Thursday, September 3, 2020
How to Write a Research Paper on White Collar Crime
The most effective method to Write a Research Paper on White Collar Crime To compose an astounding exploration paper on a given point with the point of accomplishing the most elevated conceivable score, one should initially comprehend the significance of the word research, what it involves and the obligations it brings to the analyst. The word research like most English words was gotten from the French word recherchã © which intends to look for intently. In this manner, an examination paper on office wrongdoings includes looking for intently or researching a theme on corporate wrongdoing to respond to the inquiries posed definitively. Presently, there are some essential advances you should know about before following up on these means give you the information on the most proficient method to begin your examination, make a structure for your exploration paper and convincingly express your case on paper. So here are the five opportune strides to direct you when composing an examination paper on cubicle wrongdoing. Pick a Topic That Inspires You There are assorted topics one can investigate on salaried wrongdoing yet some topics would impact you more than others. This could be because of your own encounters or were your inclinations lie yet whichever is the situation, the tip here is to pick a theme on clerical wrongdoing that interests you. Direct a Thorough Investigation When your theme has been picked it will either task you on addressing an inquiry on desk wrongdoing or your situation on specific issues on corporate wrongdoing, sexual orientation, condemning and its impact on society. Whichever it is, the obligation to completely comprehend your point and make a persuading contention lays on you. In this manner, your examinations must be revolved around trustworthy sources which will loan belief to your work. The tip here is to focus your examination on the FBI official site, respectable news sources from certain US areas and stages with urls finishing off with gov and edu. These are stages entrusted with recording wrongdoing insights, realities just as including supposition pieces on the subject of office wrongdoing. Begin Writing Your Research Paper Since you have picked a subject, procured the information expected to create and contend your standings on professional wrongdoing, the subsequent stage is building up a structure that you will follow to plainly write your considerations down. So here is a layout you ought to think about utilizing. Presentation: your examination paper must incorporate an Introduction that mentions to your crowd what the subject is about, the topics to be utilized, why you are composing on the theme and how you expect to continue in building up the point. Body: here is the place you express your case utilizing realities and insights to obviously come to your meaningful conclusion while addressing the inquiries presented by your subject. The body of your examination paper must show your comprehension of the subject and your capacity to determine troublesome issues in a lucid manner. This is the most significant piece of an exploration paper and is certainly answerable for the evaluation you get. Make a Conclusion Here you close your paper on desk wrongdoing by repeating your theme, summing up the focuses made and the significance of talking about the issues engaged with cushy wrongdoing. You should compose well: an elegantly composed paper says a lot about your comprehension of the English language and your capacity to precisely utilize the language. An innovatively organized paper will acquire you a bigger number of imprints than just muddling realities together. So these are our means that whenever followed will acquire you the greatest imprints you want for the exertion you put in. On the off chance that you need some model material, you can generally check our 10 realities on clerical wrongdoing for an examination paper and 20 themes for an eminent exposition. In conclusion, consistently attempt to continue composing in light of the fact that with training comes flawlessness.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Care Plan for Neuman
Nursing Care Plan Using Neuman’s Model Nursing Diagnosis utilizing NANDA analyze terminology| Measurable Goals| Nursing Outcomes (interventions)| Level(s) of Prevention for each Intervention| Self-care shortage r/t physical impediments and dissatisfaction over loss of freedom AEB in capacity to perform ADL’s, for example, washing, prepping, cleanliness, and dressing. | Patient will be dressed and up for treatment day by day throughout the following 30 days. Pro will be liberated from skin breakdown for the following 60 days. Pt will help with ADL’s to the most elevated degree conceivable throughout the following 30 days.Ace with wash and dress self with min-help/oversight and prompts in 90 days. | 1. Urge patient to be responsible for explicit parts of care (I. e. brush teeth daily)2. Set up preparing things and support participation3. Help with ADL’s if Ace is unable4. Energize, signal and help to choose attire and dress fittingly daily5. Ambulate pt with help (as coordinated by PT)6. Screen for c/o uneasiness, putrid, and stained pee 7. Help with and empower great peri-care with each toileting 8.Educate pt on breaking undertakings into little advances. Limit decisions to two, and give update and signals during undertakings  | 1. Primary2. Secondary4. Primary5. Secondary6. Primary7. Primary8. Teritary |  Risk for impeded skin uprightness R/T stability, mechanical weight and sheer. | Ace will be turned/repositioned Q 2 hrs. with help of 1-2 individuals. Expert will finish moves with min-mod help of 1 as required. Expert will be up day by day, as endured, moves will be with help of 1-2 staff as required. | 1.While in bed staff with help Ace to turn/reposition self-utilizing pads and wedges to look after position. 2. Spot call light w/in simple reach3. PT to instruct Ace on assistive devices4. Remind and urge Ace to call for help when needed5. Expert will be up to seat every day as toleratedâ | 1. Primary2. Secondary3. Primary4. S econdary5. Teritary|  Impaired physical portability identified with neuromuscular debilitation r/t Hypertension, Occlusion inside vessels of the mind parenchyma interruption of blood gracefully in the cerebrum territory, tissue and cell putrefaction.  Ace will be liberated from injury for next 30 days. | 1. Change position Q 2 hrs. 2. Instructing identified with ambulation and moves by PT/OT and nursing. 3. Assessment and instruction of assistive gadgets as coordinated by treatments. 4. Instruction on diet, nourishment and discourse counsel 5. Support utilization of non-slip shoes/footwear6. Gives security measures (side rails up, utilizing cushions to help body part)â | 1. Primary2. Tertiary3. Tertiary4. Primary5. Secondary6. Primary|
Friday, August 21, 2020
Is Rap Poetry
Presentation Poetry can be characterized as a one of a kind Art that is made and planned utilizing sounds. Verse as an Art utilizes sounds to make an outflow of what is planned (Ntozake 1). Verse has interesting highlights that make it stand apart as a type of Art. For instance sonnets are well known for their utilization of rhyme, stress and meter (Ron 150). These highlights assume a major job in upgrading sound examples. The articulation is along these lines brought out obviously when the sonnet is presented out loud (Randall 60). The inquiry that emerges is along these lines whether the rap music is poetry.Advertising We will compose a custom exposition test on Is Rap Poetry? explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Rap Is Poetry Just like verse, rap music utilizes sound to drive the expected message home. Rap specialists play with their words to deliver sounds that convey the expected message (Alan56). It is hence clear that rap utilizes a similar procedure as verse to accomplish its definitive objective. Refrains and sections are different highlights that make rap to be named verse. Rap music creates its sounds in beats in a line. These lines make a refrain (Jace 2). This is a similar case as in verse. The physical appearances of the two sorts don't draw out any distinction and this prompts end that rap is verse. Verse is related with verses as in ‘lyric poetry’ of American artists (Timpane and Watts 20). Rap simply like this verse get melody verses from a prestigious instrument considered lyre that was utilized by writers of old occasions (Nelson 130). Rap as music has verses. This generally makes rhyme. Rap is verse as it is made from happenings out of everyday exercises (McIver 219).This takes after verse which portrays the writing and culture of individuals at a given period (Jimmy 478). Verse is a language used to communicate a specific thought, this is like rap. It enlightens a great deal regarding the age and culture of th e individuals utilizing the message it conveys (Bertice 12). Rap Is Not Poetry According to semantic perspective rap music isn't verse. This is on the grounds that despite the fact that it would appear that verse, it takes the not well framed nature of verse. That is, rappers typically control their wordings to shape a metrical example (Mel 43). What's more, on the off chance that you take the other path round and read a sonnet containing clear refrain will result to clear section verse and not a rap (Alonzo 602). So as to make rhyme, the rap music continues rehashing a similar expression (Perkins 1).This is particularly in the unremarkable rap music. Indeed, even in the alleged great rap music the mind boggling verses gives a solitary rhyme design which much of the time is planned to make accentuation (Language Arts Higher Standards 6).Advertising Looking for exposition on workmanship and structure? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Le arn More Linguists additionally contend that rap doesn't utilize Standard language as far as wording and sentence structure (Toni 3). For instance they contend that Fifty Cent a rap craftsman articulates ‘fifty’ as ‘fitty’. As indicated by them ‘f’ can't be subbed with a‘t’. End Rap music is verse. This is on the grounds that even the focuses contended against it, for example, the non-standard utilization of language in rap music don't hold water. Customary verse utilized beautiful gadgets which is non standard type of language. In synopsis, rap music is verse and the restriction given need reasonable help. Works Cited Ash, Mel. Beat Spirit: The Way of the Beat Writers as a Living Experience. Penguin, 1997. Berry, Bertice. The Haunting of Hip Hop. Broadway Books, 2002. Blackman, Toni. â€Å"The Influence of Rap on Spoken Word.†2001. Web. Clayton, Jace. â€Å"Hip-Hop’s Radical Roots.†1999. Recovered from https :// radical-roots George, Nelson. Hip Hop America. Penguin, 1998.Advertising We will compose a custom paper test on Is Rap Poetry? explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More James, Jimmy. â€Å"The History of Rap.†2005. Web. McIver, Denise L. Droppin’ Science: Straight-up Talk from Hip Hop’s Greatest Voices. Crown, 2002.Language Arts Higher Standards. New Haven Public Schools, 2002. Light, Alan, ed. The Vibe History of Hip Hop. Three Rivers Press, 1999. Padgett, Ron. Handbook of Poetic Forms. Instructors and Writers Collaborative, 1987. Perkins, William Eric, ed. Droppin’ Science: Critical Essays on Rap Music and Hip Hop Culture. Sanctuary University Press, 1995. Randall, Dudley, ed. The Black Poets. Peewee, 1971. Shange, Ntozake. Nappy Edges. St. Martin’s, 1978. 50-51.Advertising Searching for article on workmanship and plan? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More John Timpane and Maureen Watts. Verse for Dummies. Hungry Minds, 2001. Westbrook, Alonzo T. Hip Hoptionary: The Dictionary of Hip Hop Terminology.Broadway Books, 2002. This exposition on Is Rap Poetry? was composed and presented by client Kristina Douglas to help you with your own investigations. You are allowed to utilize it for research and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; in any case, you should refer to it as needs be. You can give your paper here.
