earth. NASA projects, such as the Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid Research (LINEAR) and the Near Earth Asteroid Tracking (NEAT) main objectives are to detect and intercept asteroids or other celestial bodies coming close to the Earth before they cause untold damage to our planet. Asteroids are small celestial bodies composed of rock and metal, that revolve around the Sun. Their size can vary: some asteroids are large and roughly spherical in shape, due to which they appear like miniature planets; while the others are small and irregularly shaped. The matter of these celestial bodies also differs. The asteroid ‘Vesta’, is believed to have a nickel-iron core, olivine mantle and basaltic crust, while the asteroid ’10 Hygiea’ is composed of carbonaceous chondrite. Most of the small asteroids are piles of rubble held together by gravity. Some asteroids supposedly have traces of amino-acids and other organic compounds, and it is assumed that the impact of asteroids on the Earth could have initiated life on the planet by seeding it with the necessary chemical substances. Although, it is believed that the asteroids may have planted life on the Earth, they are capable of having catastrophic effect on the planet as well. Asteroids with a diameter of 5 to 10 meters, and energy equal to 15 kilotons of TNT, enter into the Earth’s atmosphere approximately once every year; while, those with a diameter of over 50 meters enter the Earth’s atmosphere approximately once in a thousand years. Their impact can be devastating if they hit the Earth, but they disintegrate in the upper atmosphere and most of the particles are vaporized, thus rendering them harmless. In the distant past, our planet has experienced a massive climate change and large-scale extinction of animal and plant species, ascribed to the impact of some large asteroids on the planet. The exogenesis theory suggests that origin of life on the Earth must have been triggered by the impact of some asteroid, carrying organic chemicals needed to initiate life form. The Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction event, which led to the end of dinosaurs and the Permian-Triassic extinction event that led to the end of the Permian period finishing off 90% of the species on the planet, are believed to be the result of an asteroid impact on the Earth. The craters on the solid bodies in the solar system, which were attributed to volcanic activities till 1960s, were actually formed due to the impact of celestial bodies. Researchers have determined that in the last 600 million years, 60 objects with a diameter of five km or more, have struck the Earth. Even the smallest of these object possessed energy of ten million megatons of TNT, and would have formed a crater, approximately 95 km in diameter, on the surface of our planet. The Rio Cuarto craters in Argentina are believed to have formed due to the impact of asteroids that struck this area around 10,000 years ago. In 1490, ten thousand people reportedly lost their lives due to a hail of stones from the sky. This hail of stones is assumed to be result of the disintegration of a large asteroid, after it entered the Earth’s atmosphere. In 1908, a mid-air explosion of an asteroid destroyed 80 million trees, within an area of 830 miles, near the Podkamennaya Tunguska River, in Si beria. In many cases, the sighting of a foreign body, such as an asteroid or a meteoroids is reported as a fireball in the sky. Millions of asteroids will pass by the Earth in the years to come. Though, they are unknown now, they are detectable as they come closer to the planet. The Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid Research (LINEAR) and the Near Earth Asteroid Tracking (NEAT) are projects initiated by NASA to detect asteroids or other such foreign bodies coming close to the Earth. The need of the hour is to develop an intercept system in space, to destroy or deflect foreign objects heading towards our planet, before they prove catastrophic. Asteroids are celestial bodies consisting of rocks and metals. They are mainly concentrated in the region known as the asteroid belt which lies between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Asteroids can be as big as Ceres, which is close to 1000 kilometers in diameter, or can be just a few feet in diameter. Whatever the size, asteroids are neither big enough to be called planets nor are they as small as comets. They are classified as minor planets that include the Kuiper Belt Objects. Discovery On January 1, 1801, Giuseppe Piazzi discovered the first asteroid which he initially thought to be a comet. He named this asteroid Ceres, after the Sicilian Goddess of grain. Ceres is also the largest asteroid to have been discovered so far. Soon, other large asteroids like Pallas, Juno and Vista were discovered. By the end of the 19th century, several hundred asteroids were discovered. Formation of Asteroids It was once