Saturday, August 31, 2019
Global warming †a serious warning Essay
I have a dream, that in a near future, the people of this world will come together as one. We could all come together as one and leave all our differences of color, religion, and political views behind us, to stand together to face what Bill McKibben calls the greatest challenge and threat mankind has ever faced: global warming. In 2007 Bill McKibben, an author, educator, and environmentalist, wrote the article, â€Å"Global Warning: Get Up! Stand Up!†to persuade people that we, the people on earth, have caused, and are still causing, the climate changes that have been taking place over the past decades. More than that, however, McKibben explains that something still needs to be done about it. McKibben uses extreme, yet reasonable, examples and methods to convey this message effectively. Global warming is the result of the greenhouse effect, which has increased since the human race started to burn fossil fuels in order to extract energy. When fossil fuels are being burnt, greenhouse gasses, such as carbon dioxide, set free into the atmosphere. The accumulative pollution causes the atmosphere to reflect heat radiation back towards the earth, instead of letting the gasses disappear into space, because the ozone layer gets thicker. However, without the greenhouse effect, our planet â€Å"would be 33 degrees Celsius coolerâ€Å" (â€Å"McKibben†4). Since the carbon dioxide has already increased by one third in the atmosphere since the nineteenth century, the effect will be stronger and therefore more heat will be kept inside the atmosphere than before. This phenomenon, called global warming, leads to a hotter climate; as a matter of fact, the earth is today hotter than it has been in over 2000 years (â€Å"McKibben†5-9). Warming – that word almost sounds inviting, like we all might live in a world twenty years from, that could be a tropical paradise where the extent of our problems would be pondering what Spf sunscreen to use. That is not the case, though. Thousands and thousands of climate scientists agree that global warming is not only the most threatening environmental problem, but one of the greatest challenges facing all of humanity throughout humanity’s entire history (McKibben 595). To maintain the average temperature we need here on earth, the glaciers and the North Pole ice are a big factor because when the exact amount of ice melts, it evens out the ocean’s temperature and therefore stabilizes all the different ecosystems. All ecosystems are dependent on whether the temperature is just where it should be or not. In addition, some experts and people argue that it is not us, the people who have caused the climate changes; they claim global warming is a natural occurring phenomenon which has nothing to do with the actions of humans. They say there is not enough of proof to say that the human race is 100% responsible for the changes now taking place. They claim that events like these have been taking place regularly throughout the long history of earth, and there is nothing we can do about this (â€Å"The Galileo†591-593). â€Å"A 54-year-old oceanographer [†¦] discovered that temperatures a thousand years ago, during the so-called medieval climate optimum, were two degrees Celsius warmer than today’s [average] and that the average temperature over the last three millennia was slightly warmer than today’s†(â€Å"The Galileo†591-592). As a pretty active environmental activist from Brazil, a country advocating a change of living to reduce global warming, I can relate to many of McKibben’s attacks and aspects expressed in his article. According to McKibben, the most urgent thing right now is to recognize that there is a mix of solutions that can be implemented worldwide and instead of focusing on arguing about what is needed to be done, we need to take action. In other words, the most important thing is not what we do about it, but that we do something about it. All the people in the world have to start living under the â€Å"same roof†; we need to do what it is good for the world. To me, stopping global warming is so much more than just â€Å"saving electricity†or â€Å"walking instead use a car’’. Stopping global warming is about taking responsibility, not just for ourselves and our own actions, but for our friends and family, as well as our nation and the world that we live in  Earth. Stopping global warming is about the most honorable thing a man can do  saving lives. Works Cited â€Å"About Bill McKibben.†Bill McKibben. N.p., 2010. Web. 20 Oct. 2010. â€Å"The Galileo of Global Warming.†Perspectives on Contemporary Issues. Ed. Katherine McKibben, Bill. â€Å"Global Warning: Get Up! Stand Up!†Perspectives on Contemporary
Friday, August 30, 2019
Religious and Ethnic Groups Paper Essay
There is a lot of diversity when it comes to religion and race, mostly because of the lack of understanding each of them. If we take the time to learn a little bit about them I think that it will open our eyes and let us be more accepting of whom they are. Although there is a lot of discrimination in the world today we are still a lot more understanding than our ancestors where. The religious group that I have chosen is Jehovah’s Witnesses because they are more shunned against than any other religion I know. As for the ethnic group I chose is Black (African descent) because it seems to me that they are more discriminated against than any other race. Jehovah’s Witnesses beliefs are somewhat similar to the Christian beliefs, for example, they rely on the authority of the Bible, worship only one God and trust in Jesus’ death and resurrection for salvation. Some of the differences from the other religions are that they reject the doctrine of the Trinity and the existence of Hell, believes that Gods name is Jehovah, and they also believe the Holy Spirit to be Gods active force. They also believe that only 144,000 people will go to Heaven to rule with God and those that are left on earth that are deemed worthy will live in a restored Garden of Eden. Witnesses also believe that the purpose of Jesus incarnation of earth was threefold, which are as follows, To teach the truth about God, To provide a model of perfect life for people to follow, and To sacrifice his life to set humans free from sin and death. It is their belief that Jesus was not nailed to a cross but rather a single upright stake and that God raised Jesus fro m the dead, as a spirit creature, and he returned to Heaven, but that he was not made King until 1914. Witnesses try to push their religion onto other people without even taking that they already have a religion into consideration. They go door-to-door and try to get others to believe the way they do and also try to convert people with other religion. This causes people to become very upset and sometimes they become very aggressive and violent towards the Witnesses. There tends to be a lot of very heated discussions on whether their beliefs are what is right and others beliefs are wrong no matter if they worship the same God or not. There are several ways that Witnesses have contributed to the American culture over the years, for example, they have administered functions called â€Å"The Society†and the â€Å"Watch Tower Society†, which they have used to put out their version of the word of God. They have won several court cases in which it has let people have their own religious freedoms to worship as they please. Witnesses have also made it to where you can have an operation and not have to accept a blood transfusion since because of their religion they do not believe in getting. There are several different procedures now that can be done without a transfusion when one was needed the way they done the surgery before. In their religion they are extremely discriminated against because of how they worship and what they believe. The sources of this prejudice is from the people but also mainly from the government because of their concern that it is wrong for them to spread the word the way they do, so to speak. For example, the French government branded them a â€Å"Dangerous Sect.†, and 71 Kingdom Halls where vandalized, burned and shot at and also fire bombed because of how they worshipped. French officials also publically called them criminals and taxed 60 percent on their religion and conveniently forgetting to tax other religions. Also Moscow even went as far as to outlaw their religion and said that they cannot even have a house of worship nor could they practice their faith in the privacy of their own home. There are several other ways that this religion has been discriminated against because of what they believe and how they choose to worship even though when it comes right down to it in the end we all really believe in the same outcome. I have learned a lot about this religion from the research that I have done and I do believe it has helped me understand them more because in the beginning I had no clue exactly what they believed in or how they even practiced their faith. Although I don’t agree with some of the things that they do and some of the ways that they perceive what they Bible says I am more accepting of who they are. The racial/ethnic group that I have chosen for this assignment is African decent because I think that they are more discriminated against than most race’s that I know. They differ from other ethnic groups because for one their culture is different than most others, such as ancestry is different, culture and sometimes language can be different. This race has experienced different things with different cultures, for example, sometimes people that are Caucasian tend to treat them like they aren’t good enough for them to even talk to and that can cause a lot of controversy between the two ethnic groups. I think that in this day and age that everyone is more accepting of what color, gender, race or anything that is considered different than they were before. This race has contributed so much to the American culture and has made everyone look at some things in a better light so that they have a better understanding of what they went through in their history. They have paved the way for different races in a way that will help for hundreds of years to come. For example, they have made a huge impact with our music, religion, cuisine, clothing and hair styles, and several more. I believe that if they didn’t bring all these things to the American culture than it would be an extremely boring place to live. They seem to make things come alive, for example, they are more active when a church service is going on, they sing, dance and generally have a great time listening to the teachings of the Lord, which in itself is something that one needs to experience. There is also quite a bit of discrimination towards them to the point where it leads to a lot of violence. A woman named Rosa Parks was arrested on December 1st, 1955 because she refused to give up her seat on the bus because the white section was already full. Another example was slavery where white Americans bought, sold and traded African Americans so that they could use them to do the work that they didn’t want to do. They were treated as if they weren’t even humans at all, they were beaten, hanged, starved and degraded so bad because of the color of their skin. The main sources of this discrimination are of the white decent. I have learned quite a bit about this race to the point where I do understand them a lot more than I did. I’m not the kind of person that looks at the color of someone’s skin before I get to know them and because of that I am one of many who tries to accept everyone for who they are. The two groups that I have chosen are somewhat similar when it concerns what they have gone through in history to get to where they are now because of the narrow minded people out there. They are extremely different in just about every way there is but there are some African descent who are Jehovah’s Witnesses and they have to struggle twice as hard to be accepted for who they are. My conclusions about the discrimination between the two are that no matter what religion you are or what race you are there is always going to be problems because of the lack of acceptance and understanding from other race’s and other religions. References:
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Property Management in New Delhi-India Coursework