Thursday, June 11, 2020
LLM Commercial Law
LL.M Commercial Law Should Courts Lift the Corporate Veil to a significantly greater extent? The doctrine laid down in Salomon v Salomon Co Ltd has to be watched very carefully. It has often been supposed to cast a veil over the personality of a limited company through which the courts cannot see. But that is not true. The courts can and often do draw aside the veil. They can and often do pull off the mask. They look to see what really lies behind. The legislature has shown the way with group accounts and the rest. And the courts should follow suit. I think that we should look at the Fork company and see it as it really is the wholly owned subsidiary of the tax payers. It is the creature, the puppet of the taxpayers in point of fact, and it should be so regarded in point of law. Per Lord Denning MR, Littlewoods Mail Order Stores Ltd v I.R.C. [1969] 3 All ER 855 Bibliography 1.0Introduction This dissertation will discuss the principles of limited liability and corporate personality and the courts reluctance to disregard the corporate veil the principle called piercing the Corporate Veil. We shall consider the circumstances in which the Courts have been able to pierce the veil of incorporation and the reasons as to why they have in most cases upheld the decision in Solomon v Solomon Co[1]. All companies in the United Kingdom have to be registered and incorporated under the Companies Act which governs the principle of limited liability hence giving the owners or shareholders a curtain against liability from creditors in the case of the company falling into financial troubles. This curtain so created gives the company a separate legal personality so that it can sue and be sued in its own right and the only loss to the owners or shareholders is the number of shares held in the company on liquidation with no effect on their personal assets. This distinct separation between the owners or shareholders and the limited company is the concept referred to as the veil of incorporation or corporate veil. In conclusion, it shall be argued that the courts should lift or pierce the corporate veil to a significantly greater extent so as to hold erring shareholders or directors of a corporation liable for the debts or liabilities of the corporation despite the general principle of limited liability were the corporation has insufficient assets to off-set the creditor liabilities. 2.0Limited liability and Corporate Personality The principles of limited liability and corporate personality are the cornerstone of the United Kingdom company law since the Joint Stock Companies Act 1844, its consolidation in 1856[2] and the introduction of the Limited Liability Act 1855. These two principles have been so guarded by the courts as being fundamental to todays company law by upholding the separate legal personality of a corporate entity. However, whilst the original intention of the legislation was to help companies raise capital through the issue of shares without exposing the shareholders to risk beyond the shares held, the present attraction to incorporating a company is the advantage of shielding behind the curtain of limited liability which could be abused by some businessmen. 2.1Companies Act 2006 Article 3 (1) provides that a company is a limited company if the liability of its members is limited by its constitution. Article 7 (2) provides that a company may not be so formed for an unlawful purpose. Article 16 (2) The subscribers to the memorandum, together with such other persons as may from time to time become members of the company, are a body corporate by the name stated in the certificate of incorporation. (3) That body corporate is capable of exercising all the functions of an incorporated company. 2.2Limited liability As stated above, the doctrine of limited liability was introduced by the Limited Liability Act 1855 as a means by which companies could raise capital by selling company shares without exposing the shareholders to unlimited liability.[3] The principle of limited liability shields the company owners, shareholders and directors or managers against personal liability in the event of the company winding up or becoming insolvent. In such an event the liability of its owners and shareholders is limited to the individual shareholding held as provided for by the Companies Act 2006 and the Insolvency Act 1986[4]. This means that the members of a company do not have to contribute their personal assets to the company assets to meet the obligations of the company to its creditors on its liquidation but have to contribute the full nominal value of the shares held by individual shareholders. It should be noted here that such limited liability does not shield the limited company from liability until all its debts or assets are exhausted. This principle has so been held since the House of Lords ruling in the Solomon case[5] in which the Lords where of the view that the motives behind the formation of a corporation was irrelevant in determining its rights and liabilities as long as all the requirements of registration are complied with and the company is not formed for an unlawful purpose[6]. Much as a limited company has a separate legal personality, its decisions are made by directors and managers who should use the powers conferred unto them by the company board of directors and the memorandum and articles of association[7], and any abuse will entail personal liability by the officer concerned. Limited liability encompasses both the small enterprise including one-man companies[8] and big companies hence limiting the liabilities to company assets and not to any other personal assets.[9] This view has been endorsed in recent times through numerous cases as evidenced in a one-man company, Lees Air Farming. Lee was the majority shareholder and director in the company in which he was also the employee. He was killed on duty in an air accident and the court held that Lee and the company were two separate entities and hence entitled to compensation.[10] The courts will only in exceptional circumstances such as abuse, fraud or where the company was used as an agent of its owner disregard the doctrine of limited liability and hold members, shareholders or directors personally liable for the debts and other company obligations to the creditors in what has been termed the piercing or lifting of the veil of incorporation. However, there are several statutory laws which allow for the principle of limited liability to be ignored in such situations as in the reporting of financial statements of group companies[11], corporate crime and insolvency[12] which we shall discuss below. 2.3Corporate Personality A limited company is a legal person[13] with an existence which is separate and independent from its members as long as all the formalities of registration are adhered with in line with the Act. The corporate identity entails the company can sue and be sued in its own right without affecting its owners or shareholders rights. It is trite law that the only plaintiff to a wrong done to a company is prima facie company itself and not its shareholders[14] except in instances where there is a fraud against shareholders or the acts complained of are illegal. The company has been held as having an independent legal corporate personality since it was first held in the case of Solomon v A Solomon Co Ltd[15]. To emphasise this point, Lord Macnaghten said that it seemed impossible to dispute that once the company is legally incorporated it must be treated like any other independent person with its rights and liabilities appropriate to itself, and that the motives of those who took part in the promotion of the company are absolutely irrelevant in discussing what those rights and liabilities are.[16] In this case, Solomon registered his company into a limited company under the Companies Act[17] which required a minimum of seven (7) members for incorporation. Solomon became the major shareholder with his wife and children holding a share each but the company ran into financial problems leaving no assets for the unsecured creditors on liquidation. Whilst the court of appeal held the company to be a sham and an alias, trustee or nominee for Solomon and that the transaction was contrary to the true intent of the Companies Act[18] the House of Lords reversed this decision and held that the company had been validly registered as required by the Act and hence had a separate legal personality from the shareholders. In arriving at this decision, Lord Macnaghten said that, The company is at law a different person altogether from the subscribers.Nor are the subscribers, as members liable, in any shape or form, except to the extent and in the manner provided by the Act. This decision shows that the House of Lords identified that the important factor was the observance of the requirements and formalities of the Act which safeguarded the principles of limited liability and corporate personality.To date, this is the correct interpretation of the Companys Act and it is important that the principle in maintained in the advancement of commerce. It should be noted here that the principle of corporate personality does not affect the company creditors to a large extent as far as the recovery of the debts is concerned. Following the decision in the Solomon case, Professor Gower has described a limited company as being opaque and impassable[19], whilst on the other hand it was described as calamitous[20]. Some commentators suggest that courts have been more inclined to the maintenance of the sanctity of the separate legal integrity of a company and have resisted the common law resolution of peering under the skirts of a company to examine its linen (dirty or otherwise)[21] as can be observed from the numerous cases since the Solomon case. The foregoing shows the importance to commerce of the incorporation of a company as it allows for continuity of the business transactions despite any changes in the owners, administrators, directors or shareholders of the company. However, common law has in some exceptional instances ignored this principle in stances of abuse or fraudulent use of a sham corporate structure. The courts have ignored the corporate sham structure and peer behind the veil to identify the directing mind and will that control the company and such intervention being termed as lifting the veil, cloak[22] or mask[23]. Whilst the courts have at times pierced the veil to benefit creditors when a company is placed under liquidation, there has been reluctance by the same courts to pierce the veil in instances which could have favourable results for shareholders.[24] 3.0One-man Limited Companies The Council Directive 89/667[25] provides for the formation of one-man private companies hence moving away from the Joint Stock Companies Act 1856 requirements. This Directive highlights the advancement in commerce and as can be indentified from the Solomon case, Mr Solomon was the owner of the company and only registered the other six shares for his wife and children to fulfil the requirements of the Act. The company owner in these one-man corporations would in most instances also be the director in which case some unscrupulous individuals could escape liability for their own misconduct by holding assets in the name of the corporation. The courts are prepared to pierce the corporate veil in a one man company so as to be enabled to treat assets of the company as property held by the defendants were the company is held to be an alter ego of the owner.[26] However, the courts have shown that they are not prepared to pierce the corporate veil even in one-man limited companies as long as they are properly registered as required by the Act. In the case lee v LeesAir Farming[27] mentioned above, Mr Lee incorporated Lees Farming Limited and was the director and controlling officer as an employee of the company. On his death in an air crush whilst on duty and the family claimed workers compensation. The court held that the company and Mr Lee were distinct and separate entities and hence Mr Lee was a worker in his own company. Hence we see here the courts upholding of the principle set down by the rule in Solomon v Solomon[28] which has remained controversial[29] with changing commercial activity and globalisation. The courts have been more willing to pierce the veil in one-man companies were the owner of the company is usually the controlling officer and does not deal with the company at arms length. In the case of Wallersteiner v Moir[30], Lord Denning held that the subsidiaries were controlled by Dr Wallersteiner making them puppets which danced to his bidding. Lord Denning is pointing out here that whilst the subsidiaries appeared to have a separate personality, they were in reality his agents or sham companies with no existence of their own and hence warranted the piercing of the veil. This principle of corporate personality as established in the Salomon case has been extended to groups companies which we shall look at below. 