believed that asteroids were formed by the explosion of a planet orbiting between Mars and Jupiter. However, according to present day astronomers, asteroids are debris left behind by the Big Bang that could not come together to form a tenth planet because of the effect of Jupiter’s gravitational pull. Asteroid Hits Asteroids have been hitting the Earth since millions of years. However, due to the friction with Earth’s atmosphere most of the asteroids get burnt. The asteroids that enter the Earth’ s atmosphere are called meteors while the ones that get burnt and appear as shooting stars are called meteorites. According to the Giant Impact Theory, the Moon was created when Theia, an asteroid of the size of Mars, collided with the Earth in the early days of the solar system. However, some consider Theia to be more of a planetoid than an asteroid. The largest crater caused by an asteroid hit is the Chicxulub Crater in Mexico that is 180 km in diameter. The asteroid that formed the crater had a diameter of 10 km. This collision is supposed to be responsible for the extinction of a large number of flora and fauna including the dinosaur. However, the evidence of the largest asteroid hit is in the Vredefort crater in South Africa that is 300 km in diameter. Impacts of Asteroid Hits The damage that an asteroid’s impact can cause depends mainly upon its mass and velocity, as these are the two factors that determine the energy that is released when an asteroid hits the Earth. While some asteroids are capable of sending thermal waves that can incinerate most flora and fauna within a few hundred kilometers, some larger asteroids can create huge impacts causing magma to cover areas as big as continents. The worst effect of an asteroid hit is the blocking out of sunlight for months together due to formation of dust clouds and soot in the upper atmosphere. This would hamper the green plants’ ability to prepare food through the process of photosynthesis and the food chain would be disrupted. Near-Earth Asteroids Near-Earth asteroids are those that have moved closer to the Earth’s orbit as they have been knocked out of the asteroid belt due to collision with other asteroids or comets, or due to the gravitational forces of Jupiter. They are classified into the following three groups: The Amors: These are near-Earth asteroids that cross the orbit of Mars but do not go out of the Earth’s orbit. The Apollos: The orbits of these near-Earth asteroids cross the Earth’s orbit but have an orbital period of greater than one year. The Atens: These near-Earth asteroids have orbits that cross the Earth’s orbit but have an orbital period of less than one year. Asteroids are currently being monitored for their probability of colliding with the Earth. Such studies have predicted that asteroids may hit the Earth on February 1, 2019 and March 16, 2880. The probability of the 2880 collision is as high as 1 in 300. A number of projects in the field of astronomy, like Spacewatch, Near-Earth Asteroid Tracking and Catalina Sky Survey are being carried out to detect any threat of such catastrophes. Comets A comet is a small body in space. It was matter of great interest to astronomers like Sir Edmond Halley. Many decades later, comets still remain a challenging mystery for the field of astronomy. Space research institutes around the world have reported the existence of 3628 comets that are known and studied. Annually, an average of one comet is sighted by the naked eye from the surface of the Earth. According to the definitions given by the various space research organizations, a comet can be defined as a space body that travels in an elliptical orbit around the sun. Most of the comets travel in elliptical orbits. When the comet comes in the vicinity of the star it is orbiting around, its comma-like tail gets illuminated. A majority of comets are visible only through telescopes and other aids. There are however, some comets which are also visible to the naked eye. What is a Comet Made Up of? A comet is principally made up of ice, dust and different forms of gases. The nature of the components differs from comet to comet. The central part of a comet that looks like a ball is termed as the nucleus. The nucleus is principally made up of ice and frozen gases. The frozen components also include many other compounds like ammonia, methane and carbon dioxide. Rocks are another component of the nucleus. Due to such composition, the nucleus of the comet often resembles a huge ball of dirt and snow. It is also believed by some astronomers, that the nucleus of a comet is rather fragile because several comets have split into parts without any explainable reason except immense velocity. The huge elliptical orbit takes the comet in the range of heat of the star around which it is orbiting. When the comet enters the inner parts of the solar system, the frozen content of the nucleus starts melting. The gases and water within the nucleus