Property Management in New Delhi-India - Coursework Example According to the economic time's report, DFL- a real estate developer in New Delhi-India, is planning to outsource property management to third parties. It is close to coming into agreement and signing a contract with some companies to manage its commercial and retail spaces. The DFL enjoys ownership of huge commercial and retail space in the Indian capital and outside. From these properties, they earn good revenue that enables them to run its activities. Despite the huge revenues, they have accrued a debt which they have been trying to reduce by selling non-core assets (Sharma, 2013). Transfer of property management to third parties has several advantages accrued. It will facilitate the addition of value to the existing property, which can be achieved through proper maintenance of the buildings. This will, in turn, save the reputation of the property developer which is at risk (Sharma, 2013). Leasing, remittance or statutory dues and other related areas facilitate services for the property management. This will help real estate investors manage their assets without overdependence from family and/or friends. The transfer has also encouraged small parties and companies to capitalize on the opportunity to invest in specific asset category, hence thereof, earning periodical income. Above all, it will help salvage the debt shadow that they are currently being covered in (Sharma, 2013). On the coins other side, acts such as leasing or resale of buildings would sound costly to the real estate provider. For instance, an old building sold will not have the same income as when the building would have been renovated and rented to a tenant. Also leasing an apartment may end up in the hands of the wrong company. Such companies would provide fewer quality services as expected, which will, in turn, tarnish the name of the real owner. In addition, leasing or selling a property will, in the long run, result in a reduction of the company's revenues.Â
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Alternatives to the Erection of Additional Transmission Lines Assignment
Alternatives to the Erection of Additional Transmission Lines - Assignment Example These poles are made of either wood or metal. Introduction The erection of transmission lines is usually a very disadvantageous affair. It is very essential for an alternative means to be sort after. Most power generation sites are usually put up in places far away from the points of consumption of electricity. These are places like riverbanks, sea shores, lake side and waterfalls. This makes it necessary for the transmission lines to be very long. In this regard, it becomes a very expensive activity to carry out. Considering that the lines also carry high voltages, they are themselves a hub of danger cutting across community land. The lines also hamper transportation in certain areas. In addition, a lot of the generated power is lost in the long transmission lines as heat energy leading to unnecessary loss to the society. It is therefore important where possible to avoid additional transmission lines and employ the use of alternative means. Discussion One of the major ways of avoidi ng the erection of additional transmission lines is effective management of the mode of consumption of electric energy. This should be aimed at reducing the dependence on electric energy. It should also be aimed at reducing the wastage of electric energy. By so doing, the magnitude of electric power consumed by the community is reduced. In turn, the need to transmit more electric power or install additional transmission lines is alleviated. ... There are new Light Emitting Diode bulbs that have been developed which consume only 15 Watts each. If a mechanism can be put in place to ensure that every house hold installs these new bulbs, the energy consumption shall be tremendously reduced. It shall with no doubt follow that there will be absolutely no need to erect additional transmission lines. Another mechanism that can be used to reduce the amount of electric energy that is consumed by the community is radical sensitization. A sensitization and awareness program can be held that educates the community on the importance of conserving electric power. Most consumers of electricity usually put electric power into waste simply because they are ignorant of the implications of their actions. They simply use electric power haphazardly without much care. Electricity is wasted out of ignorance in numerous ways. These include leaving electrically powered lights on in rooms that are not used; leaving electrically powered appliances suc h as radios and televisions running while one is out on a journey or at work; plugging in and powering electric irons while one is still engaged in other activities such as showering or choosing the items of clothing to wear before finally embarking on ironing; reheating food several times using an electric source of heat before finally deciding to eat. These ignorant and avoidable ways of life can be eliminated. They are practiced out of ignorance and shear irresponsibility. They lead to huge wastage of electric power consumption in overall. Upon raising of awareness, these behaviors can be completely done away with. There are several ways in which awareness can be enhanced. Public rallies can be held where high profiled and popular personalities are
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Source Encounter Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Source Encounter - Assignment Example Summary: The article brings to the limelight what happens in the night clubs behind the knowledge of the people and the conduct of the club owners when dealing with the ladies who are lured to work in the clubs. The famous Manhattan Club which is a hot spot in New York is put under view with its owner, Mark Birnbaum being accused of sexually harassing and molesting the female employees in his club. This comes to the limelight after four bartenders who worked at the Tenjune and its sister club Simyone lounge accused the owner of using his position as the boss in the enterprise to solicit sexual favors from the unwilling employees. They go further to call him a sex predator for his unruly act. Though his lawyer denies the charges on the basis that the employees are still working in the enterprises as they have been doing over the years it is evident that such claims could be valid looking at the author’s experiences from a different club. About the Author: Scott shifrel is a Daily News Staff writer. He handles topics from various fields and does critical analysis before posting his results on the web and also on their print version. He has written other interesting articles such as ‘Same Old, Same Old for Musician suing for Age Bias’ among others. His articles range from legal to sociology and through his well-articulated use of words and knowledge of the contemporary society he is able to address various topics in an exemplary way. About the Audience: The article is published in the Daily News which is an informative paper. The audience targeted varies and there is no age group that is targeted. However, this article is meant to open the eyes of the ladies who may end up falling prey to such owners who employ them as a way of soliciting sexual favors from them. This has been a controversial topic in the recent past and he addresses it in an
Monday, August 26, 2019
Steps to Success in Academia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Steps to Success in Academia - Essay Example Use of clock for time management helps in doing a job with in dedicated time. I use my spare time in jogging and listening music to freshen up my mind. I take interest in studies and sports for distraction from domestic issues. Difficult subjects can be easily understood by comparing them with the daily life. Bright future is the big motivational factor in making someone to do well in academics and academic success is not possible without motivation. The motivational factors as highlighted by Linnenbrink and Pintrich (2002) are achievement goals, self-efficacy and they explain that these factors are essential in enabling a student to gain academic success. All the five senses need to be fully used for better results. I used to prepare weekly study schedule according to a timetable to follow it easily. I divided the time in three categories. These are sleeping time, class hours and personal time. I followed the schedule strictly for better comprehension. I left all other activities du ring study times and got confidence. Pre reading is the essence of good academic performance. I used to spend one hour in reading the subjects of next day’s classes. Summaries and introductions of the topics are always helpful in understanding the complete topic. Internet should be used to find more information about the topic. Pre reading is also useful in revision of the same topic. Abraham Lincoln says and I quote, â€Å"A capacity and taste for reading gives access to whatever has already been discovered by others.†(Brainy Quote 2011). We read what has already been discussed and discovered but this adds to our knowledge and eventually enables us to gain academic success. I always find tables very useful for learning. I used to sub divide the topic into different categories. Making tables for those categories help in understanding different characteristics. Tables are also good for comparison between different topics. I always divided my daily time for different su bjects. Weekends must be given to those subjects that need more attention and preparation. It is always difficult to study one subject throughout the day. Breaks in-between the study hours should be used in different sort of sports and health activities. Progressively time can be adjusted for different subjects as the study progresses. Studying same thing for complete day is sometimes full of fatigue and boredom also. Therefore, the same subject should be planned for three days for 4 hours each day provided situation permits so. For me, group study is the best way of learning. This helps in learning from each other’s knowledge. This is less boring and less stressful. Frequent questions can be asked from the group members and instant solutions can be found. Difficult topics should be tackled through group studies. Sharing of notes and ideas makes group study very interesting. Robert Quillen says, â€Å"Discussion is a exchange of knowledge†. Discussion is only there whe n we sit in groups to study due to which, there is fruitful exchange of knowledge that is helpful for all the students studying in groups. (Brainy Quote 2011) Problem solving is best done by group studies. I always tried to find out problem and then ask group to resolve it. Then the best suitable answer can be remembered without any revision. This is the best way to create interest in problem solving. Use of clock or timer is basic element of success in academics. Class quizzes and examinations must be timed for rapid
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Social Entreprenuerism Final Paper Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Social Entreprenuerism Final Paper - Coursework Example epreneurship incorporates the inventiveness of basic entrepreneurship into the objective of societal change and provides visions that motivate new concepts for more socially appropriate and sustainable corporate policies and organizational models. Indeed, by engaging innovative forms of resources and merging them into new approaches, SE has become a fertile ground for the discovery and establishment of motivated models of value creation. The Institute for OneWorld Health in the US, Sekem in Egypt and Grameen Bank in Bangladesh are case examples that have adopted the concept of Social entrepreneurship. Alongside this evolving phenomenon of Social entrepreneurship, another concept has emerged, that is ‘Social Business†. This paper, drawing from Muhammad Yunus’ Creating a World without Poverty investigates the idea of social business and using the Grameen/Danone joint venture as a case example, attempt to link social business and social entrepreneurship. In addition, this discussion also offers some critique of the ideas postulated by Muhammad Yunus as well as opinions regarding the "best practices" for an effective social entrepreneur and/or social businessperson. Most of the world’s social problems continue to persist as a result of a shared misconception of the notion of capitalism. Consequently, individuals are regarded as one-dimensional entities whose main objective is profit maximization. Further, this one-dimensional conception of the free marketplace is entrenched in the notion of the ‘double bottom line’, whereby a company is expected to generate profit while at the same time, creating social change. In essence, the conventional business or economic theory ignores the existence of the multi-faceted, multi-dimensional nature of humans which negates the idea that all businesses must be oriented towards the single objective of profit maximization. However, Yunus believes capitalism in its current form, can be used as the device that determines
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Analyse performance management and performance appraisal in primark Essay