4.0Group Companies Group companies comprise of the parent company with its subsidiaries carrying on their businesses not as a common enterprise or single economic unit[31], though portraying it as such to the outside world. The principle of limited liability applies to the subsidiary companies so formed as they are registered companies under the Act and as such each has a separate legal personality to the parent company and hence can sue and be sued in their own right. The advantage of this arrangement to the group is that it limits liability to each subsidiary company in the group whilst sharing the group profits for the benefit of the group structure. Such group structures can lead to the parent company forming subsidiary companies to run its risky part of the business and hence insulating itself from liability in the event of the subsidiary company failing to meet its obligations to the creditors.[32] The effect of corporate personality in group companies is that each entity is legally independent and separate from other subsidiaries and the parent, hence each entity being liable for its own debts,[33] which affirms the Solomon principle. Lord Justice Slade said: Our law, for better or worse, recognises the creation of subsidiary companies, which though in one sense the creatures of their parent companies, will nevertheless under the general law fall to be treated as separate legal entities with all the rights and liabilities which would normally attach to separate legal entities.[34] This is still the law and an affirmation of the principle in the Solomon case. In the case of Ord Another v Belhaven Pubs Ltd,[35] the proprietors of a company which was in the business of acquiring old pub premises, doing them up and then letting them to tenants, duly let a renovated pub building to Ord. There had been misrepresentations made by the company as to the potential profitability of the premises which only came to light some time later. By the time Belhaven Pubs Ltd had ceased trading and could not meet its debts. Ord sought leave to substitute the parent company. The Court of Appeal held that the defendant company which had granted the lease was legitimate and had not been a mere faade for the holding company and hence could not be substituted. This basic principle of separate legal identity has been re-affirmed more recently in the Court of Appeal decision in Adams v Cape Industries PLC[36]. In this case, the defendant company was a member of a corporate group with a UK parent company. The employees in its US subsidiaries were injured by inhaling asbestos dust and had successfully sued the subsidiaries in US courts. They applied to enforce judgement against the parent company arguing that Cape had been present in the USA through its subsidiaries as they formed a single economic unit. The Court declined to pierce the corporate veil and held that the fundamental principle is that each company in a group of companies is a separate legal entity possessed of separate legal rights and liabilities The principle in the case of Salomon was upheld on the basis that the subsidiary companies had been legitimately formed and hence were separate legal entities distinct from the parent company. 5.1The Directing Mind A registered company is a separate and distinct legal entity, a body corporate[37] possessing rights and made subject to duties being able to sue and be sued in its own right. In the case of Lennards Carrying Co Ltd v Asiatic Petroleum Co. Ltd[38], the court held that, a corporation is an abstraction. It has no mind of its own any more than it has a body of its own; its active and directing will must consequently be sought in the person of somebody who for some purposes may be called an agent, but who is really the directing mind and will of the corporation, the very ego and centre of the personality of the corporation.. So we see here that the courts are willing to look behind the corporate veil as a matter of law so as to establish the directing officer behind the decisions and actions taken by the company. The directing mind of a corporation is the senior person whose authority is derived from the companys board of directors to perform the functions of the company as directed and for the benefit of the company.[39] In the course of business, such senior persons would then delegate their authority to other employees for the efficient running of the company in which case such employees actions or inactions would be considered as those of the directing mind. Lord Reid further went on to define the directing mind and will of the company as the person who acts for the company as he acts as the company and his mind which directs his acts is the mind of the company.. He is not acting as a servant, representative, agent or delegate. He is an embodiment of the company or, one could say, he hears and speaks through the persona of the company, within his appropriate sphere, and his mind is the mind of the company. If it is a guilty mind then that guilt is the guilt of the company.[40] Therefore, this would mean that the directing mind and will of the company is any employee who performs certain functions for the corporation as long as he has the authority to do so and does not act outside his mandate in which case he will be held personally liable[41]. In Williams and another v. Natural life health foods ltd and mistlin,[42] the case of a small one-person company, Sir Patrick Russell in his dissenting judgment pointed out that the managing director will almost inevitably be the one possessed of qualities essential to the functioning of the company, but that in itself does not mean that the director is willing to be personally liable to the companys customers. Therefore to convict a company, the court will go behind the status of the separate legal entity distinction so as to establish the directing mind and will of the company controlling its activities[43]. However, it has been identified that the principle of limited liability can be subject to abuse and in the circumstances were there is statute will not provide justice or equity, the courts have in such exceptional circumstances disregarded the principle and held the shareholders or directors accountable for their decisions in the running of the company. The process in which the courts have disregarded the principle of limited liability is called piercing the corporate veil which is the main discussion of this document. 5.2Tortious Liability The company is vicariously liable for any torts committed by its employees or agents whilst acting in the course of the official duties and shall not be called into question on the ground of lack of capacity[44] whilst the employee or agent remains the primary tortfeasor[45]. It is therefore clear that the directing mind and will can sometimes be personally liable for torts, for which the company is also liable, for their fraudulent acts though done on behalf of the company. 4.3Criminal Liability The Barrow Borough Council case is thought to be the first prosecution of a local authority for corporate manslaughter. To convict a company of corporate manslaughter, the prosecution must prove the companys conduct, which led to the deaths, was the conduct of a senior person in the companythe directing mind (also often referred to as the controlling mind). In practical terms, this means that for a company to be guilty of corporate manslaughter a senior person (normally a director) also has to be guilty of manslaughter. The difficulty with these cases, particularly against larger companies with layers of management, is proving a causal link between the conduct (or lack of it) of the directing mind and the incident that caused death. 6.0The Corporate Veil The corporate veil is the curtain that legally separates the company from its shareholders hence holding the company as having a separate legal personality and limited liability. In curtailing any abuses of limited liability and the protection of creditors to both small and group companies, the courts have in certain instances, though reluctantly, looked behind the corporate veil to establish the true intent of the controlling officers of the company. The courts have in the rare circumstances ignored the corporate form and looked at the business realities of the situation so as to prevent the deliberate evasion of contractual obligations, to prevent fraud or other criminal activities and in the interest of public policy and morality. Piercing the corporate veil has not been complicated in one-man companies were the owner is usually the director and hence the controlling officer as compared to group companies which have a layered structure. The controlling officer[46] will be held liable and asked to account for his actions so that the company can fulfil its financial obligations to its creditors in the event of company insolvency. In the case of Royal Brunei Airlines v Tan[47] made clear. 6.1Lifting the Corporate Veil The corporate veil is a curtain that shields company shareholders and directors from personal liability by the principle of limited liability in the event of the company being insolvent and unable to fulfil its obligations. The lifting of the corporate veil concept describes a legal decision where the limited company shareholders or directors are held liable for the debts or other liabilities of the corporation contrary to the principle of limited liability. Whilst there is strict liability legislation to prosecute erring limited companies for statutory offences but were there is insufficient statutory protection, the common law remedy of piercing of the corporate veil is imposed by the courts so as to put liability on the controlling officer (directing mind) of the corporation. However, the courts have been reluctant to rebut the principle of limited liability and only in exceptional circumstances have they been willing to pierce the corporate veil to establish the true facts. In this way, certain individuals or parent-companies responsible for the companys actions are held liable so at to account for their decisions as shareholders or directors. Generally, the UK corporate law holds that the shareholders, directors or parent-companies are not liable for corporate obligations of the companies or subsidiaries they control hence maintaining the principles of limited liability and separate legal corporate personality. The principles of separate legal personality and limited liability have been long recognised in English law[48] and that the shareholders or directors are not liable for the debts of the company as long as it is properly administered.[49] However, in exceptional circumstances[50], the courts have been prepared to look behind the company and establish the actions or inactions of the directors and shareholders using the process known as piercing the corporate veil. Piercing the corporate veil is the process whereby the court ignores the principle of corporate personality and holds the shareholders or directors liable for their actions so that they meet the company obligations in their personal capacities.The courts will pierce or the veil were the corporate structure has been used as an instrument of fraud or to circumvert the law.[51] It has been argued that whilst the courts have used the doctrine of piercing the corporate veil though reluctantly, it is still not well understood leading to uncertainties in the legal process.[52] Some commentators have argued that the exceptional circumstances in which the courts have justified the piercing of the corporate veil is uncertain as evidenced by the number of contradictory decisions by the courts.[53]Goulding[54] further argues that it is not possible to distil any single principle from the decided cases as to when the courts will lift the veil due to the diversity of the cases, though they are more willing in cases of extreme abuse.