vaporize as a result of radiation from the star and the solar wind. The immense velocity of the comet and the solar wind, push the vaporized matter away from the nucleus. This gives the comet it’s distinct tail and the comma-like appearance. The high amount of heat and the ions (charged particles that are formed due to the heat of the sun) cause the tail of the comet to glow. How are Comets Formed? According to their formation or birth, the comets can be classified into two types. The first type is short-term comets which originate in the Kuiper belt as space bodies beyond the orbit of Pluto. The gravitational pull of the planets in the solar system, causes the origin of short term comets. These comets enter the solar system and take the form of active and glowing comets. Long term comets originate as traveling bodies in the Oort cloud (located around 50,000 light years away from the sun). The gravitational attraction of the planets in the solar system and other gravitational forces cause these comets to form elliptical orbits. Death of a Comet The study of comets has revealed that they have a fragile structure. Sometimes, comets split into parts due to sheer velocity. The entry and exit of comets in the solar system in course of its orbit, reduces the amount of matter (ice and frozen gases) in it. Due to this reduction in matter, the comets break-up and disperse into clouds. A dead comet is nothing but an asteroid or a similar form of a space body. Sometimes the comets also crash in other planets when their orbits cross each other. The most famous example of such a comet is the Shoemaker Levy 9, that crashed into Jupiter. For astronomers who have spent their lives studying comets, it a very heart-breaking moment to gaze at a dying comet. The Halley’s Comet is said to be one of the most beautiful comets. Another very beautiful comet is the Hale-Bopp, that was discovered in the year 1995, on 23rd July. It was predicted by astronomers that the Halley’s Comet would be sighted in the November of 1835. Mark Twain, the famous writer, was born just two weeks after the sighting. He developed a very special liking towards the Halley’s Comet. In his biography he comments,†I came in with the Halley’s Comet, and expect to go with it. The Almighty has said no doubt, Now here are two unaccountable freaks; they came in together; they must go out together.†Halley’s Comet was next sighted on 20th April, 1910. Twain ended the journey of his life the very next day. The journey of any comet is indeed like that of Mark Twain. It is remarkably long, fast, adventurous as it streaks across the dark sky. Haley’s comet Historical Spottings British scientist, Edmond Halley who observed the comet in 1682, was the first person to establish its periodic reappearance after every 75-76 years. He studied the comet and quite accurately predicted that it had earlier appeared in 1531 and in 1607. It was named ‘Halley’ in his honor and was observed again in 1758 as stated by him. It was last seen in February 1986. However, this was not the first time the comet was in focus. The first sighting recorded, was way back in 240 BC, by the Chinese and was mentioned in a chronicle, ‘Records of the Great Historian’. The comet also finds a mention in a Babylonian clay inscription of 164 BC. It has always been a subject of great interest, since it was believed to have an influence on the contemporary events. Armenian king Tigranes II, had its image printed on the coins issued in his regime after it was sighted in 87 BC. Therefore, even though the recurrence of the comet was an unknown fact, people were fascinated b y its appearance. The bright star that appeared in the night sky in 12 BC, coinciding with the birth of Jesus, is widely believed to be the Halley’s comet. Giotto Di Bondone, the famous Italian painter, who lived before the renaissance era, painted it in his work ‘The Star of Bethlehem’ in the Nativity, in 1305. He had seen the comet appear in 1301 and was impressed by the spectacle. In the middle ages, the appearance of a comet was considered to be a warning sign of a forthcoming danger. The most famous incident of spotting a comet during this period, was in 1066, before the Battle of Hastings. King Harold who had lost the battle, was believed to have seen the comet due to which he was cursed. In fact, the Bayeux Tapestry in Normandy, France, signifies the Norman victory in this battle with an image of King Harold looking at the comet in the sky. In 1456, Pope Calixtus III had condemned its appearance considering it to be an evil omen. Three years prior to this, Europe was defeated by the Ottoman Empire. Human beings have always blamed celestial phenomena, whenever they have not been able to explain the causes of certain unfavorable events. Historically, the presence of a comet in the night sky was commonly cited as the reason behind difficult situations that were beyond the reasoning of common man. A French