Analyse performance management and performance appraisal in primark london - Essay Example ns attributed to proper performance management but these broadly fall into direct financial gains, motivated workforce goals and improved management control (Daniels, 2006). When the sphere of organisational development (OD) is considered, performance can be seen as actual results achieved against the desired results wanted. In case that there are any differences between these, there is the possibility of performance improvement. Both performance management and improvement can be taken as a cycle where: The focus of this text will be to analyse the performance appraisal system and practices of an actual organisation. In order to deal with the issue better the performance appraisal system is outlined below against which the current review will take place. The typical performance appraisal is a developed method through which the job performance of an employee can be assessed for issues such as cost, quality, time, quantity etc. through an evaluation by the corresponding manager or supervisor (Patterson, 1987). This process is essential to guiding and managing the career development of employees whereby the employee’s worth to the organisation is obtained, analysed and recorded. Overall the performance appraisal process documents an employee’s personal strengths and weaknesses, their recent success and failures as well as their suitability for further promotion or training as applicable. The performance appraisal process also accounts for issues other than productivity alone in trying to assess an employee. The most common aims of a performance appraisal are: Engro derived itself from Exxon Mobil’s fertilizer venture that went online in 1966 in Daharki, Pakistan. After Exxon’s exit from the business in 1991 the company became the country’s first successful employee led buyout. Since then the company has kept on expanding from the fertiliser business into the food business, the industrial automation market, chemical storage jetties and the like. The
Housing Market Post and Pre Recession Lab Report
Housing Market Post and Pre Recession - Lab Report Example As a result, this recession lasted for four quarters. Finally, the last recession that occurred, took place not so long ago. It started in the 4th quarter of 2007 and lasted until the 2nd quarter of 2009. As can be verified from Figure 1 below, all these recessions by definition are identified with bar markers in periods that have followed such declines in GDP for three consecutive quarters. An important point to note here is that the length of the recessions has increased over time. The first and second recessions in the duration lasted for two quarters, the third lasted for four quarters and the recent recession has lasted for seven consecutive quarters. The cyclical pattern of real GDP is also evident from Figure 1. In the initial period, right after the recession, the percentage change of GDP rose sharply until the 1st quarter of 1984 and then stabilized and expressed some volatility and then started falling in the last quarter of 1989. The decline continued and became a recessio n lasting for two quarters. The ensuing climb was volatile, but the trend was positive until GDP growth reached a peak of 10.25% in the 2nd quarter of 2002. It started declining sharply there on and this drop became the 4 quarter long recession of 2001. There was a volatile and slow but steady climb until the last quarter of 2006 whereon the GDP growth rate started plummeting and this marked the onset of the latest recession. The decline in the rate of growth of GDP was most substantial during this latest recession. Figure 1: Movement of GDP The first indicator of the housing market that will be considered is the real average housing price. These are presented in Figure 2 along with the markers for recessions. The movements of the housing prices exhibit very strong cyclical behaviour. Further, taking a closer look reveals that the trends almost mirror those of the real GDP growth, although the volatility is substantially lower. The movements of the housing prices on average are smoo ther, though the beginnings and the endings of the cyclical rises and falls coincide with those of the real GDP growth in general. Figure 2: Movement of average real house prices Next we turn to Figure 3 which presents the movements of month’s supply of houses for the period under consideration. From the graph we see that month’s supply of houses falls in periods during or immediately following a recession. This is in contrast to housing prices which we saw follow the pattern of real GDP growth and, thus, slow down before the onset of the recession and start rising during recoveries. Figure 3: Movements in month's supply of housing Specifically, from Figure 3 we find out that month’s supply has gone down following all recessions in general. Following the recession of 1982, housing supply has reflected as slight decline in overall trend, although it has hovered around an average. The decline is more pronounced in the aftermath of the next recession. There was a s ubstantial decline in this phase and the declining trend continued onto the third recession. It picked up around early 2005 and sharply rose reflecting the housing bubble and reached its peak in the middle of the fourth recession. Another point worth noting from the graph is that the series has exhibited significant volatility and the latter seems to reflect a lagged reaction to it in the GDP series. The final indicator we look upon in this discussion is the dynamics of
Friday, August 23, 2019
Use of Computer based Technology in Engineering Design Assignment
Use of Computer based Technology in Engineering Design - Assignment Example Use of Computer based Technology in Engineering Design Many software applications have been developed to help engineers in this course of design. The most utilised software is AutoCAD. It is an application capable of achieving 2D and 3D designs. The founders of AutoCAD made a decision to code it using C programming language. That is the main reason why AutoCAD is able to support object customization through C++ Application Programming Interface (API). The design tool has a set of basic modelling tools for solids in 2D and 3D orientations. Earlier versions of the design tool made use of lines, arcs, circles and polylines while modern tools have additional functionalities like mental ray engine. The modern design tool has made quality designs achievable. The design is done on a space with provision of user interface aid standards. The standard tool bar is at the top, it lists label from left to right. The designer uses the menu bar; tool sets palette and command line at the bottom to access the very many available objects and commands. By clicking on them the cursor changes to the object of interest. The drawing space displays an XY axis of a rectangular. This is a coordinate system (UCS). Before starting a design, select units for the line and angle of the drawing (Gindis). The CAD tool allows the designer to draw, format, edit, save and retrieve drawing. Like all the other applications, to save a drawing click FILE then proceed to save. To retrieve, click on FILE and proceed to open an existing drawing. The software allows importing of objects from other external sources so ling as they are of compatible formats. Ones a drawing has been imported, editing can be done and even saving of changes made. AutoCAD has calculation functionalities that ensure engineers use the shortest time possible to complete a given project. The application provides the Cam Generator and the Beam Calculation at your disposal. The Cam generator allows plate and cylindrical cam creations. It performs the calculations of velocity and acceler ation. In addition to calculations, the design tool plots cam path. Mechanical engineering has almost the trickiest design set where designs need be of utmost accuracy. The tool offers shaft calculations including deflection lines, bending moment, torsion moment, supporting force, torque rotational angle, equivalent tension and other safety factors. Mechanical designs require perfect fit and that is why the screw pre-calculation tool comes in handy. Other calculation tools include Bearing and screw calculations. With this tools functionalities like stress points, load and line loadings can be analysed with ease (Gindis). Functionalities of Integrated circuit design are available within the software standards. The library has a number of the components that make up integrated circuits and standard integrated circuit that have been made. By selecting the components, the designer is able to create a complete circuit that follows electrical engineering standards of design. The CAD softw are allows the designer to simulate and check the performance of the circuit. The simulation tool can plot graphs of the various parameters as the designer may see fit. This is performed for both AC, DC and transient analysis. Capturing a schematic design is of importance to electrical engineers when using the electronic design automation tool. Electronic circuit design can also become a complex idea to undertake; especially in the design of integrated circuits. For this reason CAD software, have schematic editors. AutoCAD electrical has
Thursday, August 22, 2019
The Importance Of Literacy Essay Example for Free
The Importance Of Literacy Essay Explain the importance of literacy and numeracy skills for accessing the wider curriculum. 1.1 Literacy and numeracy skills are essential in life. Pupils skilled in literacy and numeracy are more likely to stay in full time education and as adults be more productive and earn higher wages. Literacy and numeracy skills are extremely important for accessing the wider curriculum. This is because literacy skills are required for everything. If a learner has difficulty with literacy then they will find it difficult to read words and they may also have a problem with writing. They may struggle in all sorts of subjects like Science as they may not be able to read the instructions to do experiments or label diagrams, in Music they may not be able to read the words to sing the songs, in Cooking they may not be able to read the recipe or food labels. Numeracy is also used throughout the wider curriculum so if a pupil has difficulty within this area it can affect other areas such as Cooking with weighing ingredients, in PE they may find it hard to count if told to do 3 hops then 8 jumps tec. Poor literacy and numeracy skills could also affect the child socially as other children may not want them to join in. Improving pupil’s literacy and numeracy can have a positive effect on their confidence their ability to deal with everyday tasks as well as their lifelong learning and health. Research shows the links between low literacy and numeracy and crime, poor health choices, low educational attainment and unemployment.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Literature Review About Meter Reading Techniques Computer Science Essay
Literature Review About Meter Reading Techniques Computer Science Essay In this chapter we will explore more about how meter reading is done, the different type of techniques that exist to read meters, and automatic meter reading; specially the use of Bluetooth technology for automatic meter reading. A world wide view will be explored before we look to the context of Mauritius. Meters A meter is a device that can detects and displays the exact quantity of an element, substance or any quantifiable matter, may it be electrons, water, gas, glucose and many others. There are many uses of meters and in many different sectors of our world. For example, in health sector; meters are used to measure the level of glucose in the blood, to measure pulse rate, and many others. The utility sector, like gas, water or electricity companies, uses a very large numbers of meters. These companies have to monitor the usage of the resources used by their customers so that they can be charged for the amount they have used. There are also other meters like: gauss meters, geomagnetic meters, microwave meters, and many more. As we have seen, there are many sectors in which meters are being used; we cannot focus our attention in all of them. So, we will concentrate our effort in the utility sector, more specifically the one for electricity companies. Why this choice? Because Energy sector is a driving force in our world and that many developments and advances are thanks to electricity. So from here on we will focus our attention on that specific domain. Types of meters There are many types of meters depending on the area of use. The main types of electric meters are: Electromechanical Induction Meter (Standard Meter): It is a meter which counts the number of turns an aluminium disc does. The amount of electricity used is directly proportional to the number of revolutions of the aluminium disc. The electricity is measured in kilowatt-hours and the rate of charge remains constant all over the day. These types of meters are commonly used on single phase alternating current supply. Electronic Meters: These meters have an electronic display and make use of wireless technologies like Bluetooth, GSM and GPRS to transfer information about electrical consumption. They have inbuilt automatic sensors which helps to detect electrical energy theft or meter tampering. Prepaid meters: are like the standard meters; the only difference is that, instead