[55] In the leading case on this subject, Solomon v Solomon[56] discussed above, the House of Lords maintained that individuals could organise their affairs as they wanted and that if they chose to do so via incorporation they were entitled to the protection of limited liability as long as the incorporation was in accordance with the formal rules of the relevant legislation. Though it is English trite law that the incorporation of a company protects the members from company liability by the principle of limited liability, there are both statutory and common law exceptions to the principle in cases of abuse of the corporate structure. 7.0Statutory Exceptions Gower and Davies[57] argue that the courts are willing to lift the veil were statutory wording of a particular statute[58] is explicit as Parliament intended. The courts have resisted the temptation to pierce the veil because they consider it just to do so[59] though they are more willing in exceptional circumstances or were they feel that the shareholders or directors are concealing the true facts[60]. However, the courts have been reluctant to lift the veil were the statute does not specifically provide for it. There are various Acts which specifically provide for the lifting of the corporate veil and as such are strict and have to be followed. Following are a few examples of both civil and criminal liability imposed on limited companies. Companies Act 2006 sections 398 and 399 Group of companies Although each company is a separate legal person, section 399 (2) requires that the parent company prepares group accounts at the end of the financial year so as to give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss. This Act looks at the group of companies as a single economic entity and in effect lifting the corporate veil which goes against the principles of corporate personality and limited liability.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Forgiveness As a Tool in Healing And Combatting Social Injustice - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 10 Words: 2889 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2019/06/26 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Forgiveness Essay Did you like this example? In beginning this research, I was searching for an answer to an ongoing question that plagues this country. In previous research Ive conducted, I have examined many issues regarding racial injustices in America and how they have plagued specific groups of people. From the school- to-prison pipeline to the ineffective War on Drugs that have continued the in the state sanctioned terrorism on African Americans and people of color in the United States. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Forgiveness As a Tool in Healing And Combatting Social Injustice" essay for you Create order After reading countless journals and analyzing many texts that delve into the hate policing placed against minorities, I grew frustrated. In not wanting to negate history and ignore its effects, I am left asking, how do we move forward? The idea of forgiveness can be used as a key piece in building peaceful societies as well as peaceful individuals. It works to establish a society and a culture of people who are willing to recognize wrongdoing for what they are and choose to not allow the hurt to multiply. By working forgiveness into the core of a society, we can empower individuals to examine their own hurt, work through it and eventually work towards social harmony. Forgiveness will be one of those human competences which although imperfect, may help us to build more peaceful societies, because in the same way that we have learnt to hurt each other, we can learn to forgive each other too (Robles). In can be a challenging phenomenon to overcome, or even ask of for individuals with years of targeted hurt. However, when are continuing in the conversation of how do we move forward, it is a key component in ending repetitive cycles of vengeance and fear. In 2015, Dylan Roof, inferably unaware of the value and sanctity of human life walked into a South Carolina church to manifest the evil festered in his heart. He sat in service, an odd spectacle; an unknown white man in an all-black church. He gained their trust and arguably their love. In keeping with his preconceived plan, he aimed his gun at his first target, an unexpecting African American. He aimed his gun at the next and then the next, until nine members of the Emmanuel A.M.E Church were shot and killed. It was a horrific memory, a tragic event that will soon fill American history books around the nation. Innocent blood was shed for no other reason than to infiltrate his poisonous rationale that some life is not valuable. Roofs heinous acts were cruel and awful and immoral, undeniably so. But were his actions forgivable? A few weeks after the horrendous act, Nadine Collier, daughter of Ethel Lance, who was killed by Roof spoke and offered hope to not only her enemy, but the world. She said, I forgive you. You took something very precious away from me. I will never get to talk to her again. I will never be able to hold her again, but I forgive you, and have mercy on your soul. You hurt me. You hurt a lot of people. If God forgives you, I forgive you. ____ These words, easier said than understood are the very words that can grant someone freedom. Understandably, forgiveness can make one cringe at the thought of pardoning someone for a hurt or loss or deep wound inflicted on to them. It has been said that this appears to be a form of weakness. However, this paper aims to advocate for forgiveness as the first step in healing, combating social injustices and moving towards desired social outcomes, such as racial reconciliation. It is only when we are willing to It would be challenging to fully explore the depths of forgiveness without first exploring the womb in which forgiveness lives; compassion. The ability to release someone from their guilt and reestablish a relationship, to have the power to cancel the debt of another to experience the freedom that comes with giving a pardon to excuse somebody for a mistake, misunderstanding, wrongdoing or an inappropriateness is only possible through compassion. In his book Adam and Eve in Scripture, Theology and Literature; Sin, Compassion and Forgiveness, author Peter B. Ely, explains that compassion means entering the weakness, or suffering, or distress of the other person and seeing it as my own. If I cannot see that the sinner who did this or that horrible deed against me (or against us) shares a common human weakness that afflicts all human beings including me, the offended then its hard to be forgiving (Ely). To get to forgiveness we must be willing to see the human in our oppressor. It can be challenging when our oppressor is the face of terrorism, but, there is a healing that transpires that allows us to move forward in a healthy way. Joseph R. Canale argues in Altruism and Forgiveness as Therapeutic Agents in Psychotherapy that the act of forgiveness can be viewed as a prescription for a happier and healthier psychological existence during this lifetime, a prescription that through love brings a sense of fulfillment and through f orgiveness, a peace of mind. (Canale) It is only when release resentment that we can focus and be free of peace hindering motives, such as revenge, anger and hatred. Civil rights leader, Martin Luther King Jr. precedes in this notion of forgiveness as key in combatting social injustices. We must recognize that the evil deed of the enemy-neighbor, the that hurts, never quite expresses all that he is. An element of goodness may be found even in our worst enemy when we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies. When we look beneath the surface we recognize that his hate grows out of fear, pride, ignorance, prejudice and misunderstanding, but despite this, we know Gods image is ineffably etched in his being. Then we love our enemies by realizing that they arent totally bad and that they are not beyond the reach of Gods redemptive love. Its compassion that allows us to forgive that grants us freedom. It is easy and probably within good reason to believe that one is not as bad as Dylan Roof. We might find ourselves saying that there is no way I could ever commit such an act. But this belief falls short of grasping the understanding that in what lies in the heart of one human has the possibility of finding a home in the heart of the same person who could never do such a thing. We can fall victim to the same transgression as our enemy neighbor. Indeed, there are wrongs that can never be made right again, but the pure essence of the act itself, but forgiveness is what allows us to be set free from the past. Again, it is the only way to cease the repetitive cycles that keep humans repaying hurt with another hurt. When Nadine Collier, offered forgiveness to Dylan Roof, she continued in the process of healing that would make her time on earth bearable. Instead of harboring the pain Roof caused her, attempting to hold it against him, she released it. She released the countless nights she might otherwise have spent reliving the hate that might have stirred in her that tragic evening. She released the pain of recalculating all the ways she could find so that Roof could feel her grief and bear her pain. In a study by Neal Krause and Christopher G. Ellison, their findings reveal that older people who forgive others report they experience fewer symptoms associated with a depressed affect than older people who are unable or unwilling to forgive other people for things they have done. (Krause) To reiterate, she, in her forgiveness, continued the process of not allowing that soul-wrenching, hope-seizing event to keep her hostage or a slave. Because Collier chose to forgive, she can continue in that hope ful stride towards freedom. This is, however, a key piece needed in not only understanding forgiveness as the greatest weapon for humanity, but in executing. We must understand what exactly forgiveness is and is not. As articulated by theologian Tim Mackie in a teaching on why forgiveness is so vital to the movement of the Kingdom of Heaven, forgiveness is not ignoring or forgetting the wrongdoing. It is not condoning or excusing it, nor is it tolerating or allowing further abuse. It is imperative to make clear that if someone is in an abusive situation, be it, mentally or physical, it is more important that they find a way out, rather than beginning the process of forgiving. Forgiveness is also not returning to the way things were before or allowing the offender to escape consequences (Archive). Understanding this can allow us to take therapeutic forgiveness as individual cases arise and possibly as a model for society. Individually, when we choose to forgive, we are giving ourselves a specific place of power that allows us a better chance at make clear choice for moving forward. As said before, we are not fogged down with feelings of insecurity and anger that might cause hostility that can further ensure the disruption in the relationship. Instead, we are able to clearly decide if continuing in the relationship is best or not. As a model for society, when a hurt group of people choose forgiveness, whether the hurter makes amends towards contrition or not, that group can reestablish a sense of dignity and control over their position in society. This is in no way discrediting the continued systems that might actively be working against them, but it allows them to resist the friction peacefully, as Martin Luther King Jr practiced. It has been said that this type of social practice, forgiveness, cannot lead to justice as it is potentially can only serve as an interpersonal act. However, the very nature of forgiveness is a socially constructive act that gives way to social justice. Hannah Arendt describes forgiveness as the only reacting which does not merely re-act but acts anew and unexpectedly, unconditioned by the act which provoke it(Arendt). Miroslav Volf takes this idea a bit further, claiming that knowledge of justice requires forgiveness. She claims that to agree on justice, you need to make space in yourself for the perspective of the other (Volf). This leads us back to compassion as the only way of truly achieving forgiveness. Forgiveness is in no way opposed to justice, as if to forgive meant to overlook the need to right the wrong done. It is rather the fullness of justice, leading to that tranquility