physician, Ambroise, had described the pitiful conditions of middle ages, when a comet was seen just before the spread of a big epidemic. According to him, some people were scared to death while others fell sick on seeing the comet. It was believed to be some ‘evil form’ leaving behind a trail of blood, believed to be a sign of misery. Recent Spottings In the 16th and the 17th century, scientists learned to calculate the speed and distance at which comets travel around the Sun. Once, Edmond Halley had established the year of its reappearance, Halley’s comet became a matter of great interest. Although, he didn’t live to see his prediction coming true, his observation had a significant impact on the way society perceived comets. The sighting of a comet, especially Halley’s comet became less of a concern and more of a curiosity among people. Once people realized that comets are orbiting bodies just like planets, they became less apprehensive on the arrival of a comet in the Earth’s visibility zone. The change in the attitude of the people was seen in the depiction of the comet in the contemporary pictures. Halley’s comet was a subject of scientific study and was depicted as a beautiful heavenly body in the sky. Famous American writer Mark Twain was born in 1835, the year when Halley’s comet ha d appeared. He predicted in 1909 that since he had ‘come’ with the comet he will ‘go out’ with it. Sure enough, he passed away a year after the comet reappeared in 1910. In the 1900s, it had appeared twice; once in 1910 and then in 1986. Further studies gave us a deep insight into the structure, composition and orbital journey of many different comets. Halley’s comet has one of the shortest orbital paths. It is classified as a short period comet, i.e. comets having an orbit period of 200 years or less. Once upon a time, it belonged to the long period class, but due to the gravitational force of planets, its orbit shortened over a period of time. Today, it is known that comets like ‘Hale Bopp’ which appeared in 1997, will reappear after 4200 years! Thus, Halley’s comet is the most frequently spotted one. Recently, it was seen in February 1986. During this visit, it was subjected to its biggest scrutiny ever. Five spacecrafts from The European Space Agency, Japan and the USSR were launched to study its surface. Structure and Composition of Halley’s Comet Halley’s comet is a big mass of ice and dust, having an elliptical orbit and shaped like a peanut. It has a highly elongated orbit, taking it very close to the Sun. It flings off far in the outer solar system, similar to a slingshot motion. The composition is mainly of water, sodium monoxide, methane, ammonia, hydrocarbons, iron and sodium. Its closest distance from the Sun was found to be just 0.6 AU (astronomical unit) and the farthest distance was calculated to be 35 AU, roughly the same distance as that of Pluto. It orbits the Sun in a retrograde or in the direction opposite to that of the planets’ revolution. The speed with respect to the Earth is quite high, since it is highly eccentric and inclined. The day time is relatively more on its surface and its maximum temperature rises up to 77 degrees celsius. Due to its large size and a well-defined and regular orbit, it was easy for the probe missions photograph it closely and study its surface. The mass of the comet is 1.7Ãâ€"1015 kilograms and the size of the nucleus has been estimated to be 15 km Ãâ€" 7 km Ãâ€" 7 km. Winds blowing near its surface are so strong that 1 gram particle of dust which hit the Giotto space probe, briefly destabilized it. Halley’s comet will next appear in 2062. Comets have always been a fascination for human beings and will continue to mesmerize generations to come, as we discover more interesting facts about these spectacular fireballs, the comets. Comet lullin Comet Lulin was discovered on July 11, 2007, by the duo of Ye Quanzhi and Lin Chi-Sheng. A non-periodic comet, Lulin appears to be greenish in color. This green color is attributed to the presence of gases such as cyanogen and diatomic carbon, which produce a green glow when illuminated by sunlight in the vacuum of the space. Officially designated as C/2007 N3 (Lulin), it is also known as the ‘Comet of Cooperation’ in China and Taiwan, as the two individuals involved in its discovery, were from these two countries. This comet was first photographed by Taiwanese astronomer Lin Chi-Sheng on July 11, 2007, while he was working on the Lulin Sky Survey Project (LUSS) at the Lulin observatory in Nantou, Taiwan. The Lulin Sky Survey Project aims to identify the numerous small objects in the solar system, particularly those that pose possible hazards to our planet. Lin used a 16-inch telescope to photograph this comet, which was initially assumed to be an asteroid. A few days later, Ye Quanzhi, a 19-year old student of meteorology from Sun Yat-Sen University, China, recognized this comet while going through