getting a bill at the end of the month, it is a pay as you use service. I.e. the consumer pays in advance for the electricity consumption. Smart meter: These meters record the amount of electricity consumption for a certain period of time. The recorded data is then sent to the utility company for monitoring and billing purposes. Smart meters can transfer data from and to the meter, i.e. it is a two way communication. Meter reading Electric meters measure electricity mostly in kilowatt hour (kWh). One kilowatt hour is equal to the amount of energy used by a load of one kilowatt over a period of one hour, or 3,600,000 joules. The meter reading process is done periodically, so that consumers can be billed for that period of time. There are different methods used by different companies for metering. There are two ways that can be identified. Namely: the traditional way and new techniques. The traditional way, which uses the standard meter, can be described as: The meter reader goes to the consumers place. There, the meter reader reads the current value on the meter and note it down on the bill for the previous electricity consumption period. The bill is then given to the consumer. The meter reader will then enter the current value in the companys system, so that the consumer can be billed for that current period. The new techniques, which uses, electronic and smart meter are as follows: The meter reader makes use of new technologies to read the meter value, and meters have an electronic display. There are many different new techniques used for meter reading, and they will be further elaborated below. Automatic meter reading (AMR) Automatic meter reading (AMR), is the technology where data about consumption and the status of the meter device is collected automatically. The data is sent to a central database for it to be analysed and billing purpose. Meters for water, gas, and electricity can use the AMR technique. With the uses of AMR, there can be one way or two-way communication. In the one way communication, query is done only to know the reading value from the meter. Whereas in the two way communication; functions can also be implemented to the meter. Techniques for automatic meter reading There are several techniques for automatic meter reading; some of them are listed below. Touch Technology In the touch technology, a meter reader have a device, it may be a handheld computer or specialised data collection device. When the meter reader in close range to the meter; the latter press a button. A signal is sent firm the device to the meter and the reading of the meter is saved on the device. That saved data is downloaded to a data collection computer for billing purpose. This technique is also referred as on-site AMR, as the meter reader needs to go on site to read the meter reading. Radio Frequency Network As its name suggest, the network uses radio wave to communicate with the meters. There are automatic reading systems which uses the radio based technology such Wi-Fi, ZigBee, Bluetooth and many others. Some of them are listed below. Handheld: a meter reader collects meter reading from meters which support AMR system. The meter reader carries a portable computer with a radio frequency receiver and transceiver which reads the meter readings value. [2] Mobile: it is also referred to as drive-by is a technique where the meter reading device is installed in a vehicle. The meter reader needs only to drive the vehicle along the path where the meters are found and the meter reading value is read automatically by the device installed in the vehicle. [2] Fixed network: it is a method where there is a network which is installed permanently to read meter reading. The network consists of many repeaters, collectors and a lot of other equipments so that values read are transferred to a central database. This method does not need the intervention of any human to read the metering value. Some time a hybrid AMR system is implemented so that when the fixed network goes down, the mobile system come into action. [2] Assessing the traditional meter reading and AMR The advantage and disadvantage of both traditional meter reading and AMR techniques are listed in the table below. Traditional Meter Reading Advantage Disadvantage Creation of job, as more people are needed to perform meter reading Social contact with consumers There can be error when reading the value. Difficult to detect fraud on meters. Some people consider the meter reader as an intruder in their privacy. Security of the person performing the reading the person may be attacked by dogs Table 2à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ1: Traditional Meter Reading Automatic meter reading Advantage Disadvantage Enable theft detection. More accurate meter reading. Reduce operating cost. There is no need to enter consumers property (except for exceptional cases). If the system is down, billing will be affected. The use of radio waves can be a source of concern to a minority of people Table 2à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ2: AMR Existing system using Automatic Meter reading There are many AMR systems implemented in many in different countries and using many of the different techniques listed above. Some of the existing AMR systems are listed: New Mexico Gas Company is using the AMR service. This has greatly helped to improve the working of the company. [4] The Ontario government introduced legislation on Nov. 3, 2005 to start the process of getting smart meters into every home and small business in the province by 2010. [5] Meridian Energy has started replacing traditional electricity meters with new smart electricity meters which will set a new benchmark for electricity retailing in New Zealand [6] Existing system of Bluetooth enable meter reading There are some companies which are using Bluetooth enabled meter for the reading of their meters, and there are some supplies of Bluetooth enabled meters. The topic is further developed below. Existing system Cambridge Consultants has delivered a prototype design of a Bluetooth-based radio module to the leading utility metering company, Actaris. Based on a single-chip Bluetooth device, the module provides new opportunities to drive down the cost of remote metering, allowing meters to be wireless-enabled at very low cost and opening the door to high-integrity consumer-activated schemes. Consumers with Bluetooth mobile phones, laptops or PDAs would have the option of taking meter readings themselves and communicating them to the utility company over the internet or GSM. [7] Bluetooth enabled meters suppliers There are many suppliers of Bluetooth enabled meters. Some of the suppliers are listed below. Landis+Gyr, is a company which design and manufactures electricity meters. This company have also design a Bluetooth reading system where they can read meters using Bluetooth. [8] Figure 2à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ1: Bluetooth reader [8] Metex Corporation limited is a company which is manufacture meter readers, and the company has meters with Bluetooth technology. These meters can be used in an AMR system. [9] Current situation in Mauritius In Mauritius, we have the Central Electricity Board (CEB), Central Water Authority (CWA) and Waste Water Authority (WMA) as the main utilities companies. All these utilities companies are using the traditional way for their billing purposes. .I.e. a meter reader will go home by home and read their respective standard meter. The CEB is doing research on how to implement automatic meter reading and they have some electronic meters for testing purposes. CEB has also intention to implement prepaid meters. The AMR system on which CEB is experimenting consist of meter which has a modem. Then a communication is set with the modem and concerned data is read. That data is used for the billing purpose. As mentioned, the system is still at a testing phase, so a lot are still need to be done. To be able to implement AMR system all standard meters need to be changed to AMR supported meters, and meter readers need to be trained to be able to use the new system. Bluetooth Technology What is Bluetooth? Bluetooth is a wireless technology for short range communications which was developed to replace the cables connecting devices, may it be fixed or portable ones. Such devices are; mobile phones, printers, cameras, desktop computer, and many others. The Bluetooth technology is a low power, low cost and maintains high levels of security. Bluetooth technology operates in the unlicensed industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) band at 2.4 to 2.485 GHz, using a spread spectrum, frequency hopping, full-duplex signal at a nominal rate of 1600 hops/sec. [10] The Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG), an organization of several companies work together to maintain and develop the Bluetooth technology. [10] The name Bluetooth comes from Danish King Harold Bluetooth. He was influential in uniting warring factions in parts of what is now Norway, Sweden and Denmark. [11] Bluetooth technology can withstand interference from wireless technologies which uses the 2.4 GHz spectrum. Adaptive frequency hopping (AFH) of Bluetooth technology detects other devices in the spectrum and avoid the frequency they are using. [11] According to Martin Reynolds, an analyst with Gartner Groups Dataquest, The thing about Bluetooth is that it really will ship in the billions of units once it gains momentum. Its really a multibillion-dollar market. [12] Bluetooth Logo Figure 2à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ2: Bluetooth logo [13] Bluetooth range Bluetooth radio waves use certain amount of energy and can goes up to a maximum of certain diameter. The table below show Bluetooth class and its limit up to where it can go. Class Power use (mW) Range (approximate) in meters 1 100 100 2 2.5 10 3 1 1 Table 2à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ3: Bluetooth class range BLUETOOTH Network There are two type of network: Piconet: is made up of one master and one or more slaves but only up to a maximum of seven active slaves at a time. The device initiating the connection automatically becomes the master and is the master of the piconet. Slaves may not communicate directly with each other; they can only communicate with the master and transfer data when they are granted transmission time by the latter. Slaves synchronize their frequency hopping with the master using the masters clock and Bluetooth address. Figure 2à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ3: Typical piconet [14] Scatternet: Multiple piconets with overlapping coverage areas form a scatternet. Each piconet may have only one master, but slaves may participate in different piconets on a time-division multiplex basis. A device may be a master in one piconet and a slave in another or a slave in more than one piconet. Figure 2à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ4: Typical scatternet [15] Bluetooth protocol stacks The Bluetooth protocol stack allows Bluetooth devices from different manufactures to work with one another. Some of Bluetooth protocol stacks  LMP (Link Management Protocol); configure and control links to other devices.  L2CAP (Logical Link Control Adaptation Protocol); links upper layer protocols over the Baseband and the passing on of quality of service information. RFCOMM (Cable replacement protocol): protocol provides emulation of serial ports over the L2CAP protocol.  Service Discovery Protocol; provide a way for discovering services provided by or available through a Bluetooth device. It also allows applications to know about the characteristics of the services which are available.  