of order which is much more than a fragile and temporary cessation of hostilities, involving as it does the deepest healing of the wounds which fester in human hearts. Justice and forgiveness are both essential to such healing (XXXV). So, when we speak on forgiving, we are not saying that what is being forgiven is okay or excusable or even justifiable, we are saying though, for there to be true peace and genuine freedom that releases a person from the bonds of oppression, terrorism and dehumanization, forgiveness must take life. Yes, we want justice for the countless black bodies that have been wrongfully taken advantage of, abused and mistreated by a country that has and continues to step on and look down on people of color. Yes, we want justice for the innumerable violations of human rights taking place daily, for those incidents that make it to primetime and those that dont. Justice is an inevitable and undeniable demand for those who are far too familiar with the inability to feel sea in their skin for fear their esteem wont surmount their skin color. However, while are waiting for justice, we dont have to wait for freedom. Our society, by the grace of God has long progressed past the inherent and super pronounced state sanctioned hatred that once made up the aroma of our country. The air is continuing to distillate the stench caused by our enemies next door. We are moving forward and can continue to do so if forgiveness is what leads us in our walk towards irrevocable freedom. Many psychologists that use forgiveness therapy on their clients emphasize to them that forgiveness is voluntary and unconditional and does not involve the offenders response. It is the replacement of negative feelings with prosocial feelings toward the offender by recognizing the essential human core that we all possess. This brings about a cumulative healing effect that is transformational for the client (Menahem). Understanding that forgiveness frees the person forgiving from mental pain influences how well a person and or society can move forward in a way that produces the great social outcome. In a study by Lorraine Toussain t, he concludes that conditional forgiveness of others is associated with risk for all cause mortality, and that the mortality risk of conditional forgiveness may be conferred by its influences on physical health (Toussaint). Forgiveness gives the hurt the power and willingness to go out and heal the hurts, right the wrongs and ultimately change society. The chain of grievances ends with forgiveness. This model was used during the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa where the participants adopted the idea that your actions do not fully define you. They called it ubuntu and Bishop Desmond Tutu said that in doing so, we are making each other human. When someone is wronged, he or she is dehumanized, but the one who committed the offense is dehumanized as well. Two people are dehumanized and in the process of reconciliation, the perpetrator becomes less than the victim but somehow the perpetrator is human, the goodness is still there so when the perpetrator confesses, his or her humanity is restored, and, on that basis, alone reconciliation is possible. If winner takes all, there can be no common future (Kane). As Pope John Paul ii said in his message of His holiness for the celebration of the world day of peace, The is not peace without justice and no justice without forgiveness (XXXV) We see the forward moving idea of forgiveness through leaders with similar philosophies. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.s non-violent approach for fighting injustice with love and forgiveness led to such triumphant victories as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which banned discrimination in employment and public accommodations based on race, color, religion or national original, the Voting Rights Act of 1965 which restored and protected the right to vote, and the Immigration and Nationality services Act of 1965. All of these were achieved based on forgiveness as the wrench in unscrewing centuries of injustice. In a speech Dr. King gave on forgiveness, he emphasizes that forgiveness is a catalyst creating the atmosphere necessary for a fresh start and a new beginning (King). If both the offender and the offender harbor hatred, an unwillingness to forgive, it will result in both parties pulling a rope in opposite directions, attempting to take it as far they can until it snaps. Whereas, forgiveness means even if one party is walking away, the other must choose to stand firm, patiently, until the other party realizes he can go no further with the rope unless his counter walks with him. Forgiveness through compassion is a strong tool in combatting social injustice. The healing that ensues within the individuals practicing forgiveness allows deeper impact to take place. The acts of forgiveness of the family members in Charleston after the tragic shooting drew focused attention to deeper issues of racial violence in the South, resulting in the removal of the Confederate Battle Flag from the South Carolina State House grounds after years of efforts to accomplish this (Jorgensen). References Canale, Joseph R. Altruism and Forgiveness as Therapeutic Agents in Psychotherapy. Journal of Religion and Health, vol. 29, no. 4, 1990, pp. 297â€Å"301. JSTOR, JSTOR, Jorgensen, Larry M. Forgiveness after Charleston: The Ethics of an Unlikely Act. The Good Society, Vol. 26, No. 2-3, Special Issue: On Reintegrating Facts, Values, Strategies (2017), pp. 338-353. JSTOR, JSTOR, Krause, Neal, and Christopher G. Ellison. Forgiveness by God, Forgiveness of Others, and Psychological Well-Being in Late Life. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, vol. 42, no. 1, 2003, pp. 77â€Å"94. JSTOR, JSTOR, Menahem, Sam, and Melanie Love. Forgiveness in Psychotherapy: The Key to Healing. Journal of Clinical Psychology, vol. 69, no. 8, Aug. 2013, pp. 829â€Å"835. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1002/jclp.22018. Toussaint, Loren, et al. Forgive to Live: Forgiveness, Health, and Longevity. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, vol. 35, no. 4, Aug. 2012, pp. 375â€Å"386. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1007/s10865-011-9362-4. Izadi, Elahe. The Powerful Words of Forgiveness Delivered to Dylann Roof by Victims Relatives. The Washington Post, WP Company, 19 June 2015, Archives, Tim Mackie. 27. Forgiveness[Matthew] -Tim Mackie (The Bible Project). YouTube, YouTube, 20 Aug. 2017, XXXV World Day For Peace 2002, No Peace without Justice, No Justice without Forgiveness| John Paul II, Ely, Peter B. Adam and Eve in Scripture, Theology, and Literature: Sin, Compassion, and Forgiveness. Lexington Books, 2018. Arendt, Hannah, The Human Condition (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1958), 241. Volf, Miroslav, Exclusion Embrace: A Theological Exploration of Identity, Otherness, and Reconciliation (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1996), 220). Robles Jimenez, Juan Manuel, Forgiveness as a human ability for peace: Philosophy and Christian Theology in Dialogue, UNESCO Chair of Philosophy for Peace. Juame I University, Castellon de la Plana, Spain
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
E-Cigarettes Better than Tobacco Cigarettes - 1086 Words
â€Å" The true face of smoking is disease, death and horror – not the glamour and sophistication the pushers in the tobacco industry try to portray †. – David Byrne. Smoking has been an habit in teenagers and adults for a very long time and it is well known that it is harmful for them as well for the environment. Technology has advanced, and now there are electronic cigarettes, called E-cigarette, which are devices with battery that carry nicotine heated aersosol in a fashion that imitates common cigarettes, while carrying lower levels of toxins than a conventional lit cigarette. They can be used indoors, which allows smokers to get their fix wherever and whenever they want. A study from NBC News (Leshae) shows that electronic cigarettes are a technique for smokers to try quitting their addictions. Manufacturers consider that e-cigarattes are healthier than normal tobacco cigarattes, since smokers are inhaling vaporized nicotine rather of carcinogen-filled smoke . However, according to a Thomas Jefferson University Alumni article, some reseachers have found harmful ingredients in certain e-cigarettes, such as ethylene glycol poisoning, a primary ingredient in brake fluid and antifreeze. E-cigarettes mey seem like a healthier alternative to traditional cigarettes, nevertheless there is some research that proves the contrary and we still don’t know its long term effect. The worry about electronic cigarettes is that their risks are still unknown. It remains unknown if they helpShow MoreRelatedE Cigarettes, The Next Big Thing1612 Words  | 7 PagesE-Cigarettes, the Next Big Thing The Los Angeles Times states: â€Å"Electronic Cigarettes are either a potent weapon in war against tobacco, or they are insidious menace that threatens to get kids hooked on nicotine and make smoking socially acceptable again†(Morin). E-cigarettes are now becoming more widespread, especially among young people. 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Presentation of Financial Statements Cash Flow
Question: Discuss about the Presentation of Financial Statements for Cash Flow. Answer: 1.The various requisite ratios are calculated for the year 2016 (Damodaran, 2008). Rate of return on total assets = (EBIT/Average Total Assets)*100 Average Total Assets = (29935000 + 28045000)/2 = $ 28,990,000 Ratio for 2016 = (6270000+1560000)/28990000)*100 = 27% Rate of return on ordinary equity = (Net profit after taxes/Shareholders equity)*100 Ratio for 2016 = (4362000/14215000)*100 = 30.69% Profit margin = (Net income/Revenue)*100 Ratio for 2016 = (4362000/55000000)*100 = 7.93% Earnings per share = (Net income Dividends on preference dividends)/Total outstanding shares Ratio for 2016 = (4362000-50000)/7200000) = 60 cents Price-earnings ratio = Price per share/Earnings per share Ratio for 2016 = 12/0.6 = 20 Dividend yield = (Dividend per share/Price per share)*100 Dividend paid per share = (2702000/7200000) = $ 0.375 Ratio for 2016 = (0.375/12)*100 = 3.125 Dividend payout = (Dividends per share/Earnings per share)*100 Ratio for 2016 = (0.375/0.6)*100 = 62.5% Current Ratio = Current Assets/Current Liabilities Ratio for 2016 = (12745000/5780000) = 2.21:1 Quick Ratio = (Current Assets inventory)/ Current Liabilities Ratio for 2016 = (12745000-7000000)/5780000) = 1:1 Receivables Turnover = Credit Sales/Average receivables Average Receivables = (4100000 + 3675000)/2 = $ 3,887,500 Assuming all sales were credit sales, credit sales = $ 55,000,000 Ratio for 2016 = (55000000/3887500) = 14.15 days Inventory Turnover = Cost of goods sold/Average inventory Average Inventory = (7000000+6930000)/2 = $ 6,965,000 Cost of goods sold = $ 35,100,000 Ratio for 2016 = (35100000/6965000) = 5.04 days Debt Ratio = (Total Liabilities/Total Assets)*100 Ratio for 2016 = (15720000/29935000)*100 = 52.5% Times interest earned = EBIT/Interest Charges Ratio for 2016 = (6270000+1560000)/1560000 = 5.02 Assets Turnover = Sales/Total Assets Ratio for 2016 = (55000000/29935000) = 1.84 Profitability With regards to profitability, the company is superior to the industry average which is apparent from the companys higher ROE (Return on equity) and profit margin. However, the return on total assets is lower than the corresponding industry average which is attributed to lower asset turnover of the company. Additionally, superior profitability indirectly is also reflected in the various market ratios whereby the company has a superior EPS as compared to the industry average while contribute to relatively higher P/E (Parrino Kidwell, 2011, p.90). Liquidity With regards to liquidity, the company is inferior to the industry average as the current asset and acid ratio for the company are lesser than the industry average. However, these ratios are slightly lower than the industry average and therefore there are no concerns with regards to short term liquidity as of yet but going forward the company should be considerate towards this aspect. This is also confirmed from the higher times interest earned ratio for the company as compared to the industry average (Petty et. al., 2015, p. 103-104). Financial Gearing It is apparent that the debt ratio for the company is inferior as compared to the industry average. This is indicative of the fact that the company should be considerate with regards to raising more debt in the future as the business risk may increase and also the debt cost may increase. However, at the present the debt levels are not a matter of concern (Brigham Ehrhardt ,2013, p. 72). 