Lin’s photographs. Its status of being a comet was confirmed after the presence of coma, the nebulous envelope around the nucleus of the comet, was noticed. Both, Lin and Quanzhi were accredited with the discovery of this new comet. As it was first noticed from the Lulin Observatory, it was named as Comet Lulin. Comet Lulin was seen in the Libra constellation from January to March 2009. In January, it was getting brighter and could be seen just before dawn; while in February, the brightness reached its peak. Eventually, in March, it started to fade as it went farther away from the Earth. While it was approaching the Earth, it had a typical tail pointing away from the Sun, as well as an ‘anti-tail’ which was directly pointing towards the sun. Although, it was assumed that this anti-tail was observed only in photographs, so me observers reported that it was visible even from a telescope in February 2009. According to Brian Marsden, an astronomer at Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Massachusetts, this comet’s closest approach to the sun was on January 10, 2009 when it reached a distance of 113 million miles from the sun. He noticed that the comet was moving in a retrograde orbit that is near-parabolic. On February 24, Comet Lulin came the closest to the Earth, at a distance of 0.41 AU or 38 million miles to be precise. On February 4, 2009, a team of Italian astronomers, under the leadership of Ernesto Guido, witnessed a strange phenomenon taking place in comet Lulin. While photographing the comet with a remotely controlled telescope in New Mexico, they saw that its tail suddenly disconnected. Ernesto attributed this odd phenomenon to magnetic disturbance of the solar wind hitting the comet. Earlier, this had been observed with Comet Encke too, when coronal mass ejection occurred, due to such magnetic storms. Photographs taken by NASA’s Swift Gamma-ray Explorer satellite in ultra-violet and X-rays show that Lulin is shedding 800 gallons of water every second. Observations by NASA also revealed that the surface material of the comet was burning away due to sun’s heat. This sighting of Comet Lulin was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the whole world, as there is no possibility of this comet returning to the inner solar system, at least not for the next thousand years. Human kind has always looked to the heavens in awe and wonder, and sometimes in fear. Perhaps no other astronomical phenomenon except a total solar eclipse has historically evoked as much fear as comets. When the specter of fear is removed, however, they emerge as strikingly beautiful objects in the sky. It was once believed that if earth passed through a tail of a comet, its inhabitants would die; this theory has been discredited. Comets are messengers from a time long past. Most are chunks of dirty ice, locked away in the Oort cloud for billions of years. (Oort cloud: – It is the source for long period comets, with orbital periods of greater than two hundred years.) Comets are familiar to nearly everyone as striking star like objects with long tails stretching across a wide band of the sky. The most famous comet, Halley’s comet makes its return to the skies every seventy-five years. The word â€Å"comet†is derived from a Greek word meaning â€Å"long haired†Comets were greatly feared before the twentieth century as bad omens. Since then, they have been identified and cataloged as objects that come from deep space. Most of them occupy orbits that carry them far outside the solar system. Many of them make only a single approach to the sun and never return again, while others exist in stable, but highly elliptical orbits that allow them to return after an extended period of time, such as the Halley’s comet. In 1986, the European space probe Giotto passed about 600 kilometers from the Comet Halley as it made its close approach to the sun. The probe verified existing theories that comets are made up of ices covered by black dust or soil. The spacecraft confirmed a theory that had been advanced prior to the reconnaissance that described comets as â€Å"dirty snowballs.†Using data taken by the spacecraft, scientists determined that the dust is composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. Other metals have also been discovered in comets, such as iron, calcium, nickel, potassium, copper and silicon. Halley’s comet was one of the darkest objects ever seen in the solar system; it was basically flat black. Comets are composed of a mixture of ices and dust. As a comet approaches the sun, it absorbs the suns energy and warms up. The main body of the comet is called the nucleus. As the nucleus warms, the ice beneath the comets soil evaporates. Because the comet has no atmosphere, the evaporated substance (also called a volatile) escapes into the vacuum of space as a gaseous envelope that surrounds the comet called â€Å"coma.