HCI (Host/Controller Interface); access the hardware status and control register. It also provides a command interface to the Link Manager and Baseband Link Controller. Bluetooth radio is a transceiver which transmits and receives modulated Bluetooth radio waves for the devices. Figure 2à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ5: Bluetooth protocol stacks [15] Bluetooth profiles Bluetooth profiles help two devices which have the same profile to communicate with each other. Each Bluetooth device must support at least one profile. There are a wide range of Bluetooth profiles that explain many different types of applications. Generic Access Profile (GAP): Provides the basis Bluetooth functionality for all profiles. Some of the functionalities are like setting up L2CAP links, handling security modes and discoverable modes. Serial Port Profile (SPP): Provides serial port (RS-232) emulation based on the RFCOMM part of the Bluetooth stack. Dial Up Networking Profile (DUNP): Defines how to a Bluetooth device can be used as a Dial Up Networking gateway FAX Profile: Defines how a Bluetooth device can be used as a FAX gateway Headset Profile: Defines what is required to transfer audio e.g. a wireless Bluetooth headset LAN Access Point Profile: Defines how a Bluetooth device can be used as a LAN access point Generic Object Exchange Profile (GOEP): Provides support for the OBjext EXchange (OBEX) protocol over Bluetooth links Object Push Profile: Defines how to exchange vCard and vCalendar objects, based on the GOEP File Transfer Profile: Defines functionality of how to navigate through folders and copying, deleting or creating a file or folder on a Bluetooth device, based on the GOEP. Figure 2à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ6 : Bluetooth Profiles [16] THE ADVANTAGES OF BLUETOOTH Short transmission range up to a maximum of 100 meters with class 1. Low Power: Bluetooth takes relatively low power, thus it is suitable for devices with restricted battery capacity. Interoperability: as it have standardised protocols. Robustness: capable of operating in an environment strongly where there are many other radio waves Technologies for developing the system There are many phase for the development of a system and there are many tools available for their development. Two categories can be identified for a system; hardware and software. The hardware part is the part that can be hold by hands and move if it is portable. The software part can be seen as the one who make the hardware works correctly. Without the software, the hardware cannot be used fully. Programming language There are a series of programming languages that are available to programmers to code systems. Each programming language has an area of application where it is better. Some of the programming languages are listed below. Java Java is cross platform and GNU General Public License programming language. Java is an object-oriented, class-based, general-purpose, and concurrent language. It is intended to let application developers write once, run anywhere. Java programming languages is used in many systems ranging from applications software to web applications. Java can be use for Bluetooth programming. Java Communication Process (JCP) developed JSR 82, Java API for Bluetooth, so that Bluetooth enabled devices can be code easily using J2ME. Integrated development environment (IDE) help to code with java, some examples are: NetBeans The NetBeans IDE is written in Java and needs JVM run. It can run on different operating system like Windows, Mac OS, Linux, and Solaris. A JDK is required for the functionality of Java development. Netbeans also has a GUI design tool that help developers to design GUIs. Eclipse Eclipse was mostly written in java and can be used to develop java application. There are a lot of plug-in which helps to for development. J2ME J2ME is Java platform used to code embedded devices, like mobile phones. Java ME source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License. J2ME can be use to code systems with wireless connection. C programming language C is a general-purpose computer programming language that can run on many platforms. C can be use for developing portable application software. Python Python is a multi-paradigm programming language and it is cross platform, i.e. it can work on different operation systems. Python can be use for Bluetooth programming. Visual Basic.Net (VB.Net) Visual basic is implemented on .Net framework. VB.Net was designed by Microsoft and it is an object oriented language. Relational Database Management System (RDMS) Some of RDMS are listed below: MySQL MySQL is a relational database management system which is released under the GNU General Public License. It offers multi-user access to databases and it is cross platform software. PostgreSQL PostgreSQL is an object-relational database management system (ORDBMS) and it is released under PostgreSQL License. Thus it can be modified and distributed in any form desired. Web Server A Web server is responsible to process users request and reply back. The replies are mainly HyperText Markup Language (HTML) documents. Web servers are mainly used t host Web sites. Apache HTTP Server Apache HTTP Server is a Web server which is licensed under Apache License 2.0, which means that it is an open source HTTP server. It is platform independent, highly secure and efficient. Internet Information Server (IIS) IIS was created and is owned by Microsoft. There is need to buy it license to use it. Web Development Tools There are many server side scripting languages that are used. Some of them are listed below: PHP PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a general-purpose scripting language that was designed for web development so as to have dynamic web pages. PHP can work on most servers and operating system. ASP.NET ASP.NET allows programmers to build dynamic web pages, web services and web application. It is a web application framework developed and marketed by Microsoft. Hardware Some of the hardware that can be used is listed below. Mobile phone Mobiles phones have become a common electronic device. It offers many options than just make call and send messages. Nowadays we can access the Internet via mobile phones, and there are many applications that where developed on mobile phone. New generation mobile phones are equipped with camera and Bluetooth. Laptop/ Computers Computer is like the tool that enables programmers to work. All most all programming languages, not to say all, can work on computers. They are also equipped with many wireless devices like Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Embedded devices There are embedded devices that are designed specifically to do certain things. Some examples are: MP3 player, washing machines, Bluetooth meter reader, and many others. Evaluation of Tools Programming language The programming language is what will help to make the software. Each programming language has positive and negative points depending on the type of software that need to be developed. The pros and cons of certain programming languages are listed below. J2ME Pros Cons Offer better networking capability Available on various platforms J2ME applications are portable Rich user interface Robust security features. There is a wide range of mobiles which support Java, thus having wide range of mobile phone that can be used. Midlet cannot access all native resources without authorization. Application need to adapt for phones which have different CLDC, MIDP, JSR and Bluetooth. Table 3à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ4: J2ME Java Pros Cons Java code can work on many different platforms. Java is secure, robust and reliable. Java provides use of multithreading. Java is object oriented and allows creation of modular programs and reusable code. Java have an API for Bluetooth programming Java is slower and consumes more memory when compared to languages such as C or C++. Table 3à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ5: Java Web Servers Web servers are what will enable the data to be access over a network in a convenient way. There are a lot of web servers, some of them are described below. Apache Pros Cons Apache is open and thus can be customised easily according to requirements Multi-platform. It runs on a wide variety of operating systems, including all variants of UNIX, Windows 9x/NT, and Mac OS Apache is not regularly updated Requires more technical knowledge to install and configure Table 3à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ6: Apache IIS Pros Cons GUI mode installation. Works with a wide range of operating systems and browsers. Source code is proprietary. Can only work within Windows environment. Table 3à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ7: IIS Web Development Languages Web development language will be used to code for application at server side. There is a wide pool of language that is available. Some of them are listed below with their some of their pros and cons. PHP Pros Cons PHP is free and easy to use. PHP help to interact with database easily. Can support many operating systems, like Windows, Linux and Mac OS. PHP engine need to be installed on server to use PHP. Debugging can be lengthy for complex program. Table 3à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ8: PHP ASP.NET Pros Cons ASP.NET code is compiled at server before being sent to the browser; thus faster. ASP.NET pages are simple to write and can cope with heavy traffic without affecting performance adversely ASP.NET runs on only windows platform. ActiveX objects are platform specific, thus it will not work easily on many Web servers. Table 3à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ9: ASP.Net RDBMS Relational Database Management System (RDMS) will be used to store all data. It is very important as all sensitive data will be there and data will be used to do billing purpose. MySQL Pros Cons Easy to use. Free and Open source system. Runs on a range of different platforms. Can handle large sets of data. It is secure. Passwords are encrypted Recovery of database is not guaranteed in case of a power cut. Operates over known IP ports which facilitate the task of intruders Table 3à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ10: MySQL PostgreSQL Pros Cons It is a free and Open source software PostgreSQL can work on different platform PostgreSQL is very scalable and extensible It is slow compared to MySQL Lacks binary distribution for all the supported platforms. Table 3à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ11: PostgresSQL Choice of Final Tools Java is appropriate for the desktop application as it can work on many different platforms and have an API for Bluetooth. J2ME is used for the mobile application development as many mobile phones can support java and have an API for Bluetooth. Bluecove API for Bluetooth programming as it is open source and support java. PHP will be used for the web application as it is free and easy to interact with database. MySQL is more suitable for database system as it is free and work well with Web servers. Design The design section gives an overview of the structure of the software and architecture of the system. It also includes the data involved, the interfaces between system components, algorithm and protocol to be used for the system implementation. System Design Issues Several system design issues like performance, quality of service, fault tolerance, and security, which are important in the design of a system, are discussed below. Performance Issues The performance issues are concerned with the limitation of computers in term of processing power and communication capacities. These issues can be described in the followings ways: Responsiveness: It is how fast the system processes given input to give an output. The use of threading allows multiple tasks to process simultaneously. Threads can be used for processor intensive process. Threads can be implemented in Java Environment. Applications running on networks depend greatly on the load and performance of servers and also the network load itself. Server and network load balancing can be used to prevent them from being overloaded. Such technique is beyond the scope of this project. When using the Internet, there is a probability of communication delays and data being corrupted, this beyond of ones control. Throughput: It is of the system corresponds to the amount of data transmitted between the client and server in a given time interval. On a wireless network is takes a long time to establish connection between the server and the client and the latency time of HTTP is significantly high. So, the number of HTTP round trips in the application must be kept to the strict minimum. Robustness Robustness is the ability of the system to operate in the presence of incorrect input or cope with errors when the system is running. Validations check like length check and data type check can be used to prevent wrong input and catch errors where shared resources are being accessed. Interactivity Interaction with the system can be in many different ways. Data or command input to the system will make it produce certain result. Some of the ways that can interact with the system are listed below. The use of graphical user interface (GUI) to facilitate user to communicate with the system. Providing options and menus where possible instead of typing data. Users using the mobile application need to enter data via phone keypad. Use of meaningful icons, so that user can interact quickly with the system. Flexibility The web application can support multiple users at a time and can receive and process multiple requests a time. The system must be able to cope if there is significant increase in the number of users and additional resources can be added if needed to. Portability The mobile application can be run on Java enabled mobiles phones which support MIDP 2.0. The web application can run on multiples types of servers. Limit size of JAR file The mobile application has limited resources to use. So the application is obfuscated to reduce its size. The obfuscation process helps to remove unused classes and libraries. Error, Exception Handling and Fault Tolerance The application should continue to work correctly in presence of software, hardware and network faults. Errors will be caught in try-catch blocks to alert user of the error. Security Security is one of the focal point of a system. There is no system on earth which can be tagged as impenetrable. What can be done is, to make the system less vulnerable to attacks. The system needs to protect data from unauthorized users. The ways to protect the system is listed below. Users need a username and password to be able to access the system. User will be identified and authenticated before they can use the system. The database will be protected with password. Architectural Design In this section, the different components of the system are illustrated and how they interact between them. Overall Architecture The system is made up of three main components: the meter, the mobile application and the server application. The mobile application will be used to read a value via Bluetooth from the meter and will send that value via mobile network operator to the server. The connection between the mobile and the server is done via wireless connection such as GPRS, WAP, EDGE or Wi-Fi. The meter will be a simulated meter on a laptop that will be accessed via Bluetooth by a mobile application. The server will be used to host the web site and connect to the database. That database will be used to store all information needed. The figure below shows the overall architecture. Figure 4à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ7: Overall architecture Detailed architecture Figure 4à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ8: Component diagram <