2. In order to ascertain, whether the chef can be ascertained as an asset or not, it is imperative to analyse the definition of asset. An asset may be defined as any resource from which it is likely that future economic benefits would arise and it could be controlled by the relevant entity. In the given case, the chef would lead to future economic benefits for the restaurant in the form of attracting customers. However, the chef cannot be controlled as the chef may resign from the job at any juncture and the restaurant cannot force him to continue. Additionally, the restaurant on its own will cannot transfer the chef to some other restaurant or sell the chef to another restaurant. Hence, while the chef would bring future economic benefits but still it would not be termed as an asset. The chefs value also cannot be ascertained since it is not evident as to how long the chefs stay would be at the restaurant (AASB, 2011). Examples with regards to need of financial information are shown below. Manager of human resources He/She would need to take decisions with regards to future labour requirement and their exact skillset, the kind of training that must be granted to individuals based on their productivity at the job, hiring individuals based on the exact production and demand pattern along with ensuring that appropriate pay packages and incentives are designed keeping in mind the state of the company and its performance (Damodaran, 2008). Factory manager: He/She would need to take decisions with regards to total production and the production mix which would be based on accounting information such as past sales and future forecast. Additionally, key decisions would be required with regards to keeping the costs within the stipulated limits and make attempts to reduce the same so as to maximize the profitability margins. Besides, other overheads costs such as those incurred for ensuring occupational health along with employee safety also need to be considered (Petty et. al., 2015, p.5-6). Management of a AFL club: The management needs to take critical decision with regards to the player selection and underlying cost along with the cost of the coaching staff. Additionally, decision making would need to be done with regards to the coaching staff cost along with the overhead cost associated with training venue and equipment (Parrino Kidwell, 2011, p.4-5). The manager of a second hand clothes charity: The manager would need to make decision with regards to the amount of second hand clothes and therefore the amount of collection centers and their respective location. Further, these would need to be processed further so that they could be given to the needful and arrangements can be made so that this second hand cloth can be accessed and suitably processed in a timely manner (Brealey, Myers Allen, 2008, p. 35). C) The impact of the various transactions on the financial statements is discussed below (Brealey, Myers Allen, 2008, p. 732-734). There would be an increase of a non-current asset i.e. equipment while a decrease of a current asset i.e. cash in the balance sheet. Further, there would a decrease in the overall cash flow due to an outflow on account of investing activities in the cash flow statement. There would an increase in the current asset namely account receivable. Additionally, the income would also increase which would lead to increase in shareholders equity in the form of higher retained earnings. There would a decrease in the current asset i.e. cash which would be balanced by the same decrease in the liability since it has been paid. Further, in the cash flow statement there would be a decrease in the cash which is most likely to arise from operating activities. With regards to the balance sheet, there would be an increase in the current asset i.e. cash while there would also be an increase in the equity i.e. share capital. Besides, there would be an increase in the cash inflow from financing activities in the cash flow statement. Also, the equity would increase in statement capturing equity change. With regards to the balance sheet, there would be an increase in cash at hand which would be balanced by a decrease in the amount of accounts receivable. Also, the cash would increase from operating activities in the cash flow statement. With regards to the balance sheet, there is a decrease in the current asset i.e. cash and also the equity would decrease on account of lower retained earnings. The expenses would increase and hence would lead to decrease in the income. As a result, there would be a decrease in the cash inflow arising from operating activities of the cash flow statement. With regards to the balance sheet, there would an increase in the current liability on account of accounts payable which would be balanced by a decrease in the shareholders equity. The expense would increase in the income statement and in equity change statement, the equity would decrease due to decline in the income. With regards to the balance sheet, there would an increase in the current asset i.e. cash while the non-current asset would decrease due to sale of equipment. Also, if the sale of equipment involves some profit, the equity would also increase. Further, in case of profit on sale, the income would increase in the income statement. On account of cash inflow from investing activities, there would an increase in cash in the cash flow statement. Also, in case of profit, equity needs to be increased in equity change statement. With regards to the balance sheet, there would be a decrease in the current asset i.e. cash and also proportionate decrease in the share capital or equity. Also, there would be increased cash outflow on account of financing activities which would decrease the cash in the cash flow statement. Further, the equity would be decreased in the equity change statement. With regards to the balance sheet, there would be an increase in the current assets i.e. cash while the non-current liability would increase in the form of borrowings. Also, there would be increased cash inflow on account of financing activities which would lead to increase in cash in the cash flow statement. References AASB 2011, Presentation of Financial Statements, AASB Website, Available online from (Accessed on August 20, 2016) Brealey, R, Myers, S Allen, F 2008, Principles of Corporate Finance (Global edition), 10th edn, McGraw Hill Publications, New York,Brigham, EF Ehrhardt, MC 2013. Financial Management: Theory Practice, 14th edn., South-Western College Publications, New YorkDamodaran, A 2008, Corporate Finance, 2nd edn, Wiley Publications, London Parrino, R Kidwell, D 2011, Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 3rd edn, Wiley Publications, London Petty, JW, Titman, S, Keown, AJ, Martin, P, Martin JD Burrow, M 2015, Financial Management: Principles and Applications,6th edn, Pearson Australia, Sydney
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Macbeths Inner Look At Acts 4,5,6 Essays - Characters In Macbeth
Macbeth's Inner Look At Acts 4,5,6 Today is the true day of all death. For shame, I am lonely in a world of lost hope. I have been deceived to the greatest extent. Those three weird sisters have gone very far to put me through such foulness. They had told me that if the woods of Birnham should move upon my castle that I shall be vanquished. This has become true as my scouts have informed me that such a task has been performed. How could this be? I do not know, but if I were to look into the night the answers would point to the overpowering army of Malcolm. This is all but a murmur in my heart, as the word of my wife's death has become my lost hope. For many days I have been aware of her sick mind and did nothing to solve it. If it was I who decided her contemplation with death let me die in the perilous battlefields of antiquity. My scouts have given warning that MacDuff is in the front-line. I must engage in the battle. May god have mercy on my soul and not let the prophecies of the weird sisters be true.
Monday, March 16, 2020
Sustainable Development And Global Business Example
Sustainable Development And Global Business Example Sustainable Development And Global Business – Coursework Example Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Over the recent past, the has been the need for environmental management as aresult of pollution. Therefore, many companies from all over the world have implemented strategies that have allowed them to work hand-in-hand with communities in a bid to mitigate environmental pollution from their businesses processes. Subsequently, specific action plans have been directed towards safeguarding and protecting the welfare of their employees. This is what is referred to as corporate social responsibility (CSR). One of the companies that have championed CSR is the Coca Cola company. It is worth noting that CSR promotes sustainable development. The Coca Cola company has implemented strategies to ensure sustainable development. Sustainable development denotes the fact that all business activities are conducted devoid of diminution and exhaustion of natural resources (Pennington 121). According to Grillo, "The Coca Cola company sets global goals and requirem ents in a number of areas, including water stewardship, sustainable packaging, marketing to children, and work rights, and it works with bottlers to implement these standards" (5). Sustainable packaging means that the company has employed the use of recyclable bottles and this helps reduce operation costs that could have been incurred through manufacturing new bottles (Pennington 121). The company also ensures CSR through manufacturing products with low quantities of calories to reduce weight problems among consumers. This improves its image and reputation hence expanding its customer base, and this results to more profits. Through marketing to children, the company has been able to increase their sales tremendously as children are among the biggest consumers (Pennington 121). In a nutshell, examples of profits the company has generated from corporate social responsibility and sustainable development include reduced operating costs, and high profits from sales. Works citedGrillo, B ethan. Exploring the Links Between International Business and Poverty Reduction. Oxford: Oxfam, n.d. Print. Pennington, Steuart, ed. Africa the Good News. New York: Conceptualee Publishing, 2008. Print.
Friday, February 28, 2020
The Value of Information Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Value of Information - Assignment Example Managers are mostly faced by a were situation where they have to make decisions instantly; hence, it is mostly the case that decision making under uncertainty is mostly the case for decision makers. Imperfect information can largely be ignored in repetitive trials with small effects resulting from errors because the impacts are small, and the result from errors showing that the information could be the waist not for the errors. The other reason for ignoring imperfect information is the inability of the information to have much impact on the probabilities or chances for making the correct decision; hence, they can largely be ignored. The need for first-time success increases the demand for information as a measure of ensuring uncertainty is reduced in making the decision increasing the chances of making the correct decision. Availability of information for decision-making increases the possibility of first-time success by ensuring the decision maker knows the odds between making the correct and wrong decision. To augment the chances of first-time success, the demand for information increases to ensure the ability to make correct decision increases. The demand for information incr eases in first-time success owing to lack of previous data and the high uncertainty associated with first-time success owing to no proven record of accomplishment for decision making. In one-shot large potential loss situations, the information that is commonly available is the payoffs that the decision maker expects to get from a given decision from the highest to the lowest pay off accompanying any.