†As the coma grows, it forms a plume of vapor that carries away some of the comets surface as well. This mixture of evaporated volatile particles and dust is carried away from the comet by solar wind, is ionized by high-energy particles, and creates the spectacular tail of the comet. The comet’s tail, glowing in the solar wind, can stream behind the comet for millions of kilometers. The nucleus of the comet consists of mostly volatile ices and dust. The ice is nearly all water ice, but there is also evidence of ices composed of carbon dioxide and methane. More elementary compounds of nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon monoxide may exist as volatile ices. Comets are typically small bodies (comparatively!!). Halley’s comet is a potato shaped object, 14 by 17 kilometers. The largest known comet is Chiron, which is estimated to be approximately 200 kilometers in diameter. Comets are thought to have formed as the solar system evolved. The material of which comets are composed was constructed by accretion at the outer edge of the disk of material that ultimately became the sun and planets. Because the comet material was fashioned at the outer edge of the solar system, the sun did not evaporate the volatiles in the cometary material. At the same time, the giant planets of the solar system formed at what would become the outer orbits of the solar system. These massive planets encountered the newly formed comets, and the ones that were not engulfed by the giant planets were, over the first billion years, catapulted into interstellar space by the planets massive gravitational fields. Not all comets met that fate, however. Some were gently nudged into stable orbits closer to the sun. Others were flung into the inner solar system and impacted the inner planets. Relevance: – The study of comets involves detailed knowledge of its composition of the outer regions of the solar system and the space between the last planet and 100,000 astronomical units onwards. Cometary study also seeks to understand complex gravitational interactions between bodies separated by wide distances and even gravitational interactions between tiny comets, their behavior when approaching the sun, and something of the makeup and evolution of the early solar system. New comets approaching the sun for the first time have been held in deep freeze in the Oort cloud and are thought to be composed of primordial material of the newly forming solar system. They have been tied up in the Oort cloud for billions of years at temperatures slightly above absolute zero. As they approach the sun, their internal gases begin to steam away. A detailed study of an approaching comet may tell cosmologists about the composition of the early solar systems. Comets and their approach have also hinted at the existence of the elusive brown dwarf, thought to be one of the most common bodies of interstellar space. Because they are so dim, they are all but invisible from Earth. On the other hand, because brown dwarfs are thought to be so plentiful, the study of comets and their orbits may give the first real clues to the former’s reality and abundance. In the early 1980s the existence of the galactic tidal action was merely speculation. Since then, careful study of cometary orbits and approaches has favorable supported the theory of galactic tides. In the close approach of Halley’s comet by an unmanned spacecraft in 1986, a wealth of information was recovered on the shape, behavior, and composition of comets. The existence of the Oort cloud and the concept gravitational interactions by passing objects in space have led to the theory of periodic comet showers. Such comet showers, separated by periods of tens of millions of years, may be responsible for the mass extinction on Earth. There is a wide speculation that Earth was struck by one or more comets 70 million years ago, which wiped out the dinosaurs. Some scientists have speculated that this extinction was the result of a shower of comets from the Oort cloud, sent on their close approach to the sun by a passing star or brown dwarf through the Oort cloud. Comets have been used to judge vast distances, evaluate the composition of the solar system as it was being born, and even test the idea that the gravity of the entire galaxy can make a difference to the smallest objects in space. Comets have been used as yardsticks to evaluate what may be the most type of star in the galaxy-the brown dwarf-which ironically is one that may never be seen. They have also been called dirty snowballs. Halley’s comet was so black that it was the darkest object ever seen in space. Yet, from these dirty specks of ice, cosmologists have witnessed some of the most spectacular light shows. Ultimately comets may also generate clues to some of the most fundamental secrets about the solar system and planets. From these tiny messengers, cosmologists may unlock and examine pristine elements from creation itself.
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