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Physicochemical Study of Palm Ester for Cosmetic Application
Physicochemical Study of Palm Ester for Cosmetic Application 2.0 Introduction Palm oil is extracted from the fruit of oil palm, Elaeis guineensis. Besides, Malaysia is one of the leading exporters and producers of palm oil in the world (Keng et al., 2005 Palm oil has been widely applied in various industrial sectors due to the uniqueness of its composition (Keng et al., 2009). It consists of triglycerides; the combination of glycerol and different fatty acids. Furthermore, other palm oil fractions can be extracted as palm oil is rich in Palmitic acid and Oleic acid (OBrien, 2004). Specifically, in this study, Palm Olein will be used to produce palm ester instead of the other fractions. Wax esters are one of the most important ingredients in cosmetic formulations (Hallberg et al., 1999). The emollient behavior of wax esters makes it applicable for numerous personal care products (Peter Robert, 2001). Besides, synthetic ways to produced ester has been introduced since naturally occurring wax esters are limited and expensive (Keng et al., 2009). Thus, in this study lipase-catalyzed reaction of Palm Olein and Oleyl alcohol by using immobilized lipase will be carried out in order to synthesize wax esters (palm ester). Physicochemical study as well as thermal stability will also be conducted since the characterization of esters is important in order to examine their effectiveness in industrial applications. 3.0 Literature Review 3.1 Waxes In general, the mixture of long-chain of lipid forming a protective coating on plant leaves and animals is waxes (Keng et al., 2005). Besides, it has been used commercially in many areas. Lubricants, polishes, coating materials are some of its applications (Hamilton, 1995; Hallberg et al., 1999). Carnuba wax, beeswax, wool wax and spermaceti wax are some examples of waxes that exist naturally. Animals, plants and minerals are the source of natural waxes (Gunawan et al., 2005). Thus, waxes can be classified into two types which are natural waxes and synthetic waxes. 3.1.1 Natural Waxes Sperm whale oil is one of the natural waxes and it can be found in the open ocean. Years ago, the whale species of P. macrocephalaus was a prime source of wax. This is because of the liquid wax called spermaceti that contained in the head of the whale (Rice, 2009). The liquid wax is present abundantly in the spermaceti organ of the whales. Moreover, manufacturers found that spermaceti is very useful (Whale facts, 10 November 2014). It is a great substance that can be used in many sectors. However, due to the extinction of this species, the government has banned all the whale hunting. Thus, jojoba oil has become the main natural sources of wax since the cessation of whale hunting (Keng et al., 2009). Other than that, Jojoba is a shrub which can be found in Arizona, Mexico and some other areas (Allawzi et al., 1997). The seed of the Simmondsia chinesia (jojoba) plant contain a unique oil which known as jojoba oil. Besides, jojoba oil makes up approximately 50% of the seed’s weight. It is composed of the straight chain monoesters of the monounsaturated C20and C22 alcohols and acids (Wisniak, 1994). Furthermore, the uniqueness of jojoba oil is due to its chemical composition. It contains a little or no glycerin. As the glycerin is almost completely absence, it indicates that jojoba differs from the other seed oil. It is proved that it is a liquid wax not fat. 3.2.2 Synthetic Waxes Day by day, the demands of waxes keep growing. Unfortunately, it is too expensive for large-scale use of natural waxes like jojoba oil. Moreover, it requires up to 5 years for commercial jojoba plantations to start produce seeds (Keng et al., 2009). Thus, ways to synthesize wax with cheaper materials and in shorter time become very crutial (Radzi et al., 2005). In order to synthesize synthetic wax, chemical and enzymatic methods can be used (Keng et al., 2005). However, chemical-catalyzed method may leads to high energy consumption and degradation of esters whereas the enzymatic synthesis offers mild reactions and environmental-friendly process (Yadav Lathi, 2003). Normally, synthetic waxes are used in cosmetics formulations as replacement of natural waxes. Synthetic waxes from natural raw materials have not much different from the natural ones. Synthetic beeswax, synthetic spermaceti, polyethylene waxes and polawax are the examples of synthetic waxes (SpecialChem, 8 November 2014) 3.2.3 Wax Ester The long chain of esters that derived from fatty acids and alcohols are referred as wax esters (Chen Wang, 1997). The chemical structure of wax ester is shown in Figure 1 below. Typically, it is composed of n-alkanoic acids and n-alkan-1-ols with carbon atoms ranging from C12-C32 (Misra Ghosh, 1991). Wax esters are very important in various industries, especially in cosmetic formulations. This is due to its characteristics which are non-irritating and non-greasy feeling when in contact with skin (Peter Robert, 2001). Figure 1: The Chemical Structure of Wax Ester (AOCS lipid library, 10 November) Wax ester can be extracted from animals and plants. Besides, it is a major component of beeswax and jojoba plants. Hence, it’s can’t be deny that the extraction of wax ester from natural sources are expensive for commercial use and it is limited (Keng et al., 2005) 3.2 Palm Oil In early 1870, the oil palm tree (Elaeis guineensis) has been introduced in Malaysia as an ornamental plant by British (Malaysian palm oil council, 11 November 2014). The oil palm tree originates from West Africa (Hartley, 1988). Typically, it has been used as cooking oil. As this plant can be commercialized, it has also been introduced to many other countries. From wild plant, it was developed into an agricultural crop. Moreover, the expansion of its plantation was due to the high demands from the consumers. Figure 2 below shows the oil palm tree as an agricultural crop. Figure 2: The Oil Palm Tree (Wikipedia Palm Oil, 12 November 2014) The first commercial of oil palm in Malaysia was founded on 1917 (Malaysian Palm Oil Council, 11 November 2014). From that onwards, the huge palm oil industry in Malaysia had started. Recently, palm oil, the extraction from the fruit of oil palm is the leading agricultural crop of Malaysia (MPOB, 2004). Besides, Malaysia has been announced as one of the largest producers and exporters of palm oil in the world (Malaysian Palm Oil Council, 11 November 2014). The uniqueness of palm oil composition makes it easy to be commercialized. In addition, it has been applied in many industrial sectors such as pharmaceutical, cosmetic formulations and food manufacturing (Keng et al, 2005). In Malaysia, the oil palm trees planted are the crossbred of dura and pisifera, known as tenera variety (Latiff, 2000). The mature trees will grow up to 20m tall. The size of the palm fruits is approximately the same with the size of the small plum and it’s grow in bunches. The weight of each bunch is between 10-50 kilograms and containing around 2000 individual fruits. Usually, the oil palm tree will start to produce fruits after 30 months. Its productivity will keep growing for the next 3 decades (Palm oil world, 11 November 2014). Normally, the fruits are dark purple and almost black (Malaysian Palm Oil Council, 11 November 2014). The colour will turns to reddish orange when ripe. The fruits consist of an outer pulp and kernels (Gunstone, 2001). The fruit of palm tree is the source of two different oils. Palm oil and palm kernel oil are the types of oil that can be obtained from the fruit of oil palm tree (Malaysian Palm Oil Council, 11 November 2014). The outer pulp contains palm oil while palm kernel oil is obtained from the kernel of the fruit. Even though these two types of oil are derived from the same plant, they are completely different by comparing their characteristics and properties (Keng et al, 2009). Figure 3 below shows the fruit bunches of oil palm tree and its cross section. Figure 3: The Fruit Bunches of Oil Palm Tree and Its Cross Section. (Malaysian Palm Oil Board, 12 November 2014) Furthermore, palm oil consists of triglycerides. Triglycerides are a combination of glycerol and different fatty acids. Palm oil is rich in palmitic acid and oleic acid, while palm kernel oil is rich lauric acid (O’Brien, 2004). Besides, these fats can be fractionated into solid and liquid fractions to produce stearins and oleins, respectively (Keng et al, 2009). Even though Lipase-catalyzed reaction of palm oil and palm kernel oil by using lipase are quite simple, the characterization of long chain esters is significant in order to examine their ability and efficiency in industrial sector. Palm Olein, the liquid fraction of palm oil will be used in the synthesis of palm ester instead of the other fractions (Malaysian Palm Oil Council, 12 November 2014). Thus, the synthesis, physicochemical properties and thermal stability of palm ester will be carried out specifically focusing on alm Olein. 3.3 Enzymes Human body is characterized by complex system of related chemical reaction. Besides, the reaction must be fully controlled in order to maintain life. Thus, enzymes are necessary for many reactions to confirm that it occur at suitable rates (Brown et al., 2012). Enzyme is a substance that speeds up reactions without any permanent changes and also known as catalyst. The building blocks of enzymes are amino acids and they are proteins. Enzyme catalyzes reaction takes place at specific location known as active site. Usually, enzymes are specific according to the reaction they catalyzed and the substrate that involves in the reaction. However, unwelcoming inhibitors are naturally occurring and disturb the enzyme reaction. Since enzymes are flexible, the active site is continuously reshaped. Besides, the combination of enzyme and substrate is called the enzyme-substrate complex. As the enzymes react with many substrates, the rigid lock and key model is not valid. In 1958, the modification of lock and key model has been proposed. Figure 4 below shows the modification of lock and key model (Koshland, 1958). Figure 4: The Lock and Key Model (Wikipedia, 11 November 2014) 3.3.1 Lipases Lipases are water-soluble enzyme and it’s able to catalyze both hydrolytic and synthetic reaction. Lipases are widely used in many sectors. They play an important role in the production of leather, detergent industries and in production of surfactants (Knezevic et al., 2004). Naturally, lipases are used in hydrolysis of acylglycerides. However, they are useful in many other reactions. In fact, lipases are qualified of catalyzing the reverse reaction synthesis Due to its ability to combine with broad range of substrate specificity (Gandhi, 1997). Besides, some lipases are more suited for synthesis than hydrolysis reactions. 3.3.2 Immobilized Lipases Lipases used in detergents and many other applications are not immobilized. However, due to an increasing specialty application of lipases demand an immobilized biocatalyst for efficient use (Sharma et al., 2001). Besides, immobilized lipase can reduce the cost and poor stability of free lipase. Adsorption, covalent binding and entrapping are some of the immobilization techniques (Knezeic et al., 2004). Since the immobilization method is typically accompanied by changes in enzymatic activity, pH, temperature and stability, each of the methods has its advantages and disadvantages. Besides, the used of immobilized lipases are very useful in the pharmaceutical, oleochemical and food industry (Knezevic et al., 2004). 