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Commandos by Pyros Studios. Website Planning Report Essay
Commandos by Pyros Studios. Website Planning Report - Essay Example This gaming website generally follows the same pattern as that of other gaming website of its kind, such as Call of Duty and World of Warcraft. However, the website will be distinguishable from its competitors through its logo, color palette, story line and characters that would be used as elements to improve brand positioning of the website and also the game. The primary target market for this website is the age group falling between 16 and 25 and comprises of mostly the male population. Commandos is strategy game based on the background of the World War II that mostly appeals to the young males. Demographic The Demographics that we would be discussing for this website is based on the primary target market, even though there are a large number of gamers that would be accessing the website who do not fall within the following mentioned demographics. Age The age group of gamers for this website is mostly teenagers and also gamers in the early twenties. People belonging to this age group generally are inspired by the use of flash in the website and observe the aesthetics of the website closely. Income Level and Employment Status The target market for this website is mostly unemployed teens that may be working odd jobs at minimum wages. The target market has the time to play games since they are not employed full-time and have spare time at hand. Thus, these gamers are affected by the price of the game and may not wish to invest heavily in the game. Sex Since Commandos is a strategy based war game, it appeals to the male target market that fulfills their ambition of fighting in the war through such games. Also the game has been aesthetically designed to appeal to the male population through the suitable use of
Friday, January 31, 2020
Vidoe analyze Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Vidoe analyze - Essay Example The Maori people, a minority group from New Zealand, use tribal tattoos not only as a form of identity, but also as a show of one’s social status in the society. According to them, ones Moko designs improved one’s stature and indicated their shift in status quo. On the utmost point, the Moko designs also declared the holy nature of leadership as performed by the elders (Ellis 185). Maori health tattoos were used to maintain ones youthful nature, especially girls would tattoo their chin and lips so that incase ones eyesight would fail at any point, he/she would repeat the tattooing again in order to see well. According to the two YouTube videos I have watched, the Maori people are proud of who they are and are glad that the Moko designs are now widely spreading. For instance, vacationers visit the area to see them and learn more about the tattoos. Although it had started dying by the coming of the church and Christianity, it has been resurrected by those proud of the culture and the women are trying to uphold it by educating their children and grandchildren about the Moko and the beliefs of the Maori (Ellis 175). They say it identifies you and people need not ask who you are, where you come from and what language you speak anymore. They are proud of themselves and the sense of satisfaction that comes with being a Maori. They even insist the Tatau and Moko designs have created a spirit of unity and brotherhood in them as it gives them a sense of belonging and sweeps away the fear that they have been concealed as a minority. In my own opinion, I feel that since the Moko are used as an identity mark, the non-Maoris should not be allowed to get the Moko because it is a tribal tattoo and only the Maoris have the right to their specific patterns and art forms. Besides, although most non-Maoris are getting the Mokos on their bodies and
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Antigone and A Doll’s House feminine comparison Essay -- Gender Roles,
â€Å"The emotional, sexual, and psychological stereotyping of females begins when the doctor says, ‘It's a girl.’†(Chisholm). Where do women fit in the social order of society today? Many women today fit in the same role as they would have been expected to long ago. Though generally speaking, women have a lot more options today. The male hierarchy still governs most aspects of society, but with many more limitations because women are discovering that they can stand on their own, and have no need for constant regulating from their male counterparts. Patriarchal influences are the base of society. In Antigone Sophocles tells a tale about Greek values and women’s status. Antigone has just witnessed her two brothers kill each other; one brother died defending Thebes and the other died betraying it. Creon’s law keeps anyone from burying the traitor and Antigone is set on contravening this. Conversely, Ibsen’s playwright, A Doll’s House, i s a story about an intelligent woman, Nora, who is misunderstood by her husband, Torvald. She takes desperate measures to keep her family intact but in the end wines up going out on her own. As the stories progress the both Nora’s and Antigone’s characteristics become very similar in that they are both rebellious, are subservient to male jurisdiction, and are resolute and strong-willed in their decision. Firstly, Antigone and Nora are both mildly chaotic and rebellious. Women, at those times have certain expectations of following patriarchal jurisdiction. When Antigone goes against Creons law she shows her rebellious side. Nora’s seditiousness is demonstrated when Mrs.Linden converses with her and says, â€Å"Why, a wife can’t borrow money without her husband’s consent†(Ibsen 151). During Ibsen’s era many... ...igone is expected to be subservient, but has an urge to defy. Ismene tries to remind her about women’s place in society, but fails in trying to persuade Antigone. Nora all her life has been the little helpless lark that cannot think for herself. Torvald sees her as what a woman was expected to be, and she is powerless. The resoluteness and the strong-will of both Antigone and Nora are vital. Without these qualities they would not of gotten far in their campaigns. Antigone has the constant but shaky decisiveness throughout the story. While, Nora has an unclear decisiveness until the very end when she completely decides to move out and is unwavering to Torvald’s pleas. These characters tell the story of women in the past that have paved the way for women today. Without them who knows how women would have been treated today? Surely, their actions were greatly needed.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
How Accurate Is It to Say That the Black Power Movements Essay
In some ways I agree that the Black power Movements of the 1960’s achieved nothing for the Black people because by 1968 little had changed, and it is therefore easy to claim that Black Power movements achieved nothing, and in fact had a negative impact on black Americans. However in some ways I disagree because the Black Power movements in the early 1960s coincided with the peak of success for the Civil Rights campaign such as the freedom cities of 1966 or the Free D. C. movement. Firstly I agree that the Black Power Movements achieved nothing for Black people relations between King and other Civil Rights groups were never entirely secure, and he was often accused of taking credit for the efforts of others, for example in the student sit-ins of 1961. He was criticised for a cynical use of children in the Birmingham campaign of 1963 and for cowardice in halting the first Selma March. These attacks reflect internal rivalries that had nothing to do with Black Power. They increased after 1966 when he moved his focus to the north. The Chicago campaign of 1966 was a dismal failure and also revealed a cultural gap between the respectable bible-belt leaders of the south and the ghetto-based youth of the north, who found Malcolm X a more inspiring figure. The whole situation was made much worse by the war in Vietnam, which diverted money and media attention and created a widening gap between black and white communities. Many black people resented having to fight for a country that valued them so little, while white public opinion saw the refusal of some to serve, like Mohammed Ali, as unpatriotic. The most important point, however, is that once legal equality had been achieved in 1965 and the focus shifted to the social and economic effects of long-term discrimination, King’s methods were ineffective. Secondly the Chicago campaign. The Albany movement Thirdly the Memphis Sanitation workers strike. The Mississippi Freedom Summer On the other hand the Freedom cities were aimed to bring ‘home rule’ to the black community of Washington D. C. The project was started with the demonstration against the way the local schools were administered. Towards the end of 1966 the black citizens of Washington D. C. had won the right to elect their own school boards. SNCC gained $3 million worth of government funding to improve community policing. SNCC innovated similar projects for example in New York the campaign saw black people take control of the intermediate School in Harlem as well as in Mississippi set up a Child Development Group in which the group raised $1. 5 million from the churches and the federal government in order to set up 85 head start centres to support young children . Furthermore the March on Washington was a massive success groups such as the SCLC. SNCC, CORE and the NAACP were involved it was also to commemorate the 100 years since the Emancipation Proclamation was created the campaigned was initially designed to pass a Civil Rights Bill. 250,000 people marched to the Lincoln memorial to hear Kings famous ‘I have a dream speech’ as well as other figures of the Civil Rights Movement. The March drew a vast amount of media attention. The March ensured support for new civil rights legislation which gave the government power to desegregate southern states. It presented the civil rights movement as a united front. Additionally the Birmingham campaign aimed to desegregate the city’s largest shopping areas schools and public parks as well as demanding an end to racial discrimination in employment. ‘Bull’Connor obtained a court injunction against demonstrations in certain precincts to weaken protests. The 3rd of May the police demonstrators with high pressure fire hoses and arrested and imprisoned 1300 children which caused a media frenzy Kennedy was sickened by the images of police violence from Birmingham. The significance of the campaign was that the department stores were desegregated and the racial discrimination was ended. The Greensboro sit-ins were a success it aimed to desegregate public places such as restaurants or swimming pools. In February 1960 the sit-in escalated to 300 students by the fourth protest it became highly influential as there were similar protests like watch-ins in cinema which by the start of 1961 over 70,000 people black and white had taken part in demonstrations. The significance of the sit-ins brought a mass of media attention which increased the support towards the civil rights campaigns. By the end of 1961 810 towns had desegregated their public places. Woolworths lost decreased by a third during the campaign which showed the economic power of black people. Finally the Freedom rides designed to turn de jure victories of Morgan v. Virginia and Boynton v. Virginia into de facto desegregation of interstate transport and interstate transport facilities set up by SNCC and CORE. The significance of the freedom rides was that it showed that Kennedy supported the civil rights movement and that it marked a new high cooperation within the civil rights movements. The Poor Peoples Campaign aimed to create a coalition big enough to solve the social and economic problems identified during the Chicago campaign In conclusion the Black Power declined very quickly in the late 1960s because its organisation was very poor and it had little money to support itself. It also declined because the government preferred King’s the peaceful methods to the violence and hatred of Black Power. Thus it seemed as if Black Power had not achieved anything of real importance for black people, and was a factor in the ending of the civil rights movement as a whole. However, it can be said that Black Power did manage to achieve something for black people as a whole. Black Power leaders did try to help the people in the inner-city ghettos, and they did increase black pride and a sense of Black Nationalism. Malcolm X in particular was very important in raising the morale of many black people, and became a hero to young black people in the USA and around the world. The emergence of the Black Power movements in the early 1960s coincided with the peak of success for the Civil Rights campaign – the legislation of 1964-65. Thereafter, the focus of campaigns had to move the practical issues related to social and economic deprivation, and the ability to exercise the rights that had been gained. By 1968 little had changed, and it is therefore easy to claim that Black Power movements achieved nothing, and in fact had a negative impact on black Americans. It is hard to deny that the Black Power movements had a damaging impact in the 1960s. The preaching of Elijah Mohammed and later Malcolm X that integration was impossible and undesirable, that white people were devils and Christianity just a legacy of slavery, created a mirror of white racism that could only be divisive. They rejected the support of white liberals and divided white from black. They subjected integrationist leaders like Martin Luther King to campaigns of personal abuse, calling him a hypocrite, a coward and an Uncle Tom. They even indulged in vicious internal feuding, such as the assassination of Malcolm X by members of the Nation of Islam in 1965. Incidents of violence, such as attacks on white people, the race riots of Harlem in 1964 and Watts in 1965, damaged the black community and created a white backlash. This threatened the promised government expenditure on housing, schools and job creation under the Great Society. As casualties from Vietnam increased, they campaigned against the draft and argued that black youths should not serve, infuriating an increasingly patriotic public and media. The existing Civil Rights movement disintegrated, as the student organisations led by SNCC under Stokely Carmichael adopted Black Power symbols and slogans, and refused to co-operate with Martin Luther King’s SCLC. The government and many white Americans saw the black communities as ungrateful, and King as a spent force. The links that had helped him to gain reforms and investment disappeared, and nothing of significance was achieved for black Americans after 1966. The emergence of Black Power was totally negative. 24. In many ways, however, this argument is over-simplified. The problems faced by the Civil Rights movement in the 1960s had begun to surface before the Black Power movements developed, and could be said to have contributed to their growth. Relations between King and other Civil Rights groups were never entirely secure, and he was often accused of taking credit for the efforts of others, for example in the student sit-ins of 1961. He was criticised for a cynical use of children in the Birmingham campaign of 1963 and for cowardice in halting the first Selma March. These attacks reflect internal rivalries that had nothing to do with Black Power. They increased after 1966 when he moved his focus to the north. The Chicago campaign of 1966 was a dismal failure and also revealed a cultural gap between the respectable bible-belt leaders of the south and the ghetto-based youth of the north, who found Malcolm X a more inspiring figure. The whole situation was made much worse by the war in Vietnam, which diverted money and media attention and created a widening gap between black and white communities. Many black people resented having to fight for a country that valued them so little, while white public opinion saw the refusal of some to serve, like Mohammed Ali, as unpatriotic. The most important point, however, is that once legal equality had been achieved in 1965 and the focus shifted to the social and economic effects of long-term discrimination, King’s methods were ineffective. This means that by 1966, methods of campaigning to improve conditions for black people had to change, and the Black Power movements did offer some alternatives. When the Black Panthers set up community projects and policed the housing estates of Chicago, they offered a more direct and practical form of help. More generally, Black Power offered black people a sense of their own culture and pride in their identity. The late 1960s saw changes in music, fashion and style that celebrated black identity rather than attempting to look like whites, such as the Afro hairstyles, the growth of a new soul music and the later development of hip-hop and rap. The use of Black Power salutes by American athletes offended many whites, but it drew the attention of the world to the continuing levels of discrimination suffered by many black Americans. It is difficult to measure the results, but it can be argued that by helping to maintain attention on the problems and demanding change, the Black Power movements helped the black communities to keep fighting for better conditions. By comparison with the gains made through ‘peaceful’ protest, the impact of Black Power was mixed and its achievements limited, but to claim that it achieved nothing for black people is an exaggeration.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Should College Athletes Be Paid For Their Dues - 864 Words
Have you ever watched a game of college basketball or college football in some point of your life and just wondered how much these players that are playing get paid or if they are even getting paid? I know I have. When I first started watching college sports, I thought that the players that were playing for the schools got paid a little amount of money, but come to find out the truth they don’t get anything at all which I think is so unfair. I think it’s unfair because of how much work that these college athletes are putting in just to have the slim shot that they all have of making it to the pros. Now what is it called when all college athletes around the world are not getting paid for their dues. It’s called â€Å"Exploitation â€Å". Now why is Exploitation of College athletes such a huge thing in my opinion? Well here is why. Most of the college kids that play basketball or football are just focused on playing the sport they play. They aren’t focused on the kind of grades they get or anything just playing the sport they love to play and trying to reach the highest level of that sport. Now I know you are wondering how do they get away with getting bad grades in college so I will explain. College athletes that play football or basketball are a huge part of their institution that they attend. Because of them they the school receives millions of dollars. That is extra money that is going into everyone’s pockets in that works at the school, but none to the players. Since the collegeShow MoreRelatedShould College Athletes Get Paid?1338 Words  | 6 Pages13,2016 Should College Athletes Get Paid College sports are something that everyone has thought about, and many question whether or not they should get paid for it. Many Americans question whether or not it is right or wrong to pay college athletes to play sports. College athletes deal with a lot, from balancing classes to long practices in the evening. College is supposed to be a time when some individual figures out what he or she wants to do, but not for athletes. Most college athletes go to collegeRead MorePaying College Athletes1455 Words  | 6 PagesWhen it comes to college athletics, there always will be a problem that arises. It is one of the most controversial topics there is. One of the main issues within athletics is the idea of whether to pay college athletes or not. Several studies have been done along with articles from various sources. This has been on the rise especially since â€Å"March Madness†is coming up. â€Å"March Madness†may only consist of three weekends, however, an 11 billion dollar deal is made to televise the games (Wilbon).Read MoreThe National Collegiate Athletic Association1227 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"The Chronicle of Higher Education recently estimated that college athletics is a $10-billion marketplace†(Suggs). With huge sums of revenue generated from college sports teams, players for the successful teams appear to be very marketable. â€Å"The National Collegiate Athletic Association, the largest collegiate sports organization in the United States, oversees much of the business of American college sports. For 2011-12, the NCAA reported $871.6 million in revenue-- 81 percent of which came fromRead MoreWhy College Athletes Should Get Paid1309 Words  | 6 PagesEbeling 1 Austin Ebeling English 115 Why College Athletes Should Get Paid And Why They Shouldn’t November 18, 2014 Ebeling 2 Intro: How much harder would athletes work if they were paid for their performance on the field, track, or court? College athletes are put to the test each and everyday, they risk their health to entertain millions day in and day out. College athletes deserve part of the money due to the revenue they bring in for their schools and for the NCAA, they deserve theRead MoreShould College Athletes Be Paid?1206 Words  | 5 PagesCollege athletics have gained immense popularity among Americans over the past few decades. This has resulted into increased revenues for the(NCAA) and the participating colleges which has fuelled the debate of whether college athletes should be compensated beyond their athletic scholarships. College athletes should be paid because they spend more time doing that than anything else. It s kinda like having a full time job.Athletes form the basic unit of intercollegiate sports. Despite the successRead MoreAthletes Should Not Be Paid1496 Words  | 6 PagesTitle Athletes suit up and perform on a daily and weekly basis. Week in and week out, athletes draw in thousands and thousands of fans to speculate the flashy performance. They give the best effort, putting themselves at risk, doing anything possible to insure a victory. Many hours of hard work are spent to perform the best they can. Through the dedication and performance of these athletes, speculations have aroused that athletes should begin to receive pay. Some people believe that colligate athletesRead MoreAthletes Should Not Be Paid1494 Words  | 6 PagesAthletes suit up and perform on a daily and weekly basis. Week in and week out, athletes draw in thousands and thousands of fans to speculate the flashy performance. They give the best effort, putting themselves at risk, doing anything possible to insure a victory. Players spend hours of hard work and dedication to perform the best they can. Through the dedication and performance of these athletes, speculations have aroused that at hletes should begin to receive pay. Some people believe that collegiateRead MoreCollege Athletes Should Be Paid For Their Participation1056 Words  | 5 PagesThere is a big debate whether college athletes should get paid for their participation in a sport. I believe that college athlete should get paid. College athletes are taken advantage of in college athletics and deserve to be paid for their time, hard work, and dedication in a sport. College athletics are growing very fast and they are beginning to bring in more money. The highest revenue by a college right now is $196,030,398 by the University of Oregon. College athletes are not seeing any of thisRead MoreCollege Athletes Should Be Paid1683 Words  | 7 PagesIn the recent past, college athletics has gained massive fame in the United States. The immense fame of the college athletics has developed over the past twenty years. The massive development and fame of the college athletics have resulted in improved incomes for t he National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA). Due to increased revenue received by the NCAA, the participates in athletics in the colleges has fuelled the argument of whether the college athletes need to be paid and rewarded more thanRead MoreStudent Athletes Should to Be Paid Essay1526 Words  | 7 Pagesnot student athletes in college should be paid for playing sports. There are different viewpoints from different people stating if they should or not. Many people believe that they are already being rewarded enough with their education being paid, but even with the school’s help with their tuition and school fees, many have trouble paying personal expenses. Even though some people believe they shouldn’t be compensated for their hard work and dedication, it is the right thing to do, due to their lack
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