3.4 Lipase-Catalyzed Reaction Lipase-catalyzed reaction can be classified into two main categories which are hydrolysis and synthesis. Synthesis category can be further separated into esterification, interesterification, alcoholysis and acidolysis. Table 1 below shows the classification of lipase-catalyzed reaction. Table 1: The Classification of Lipase-Catalyzed Reaction (Gandhi, 1997) In this experiment, alcoholysis of lipase-catalyzed reaction will be conducted. It is also called enzymatic transesterification as the last three reactions (interesterifiction, alcohoysis and acidolysis) are grouped together into single term which is transesterification (Gandhi, 1997). 3.5 Oleyl Alcohol Oleyl alcohol is long chain fatty acids. Fatty acids can be derived from natural fats and oils. Besides, it can be found I beef fat as well as fish oils. Cis-9-Octadecen-1-ol and Oleo alcohol are the synonyms name of oleyl alcohol. The chemical formula of oleyl alcohol is CH3(CH2)7CH=CH(CH2)7CH2OH. Moreover, oleyl alcohol is a clear oily liquid and insoluble in water (chemicalland21, 10 November 2014). Furthermore, fatty alcohols are emulsifiers and emollients to make skin smoother and prevent moisture loss (chemicalland21, 10 November 2014). Hence, it has been used widely as raw materials in industrial sectors such as cosmetics, pharmaceutical, metal processing and lube additive. In this study, Oleyl alcohol will be used as internal standard of gas chromatography analyses. The chemical structure of oleyl alcohol is shown in Figure 5; Figure 5: The Chemical Structure Of Oleyl Alcohol (chemicalland21, 10 November 2014) 3.6 The Application of Physicochemical Study in Cosmetic Formulations Nowadays, industrial cosmetic has immerged along with the advancement of global technology. The development of new cosmetic formulations is due to the discovery of active component in herbs and other natural sources. Thus, study has been done in order to investigate the chemical composition and characteristics of the active components. 3.6.1 Physicochemical Study According to Brasil (2004), physicochemical study is the determinant step in the development of cosmetic formulations. Physicochemical study is the study of the relations between composition and physical properties of the elements. Besides, this study is significant in order to know the intrinsic properties of elements and their ability to react with specific reagent (High Technology Detection Systems, 12 November 2014). Slip melting point, refractive index, saponification value, iodine value and acid value are the physicochemical measurement that will be analyzed in this study. Slip melting point is one of the physical properties which is useful in identification purposes and assessment of purity. It’s proportional to the increase in chain length and degree of saturation. In addition, slip melting points fats usually contain 5% solid fat; thus slip melting point generally happens at lower temperature than the melting point of the fat itself (Akoh et al., 2004). The ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to the speed in the medium is known as the refractive index. Besides, refractive index is easily determined characteristics of fats, oils and their derivatives. It is important to obtain an accurate refractive index for the purposes of identification and for the progress of reaction like catalytic and isomerization. Generally, for the liquid oils, the density increases with increase in unsaturation and decreases with the increase in molecular weight at constant temperature. On the other hand, the refractive index will increases with the length of hydrocarbon chain and when the number of double bonds in molecules increase (Formo, 1999). Saponification is hydrolysis of ester under alkaline solution. Saponification value is the measure of chain length of all fatty acids present. The saponification value of an oil or fat is defined as the number of mg of potassium hydroxide required to neutralize the fatty acids resulting from the complete hydrolysis of 1 g of the sample. Besides, low saponification value is found from the long chain fatty acids due to the fewer number of carboxylic functional groups (Virtual Amrita Laboratories Universalizing Education, 13 November 2014). For the Iodine value, it measures the content of unsaturation or double bonds of fats and oils. Besides, it is one of the parameters used to measure the quality of olein (Buana et al., 1998). The iodine value also denotes the percentage by weight halogen, calculated as iodine and absorbed under the condition of the test. It is expressed as the number of iodine (grams) absorbed by the fat (100 grams) under test condition. According to O’Brien (1988), iodine value is a valuable constant that can be easily determined for fats and oils. One of the common parameter used in specification of fats and oils is acid value. It is defined as the number of milligrams potassium hydroxide needed to neutralize the free acid in one gram of sample. Besides, it is a measure of free fatty acids present in the fat or oil (chemprime, 13 November 2014). 3.6.2 Applications in Cosmetic Since ancient times, natural extracts from animals, plants and minerals have been used as special ingredients in cosmetics (Elsner Maibach, 2000). Wax esters are formulated in numerous personal care products due to its emollient behavior. Due to that, proper study on its characteristics is as important as the synthesis reaction (Keng et al., 2009). Besides, one of the most essential phases in development of new cosmetic formulations is the adequate physicochemical characterization to guarantee the identification of new patentable compound (Crystal Engineering, 12 November 2014). Physicochemical study is not a visible nor directly applied in cosmetic. However, the determination of each properties of physicochemical study is important in order to verify the compatibility of the extraction of palm oil for cosmetic application. Besides, it is important to verify whether the cosmetics are safe to be used. Hence, in this study the physicochemical properties of palm oil fraction focusing on palm olein will be carried out. 4.0 Problem Statement Currently, most of the chemical product derived from synthetic origin. However, product produced from chemical synthesis is not pure and involved hazardous chemicals. Thus, enzymatic reaction is preferable due to green synthesis process, environmental friendly and the product is pure. Physicochemical study is important in cosmetic formulations. However, rarely study on physicochemical had been reported in journal and any research paper. Due to that, in this research, a physicochemical study will be carried out such as slip melting point, refractive index, saponification value, iodine value, and acid stability. Besides, thermal stability will also be carried out in this research. Nowadays, a lot of synthesized products had been produce. However, the verification of those products was rarely reported. Hence, in this study, the synthesized product will be verified using spectroscopy methods such as thin layer chromatography (TLC) and gas chromatography (GC). 5.0 Objectives In this study, the synthesis of palm ester will be carried out. Enzymatic synthesis will be applied in order to produce palm ester. Besides, the physicochemical study will be conducted in order to apply palm ester in cosmetics. Therefore, this particular work will be carried out with the following objectives: To synthesize palm ester through enzymatic transesterification. To investigate the physicochemical properties and thermal stability of palm ester. To verify the synthesized palm ester using spectroscopy methods.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Dinosaur Essay -- essays papers
Dinosaur Dinosaurs: Extinct or Natural Causes As geologic time goes, all the dinosaurs living on earth suddenly disappeared. How did these dominated and gigantic creatures really die? Was it a slow extinction through natural causes, or did it happen suddenly? These questions give rise to many different beliefs on how the dinosaurs disappeared over sixty-five million years ago. Something happened sixty-five million years ago, at the end of the Cretaceous period that was so devastating that it altered the course of life on earth. Extinction is easily defined: the birth rate fails to keep up with the death rate. However, the definition does not answer the question about the nature or causes of extinction. Since so many different causes of death of the dinosaur arose, paleontologists generally divide extinction into two main types. The first is called background extinction, or the isolated extinction of a species due to a variety of cause. Included in these background extinctions is out competition (the fight of the food), depletion of resources in a habitat, changes in climate, development or destruction of a mountain range, river channel migration, eruption of a volcano, the drying of a lake, or the destruction of a forest, grassland, or wetland habitat. The second type of extinction is called mass extinction. There are four main components: Large numbers species go extinct; many types of species go extinct; the effects are global; and the effects occur in a geologically short period of time (Encarta). The dinosaur could not have lived forever. No creature, plant, and bacteria are forever, not even Homo Sapiens. Extinction is the ultimate fate of all species. One theory on how the dinosaurs became extinc... ... environmental crisis may have spelled disaster for the dinosaurs. It had to be so sweeping that it affected countless other forms, including the dinosaurs. It is how these successful creatures were eliminated from the planet is a fascinating mystery. however, scientist cannot determine how dinosaurs really became extinct. Perhaps something fell the sky and struck the planet causing a huge dust cloud, utterly shutting out the sun and forcing the dinosaurs into extinction. But why did the little mammals survive, or the crocodiles and birds? Current evidence suggests that the sun or a â€Å"greenhouse effect†terminated the dinosaurs sixty-five million years ago (Colbert). Bibliography: Colbert, Edwin Harris, 1905- Dinosaurs; Their Discovery and Their World. New York, E. P. Dutton & Co.,INC., 1961, 1st ed. Encarta Encyclopedia Article, "Dinosaur", 2001
Sunday, August 18, 2019
An Analysis of Two Literary Works of Douglas Adams Essay -- Literary
Douglas Adams, an English writer, may in fact be one of the most spontaneously humorous writers of all time; he exhibits this in many unique ways, although many could overlook this and think of his works as elementary. He is a writer of humor, personality, and subtile theme that is passes up by most. In many ways, one could argue that the aspects of his writing are juvenile, but one must see past this front that he puts on and realize that there is far greater thought and meaning behind it if one were to delve. His novels are spectacular, and they keep the reader interested while still providing a leisurely easygoing atmosphere in which to read. In the truly sidesplitting novels The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and The Restaurant at the End of the Universe (the latter is the sequel to the former), Adams incorporates the following: a sarcastic, agreeable style, ironic theme within this style, and a humorously diverse set of characters that only he could have portrayed. One aspect of Adams’ style is that he is exceptional at creating dry humor out of anything. What is dry humor? Cambridge Dictionaries speculates in a webpage entitled â€Å"Dry (Humor)†that â€Å"Dry humor is very funny in a way which is clever and not loud or obvious†(â€Å"Dry (Humor) 1). When people read one of Adams’ novels, this is exactly the kind of humor that they experience. When one reads a passage in which Adams uses this type of humor, one can only think that if Adams were speaking right in front of someone, he would have a face of stone while telling one some incredibly outlandish phenomenon. In Chapter 17 of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Adams explains that â€Å"The next thing that happened was a mind-mangling explosion of noise and light†(88). ... ...ificant as he thinks he is; Adams would agree that the earth is just an insignificant blue and green speck of a planet in a vast universe of nothingness. Finally, he has a group of characters which he creates that are unmatched in individuality, and the interactions that they share are truly amusing. Works Cited Adams, Douglas. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. New York: Harmony, 1980. Print. Adams, Douglas. The Restaurant at the End of the Universe. New York: Harmony, 1981. Print. â€Å"Douglas Adams’ Biography.† 12 Feb. 2012. Web. 16 Feb. 2012. â€Å"Dry (Humor).† Web. 29 Mar. 2012. Garland, Robert. â€Å"Douglas Adams’ Writing Style.† 13 Jun. 1996. Web. 4 Mar. 2012. Menhart, Maximillian. â€Å"Tone in Douglas Adams’ The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.† 9 Mar. 2009. Web. 29 Mar. 2012.
News :: essays research papers
Partygoers find renewed meaning in holidays Saturday, December 22 at the Brick Elks Lodge 2152 celebrating the birth of Jesus topped the list of paying homage. Instead of the more popular getting presents and money, the party was payback to the members who volunteer. The party was for Elks children and grandchildren. Food, Entertainment and Santa Clause were available there. The Elks basically help people by donation things such as wheelchairs, canes, and walkers for handicapped kids. They also give food during Thanksgiving and Christmas. Last month they even had a party for veterans. All together the Elks are a pretty nice organization of caring people. Bush expected to seek 15 billion more to beef up domestic security Our President George Bush is planning to get 15 billion dollars for his 2003 budget. This money will account for police officers to baggage screening equipment. It may also include new communication equipment so hospitals can react faster if another terrorist attack were to happen. Congress wanted to spend 20 billion for security in its 2002 plan, they even had it approved. Except approximately half of that money was used before the September 11th attacks. After the state of Union Address to Congress in January the president will release his 2003 budget plan. Dress up yogurt without adding fat Yogurts with the labels "nonfat" and "low fat" are all good for you when you want to make some cut backs on what you eat. But you see there are still catches to eating all of these. Yogurt like many other foods doesn't just contain the fruits posted on the cover. Companies add many chemicals and concoctions used to make the yogurt taste better. This is basically like mixing the fruits and then adding 7 teaspoons of sugar. Which can double the calories. They also add sweeteners and even artificial coloring. If you have tried nonfat or low fat yogurts then you know how terrible they taste. There is an alternative of course. What you can do is cut up your own fruits and put them in the yogurt to bring some real flavor back. Which will keep it healthy and make it tasty. Many elderly people taking inappropriate medications A study taken by the Healthcare Research and Quality has come to believe that many elders have taken incorrect medications. Approximately 1/5 of 32 million elderly people who live by themselves used 1 of 33 medicines considered dangerous for the older society.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Treachery and Betrayal in Othello
Treachery and betrayal, they belong hand in hand, like a married couple, for they both ultimately lead to misery and sorrow. In William Shakespeare’s play, Othello, acts of treachery and betrayal have great dramatic significance. They greatly contribute to the theme that appearance does not always portray reality, and reality is not what one sees but more often what one does not see. The acts of treachery and betrayal in Othello help to develop this theme through character development. Such acts include: how Iago deceives Othello by being his friend and enemy at the same time. Othello betraying his wife’s love and trust. Emilia (Iago’s wife) betraying her very own husband for justice. Finally Iago’s betrayal of Roderigo, using him and his money for his evil plans, and then killing him. Through ought all of these acts of treachery and violence and betrayal a common theme seems to be developed, mostly through the development of characters. Iago’s character is a prime example of how acts of treachery and betrayal can alter people. Iago starts of by wanting to ruin Othello’s reputation as a great and wise general, as Iago says in (I, i,44) â€Å"I follow him to serve my turn upon him†. Iago tells this to Roderigo, showing that he intends to betray Othello, by pretending to be his friend and then corrupting and betraying him. As the play progresses, Iago’s intentions are less driven by reason, and more driven by revenge, and blind lustful impulses, â€Å"[Othello] shall fall between us†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (IV,iii,246). Iago says this to Roderigo, when he says it is evident that at this point Iago’s character has undergone deep change. For not only does he want to ruin Othello’s reputation, but now he wants to obliterate, destroy, and crush Othello’s reputation, but he also wants to obliterate, destroy, and crush Othello’s entire life. This change in character is mainly due to the fact that the treacherous and betrayal acts that Iago has committed have altered his ways of thinking and have poisoned his very mind. The more of these acts that he commits, the more his character changes. The more his character changes the more deceitful and concealed Iago’s actions become. The appearance of his actions are not what they seem. His actions are twofaced, deceptive and cunning. This set of changes in his character and behaviour contribute to a common theme, the theme that appearance does not always portray reality. This theme is helped to be developed by Iago’s change in character, the more acts of treachery he commits, the more deceitful he is, it is a as if he grows a second face, giving him two faces. One face for deception where he pretends to be loyal and a good friend, and another where his true evil intentions are shown. All this just to get revenge on one man, Othello. By the time Othello realizes what is going on, it is too late and his appearance of things shatter revealing the reality of the situation. Othello has already fallen into the trap, unjustly killing his wife, thanks to Iago’s twofaced deception. Upon coming to this realization Othello finally knows that appearances do not always portray reality, all thanks to Iago’s cunning character. Othello loves his wife Desdemona very much at the start of the play he would do anything for her, believe her every word. However this eventually changes because Othello’s character changes. His character changes because of his acts of betrayal towards his wife. When Othello becomes suspicious that his wife is having an affair with Cassio, he does not ask his wife about it, but instead he goes behind her back and betrays her trust by asking Iago for proof â€Å"†¦Iago I’ll see before I doubt; when I doubt prove†(III, iii, 203-204). By asking Iago for proof, and not his wife Othello is betraying his wife’s trust and love. Through each act of betrayal Othello’s character changes, he sees less reality and more fake appearances. He thinks less logically and more impulsively, with jealousy. His change in character causes him to lose sight of reality and this causes him to go into further betrayal, by ultimately killing his wife, and completely betraying her trust and love and kindness. The more that Othello’s character changes the less reality he sees, and the more fiction he sees, which makes him betray someone he loves, because appearances are not always true. Othello and Desdemona are not the only couple that suffer acts of betrayal from within their very own relationship. Emilia and Iago are another couple that, whose characters’ change causing them to lose touch with reality. Emilia is always suspicious of Iago but she still trusts him, for example when she gives Desdemona’s handkerchief to Iago reluctantly â€Å"If [the handkerchief]be not for some purpose of import,/Give't me again: poor lady, she'll run mad/ When she shall lack it†(III,iii,156-159). Emilia does not want to give the handkerchief to Iago because she thinks he might to something to hurt Desdemona and Othello with it. Therefore she asks him indirectly to give it back to Desdemona. In doing so Emilia is betraying her husbands trust by doubting his intentions. This small event is enough to change her view of her husband, and plant doubt in her mind as to the reality of his actions versus their appearance. Ultimately this small action has great consequences to her life. Near the end of the play, once Othello kills his wife, Emilia finds out and she confronts Othello, and she reveals that it was her husband that betrayed him. In doing so, she has betrayed all trust that she and her husband had. Making Othello see the reality of the situation, and shoving aside the illusion that Iago had woven around him. Iago in turn kills her, rewarding her for her betrayal, as he has done before to others. Iago has betrayed many people among them a very good friend of his, Roderigo. Roderigo is a naive man who is in love with Desdemona, and he is paying Iago to set them up. Through ought the play he keeps paying Iago and he believes that Iago is doing this to help him. However all is not as it appears, for in truth Iago is using Roderigo’s money and using Roderigo to do his bidding all the while pretending to be his friend and helping him to get to Desdemona. I have rubb'd this young quat almost to the sense,/And he grows angry. Now, whether he kill Cassio,/Or Cassio him, or each do kill the other,/ Every way makes my gain†(IV, ii, 256-236). When Iago says this it shows how much he did not care for his friend, he was only using him for his own gain and vengeful purposes. Consequently Iago ends up killing Roderigo so that he may look like an innocent savior and a noble man. For Roderig o was instructed by Iago to kill Cassio. Through this act Iago has put on an act a mask, for he has disguised the reality of his actions through the betrayal of one of his close friends. In doing so Iago’s character has become cold and cunning, able to make reality his puppet by putting on illusions for others to see and not reality. All of the above examples: from Iago betraying Othello by being his friend and enemy at the same time, Othello’s betrayal of his wife’s trust and love, Emilia betraying her husband and making his evil deeds known to others and Iago’s use and murder of one of his close friends. All of these acts of treachery caused the characters’ of the people committing them, to change for the worst. As the characters changed they saw less of reality and more fake appearances of things and events. This flaw in how characters see things leads to a common theme being developed that theme is: appearance does not always portray reality, and reality is not what one sees but more often what one does not see. Having eyes does not mean a person is able to see the truth, but merely means that they can observe all the illusions created by others, for to truly see the truth, one must look with their minds eye.
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